

中文摘要 為提升全民氣候變遷認知,動員全民共同參與低碳永續家園工作,行政院環境保護署自104 年推動「低碳永續家園評等推動計畫」,透過自主參與機制,動員村里執行低碳永續行動項目;地方政府亦在政策推動下,形成運作良好的專責推動組織,並串聯中央政府、村里民眾、企業、非政府組織等資源,長期經營低碳永續行動項目與教育宣導,引導民眾從日常生活中積極實踐低碳行動。 本計畫為強化低碳永續家園建構,除透過維運低碳永續家園現有推動體系及辦理評等推動相關事宜外,也結合低碳永續家園評等推動計畫之行動項目與國際淨零排放行動策略,建立彼此連結,提出邁向淨零家園之建議方案,同時也透過辦理專家諮詢會議,針對國際淨零策略報告與低碳永續家園的連結進行探討,作為未來強化精進評等制度之參考依據。 本計畫為使民眾了解低碳永續家園認證評等,於103年10月建置「低碳永續家園資訊網」,並配合低碳永續家園評等推動制度修正,盤點氣候變遷生活網及低碳永續家園推動成果,強化低碳永續家園資訊網平台介面功能,包括調整系統查詢功能、增加執行成果之加值應用及增加亮點作為專區,亦提升系統友善度及網站流量,並取得 A 等級之無障礙標章。。 同時為鼓勵長期參與「低碳永續家園評等推動計畫」與獲得評等之村(里)持續投入量能,在既有減碳基礎上,強化執行深度,展現推動減碳之作法,本計畫辦理多元績效競賽活動,並製作花絮影片公開播放,後續再辦理論壇及透過社群媒體廣為宣傳,累積12,661筆分享數,共計約3,000次互動數,具體提升全民參與程度與民眾低碳素養。
中文關鍵字 低碳措施、永續發展、全民參與


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 9363.841 千元
專案開始日期 2021/07/12 專案結束日期 2022/08/11 專案主持人 尤世雄
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 周怡君 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 @110年低碳永續家園精進專案工作計畫成果報告V2.pdf 50MB 成果報告

2021 Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Advancement Project

英文摘要 To raise public awareness of climate change and encourage people to participate in the effort of creating a low-carbon sustainable homeland, the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, has been promoting the Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Program since 2015. Through voluntary participation, residents were mobilized to implement low-carbon sustainable measures. Local governments have also established well-functioning task force organizations under the policy. Local governments also worked together with the central government, village residents, enterprises, and NGOs to implement long-term low-carbon sustainable actions and educational campaigns, guiding people to actively implement low-carbon actions in their daily lives. The objective of this project was to improve the establishment of a low-carbon sustainable homeland by maintaining its promotion system and implementing an evaluation scheme. In addition, this project integrated the action plan with the international net-zero action strategy to propose strategies for driving toward a net-zero homeland. Two expert consultation meetings were organized to explore the connection between the international net-zero strategy report and the Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Program. An evaluation scheme was included in this project to serve as a reference for improving the program. To enhance the public’s knowledge regarding the Low Carbon Sustainable Certification, this project established the Low Carbon Sustainable Information System in October 2014. According to the promotion plan, the project team adjusted the functions in the certification section, improved the examination and inquiry of the result documents, maintained the review functions of application documents, and completed the quantitative data filling of the evaluation scheme. This project also continued to focus on strengthening the promotion effectiveness of the Low Carbon Sustainable Information System and planned to establish a specific area for showing the performance of excellent villages and revamp the website. A knowledge section was also created to improve the overall user-friendliness and readability of the system, facilitating mutual learning among villages. To encourage excellent villages to continuously participate in the Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Program and contribute their efforts, this project team strengthened the implementation and demonstrated enthusiasm and innovation in promoting carbon reduction based on the existing carbon reduction foundation. This program organized diverse performance competitions and publicized them through social media. A total of 12,661 shares and 3,000 interactions were counted. A highlight video was produced for public broadcast to enhance the participation and low-carbon literacy of the public.
英文關鍵字 Low-carbon measures, Sustainable development, Public participation