

中文摘要 本計畫為持續性工作,執行「110年度雲林縣固定污染源管制、查核計畫」,依工作內容及目標落實管理、科技執法、污染削減及智慧便民四項管制策略,來執行雲林縣固定源管制與管理, 計畫執行期程係自110.04.15至111.02.14止共計10個月茲將重要成果摘要說明如下. 一、落實法規 本年度法規查核共完成139件次許可證查核作業,有缺失者28件次,其中明確違反空法已告發者5廠。逸散源總列管家數為69家,共完成163家次現場法規查核作業,查核有缺失者共49家次,因缺失記點未達10點以上且可立即改善(灑水、覆蓋、路面清洗..),皆勸導現場立即改善。微感器測熱區查核135家次仍查得有缺失者12家次,其中防制設備未正常運作或超出許可核定範圍者共有8件,其餘4件為排放管道或污染源管線有破裂或腐蝕情形。違反空污法案件已交由環保局告發。 二、科技執法 利用紅外線影像監視器架設工業區監測高值當下可藉由即時管道排放煙流影像,初判是否有黑白煙之狀況。由大量排放白煙影像進廠查核發現,一家染整廠防制設備靜電集塵器未運作,依違反空污法23條告發。利用無人機搭載熱顯像儀監控進行日夜間共六點位14場次飛行。發現科技工業區一染整廠僅領有設置許可證,但排放管道以熱像儀照出鍋爐使用中排放廢氣,以未取得操作許可證告發。另於水林鄉發現三處露天燃燒痕跡,通知稽查隊立即進行插旗警告處理。 三、污染削減 配合本縣污染防制計畫書訂定管制措施及持續推動燃料改善,既存鍋爐污染改善110年改善30座,可削減空氣污染物排放量硫氧化物53噸/年、氮氧化物45噸/年及粒狀污染物26噸/年。斗六工業區54廠次稽查,本次查核共計查獲發現有違法12家公私場所違反空污法規定裁處165萬元,工業區老舊設備清查缺失改善後減量粒狀物12.9公噸、硫氧化物21.64公噸、氮氧化物8.7公噸及揮發性有機物41.45公噸。 四、智慧便民 為使固定污染源設置及操作許可證申辦更加便民,運用LINE提供許可證諮詢服務,縮短許可證審查退、補件往返次數與時間。平台目前統計至111年2月底已有257位加入(包含公私場所及代辦業者),仍持續推廣中。業者搜尋官方帳號ID (@466xkhlx)或掃描 QR code (https://lin.ee/dwf3wH0)即可加入「雲林環保局空污許可諮詢服務群組」。
中文關鍵字 固定污染源、空氣污染防制費,定檢及監測


專案計畫編號 YLEPB-110-040 經費年度 110 計畫經費 16800 千元
專案開始日期 2021/02/15 專案結束日期 2022/02/14 專案主持人 苗宛陶
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 林坤信 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年雲林縣固定污染源管制、查核計畫.pdf 11MB

Project of Year 2021 for Control and Inspection of Stationary pollution sources of Yuilin County

英文摘要 This plan was deemed a continuous work to implement the “2021 Control and Inspection Plan for Yunlin County Stationary Pollution Source”, implementing control and management of Yunlin County stationary pollution source according to the work content and objectives to materialize management, scientific and technological law enforcement, pollution reduction and smart convenience. The plan implementation period was 10 months starting from Apr. 15, 2021 to Feb. 14, 2022. The major results are summarized as follows. 1. Materialization of Regulations In this year’s regulatory inspections, A total of 139 license inspections were completed, and unconformities were found in 28 pieces of them, in which 5 factories were reported to have manifestly violated the Air Pollution Control Act. The total number of controlled sources of fugitive emissions was 69, and a total of 163 on-spot regulatory inspections were completed. Unconformities were found in 49 pieces of them. The factory with penalty points that have not reached more than 10 points and can be improved immediately (sprinkling, covering, road surface cleaning) were advised to improve on spot immediately. In 135 cases of micro-sensor temperature-measurement area inspections, 12 cases were still found unconformities, including 8 cases where the control equipment was not operating normally or exceeded the approved range, and the remaining 4 cases were ruptured or corroded in the discharge pipeline or pollution source pipeline. The cases of violation of the Air Pollution Control Act had been reported to the Environmental Protection Bureau. 2. Scientific and Technological Law Enforcement Use of infrared imaging monitors to set up industrial areas to monitor high-value currents can discharge smoke images through real-time pipelines to preliminarily determine whether there is black and white smoke. Inspecting by using big white smoke images in the factory, and it was found that the electrostatic precipitator of a dyeing and finishing plant was not operating, which was reported according to Article 23 of the Air Pollution Control Act. A total of 14 flights at 6 sites in the day and night were carried out by using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with a thermal imager to monitor. It was found that a dyeing and finishing plant in the Science and Technology Industrial Zone only had a license for installation, but the exhaust pipe was found, by a thermal imager, to have emitted exhaust gas while the boiler was in use, which was reported for not having an operating license. In addition, three open-air burning traces were found in Shuilin Township, which was given a warning with flag-raising by the inspection team notified to immediately go to tackle the event. 3. Pollution Reduction In cooperation with the County’s pollution control plan’s specified control measures and the continuous promotion of fuel improvement, the existing boiler pollution was improved by 30 units in 2021, which reduced air pollutant emissions by 53 tons/year of sulfur oxides, 45 tons/year of nitrogen oxides and 26 tons/year of particulate pollutants. There were 54 times of inspection in Douliu Industrial Park, and a total of 12 public and private venues were found to have violated the Air Pollution Control Act in this inspection and were fined NT$1.65 million, and 12.9 tons of particulate matters, 21.64 tons of Sulfur oxides, 8.7 tons of nitrogen oxides and 41.45 tons of volatile organic compounds were reduced after the old equipment in the industrial park was inspected and improved. 4. Smart Convenience To make it more convenient to set up stationary pollution source and apply for operating permits, LINE is used to provide permit consulting services, which shortens the number and time of permit review, rejected and additional documents. 257 people have joined by the end of February 2022 (including public and private venues and agencies) according to statistics on the platform, and it is still being promoted. A company may search for the official account ID (@466xkhlx) or scan the QR code (https://lin.ee/dwf3wH0) to join the “Yunlin Environmental Protection Bureau Air Pollution Permit Consulting Service Group”.
英文關鍵字 Stationary pollution sources, Air pollution control fee, Inspection & monitor