

中文摘要 柴油引擎因引擎輸出馬力大,油耗相對於汽油引擎來的少,被廣泛地運用在乘客或貨物的運送、軍事或者工程機械等用途上;但柴油車輛所排放的黑煙污染物經研究顯示出,對人體健康會產生巨大的危害。因此,在車輛污染管制上,除新車審驗標準漸趨加嚴外,亦針對使用中車輛加強管制工作,並宣導按時保養檢驗,藉以提升空氣品質。 依據行政院環境保護署空氣品質模式分析結果,除了境外傳輸的影響外,國內移動源、工業源及其他固定源對細懸浮微粒濃度(PM2.5)影響比率分別為30%~37%、27%~31%及32%~43%。其中又以柴油大貨車佔比達11.2%~16.8%為最高,是排名第一的污染來源。依據TEDS11.0排放量資料顯示,嘉義市本身總PM2.5排放量共226.28公噸/年,其中移動源PM2.5排放量約有108.54公噸,佔總量48.0%,移動源排放中柴油車PM2.5排放量42.15公噸,佔移動源總量的38.84%。 為有效管制嘉義市柴油車空氣污染,執行柴油車路邊攔檢及目視稽查,以及自主管理、校車及公務車管制、設置空氣品質維護區等相關管制措施,都是希望透過相關稽查管制,找出高污染車輛促進改善來達到污染減量,同時也透過車牌辨識系統找出未被納管之潛在污染柴油車輛通知到檢,有效的掌握行駛於嘉義市轄區中之柴油車輛之排煙污染情形,並鼓勵老舊大型柴油車主汰舊換新、調修保養車輛及加裝空氣污染防制設備並協助申請補助款,透過稽查、宣導及補助措施結合,針對柴油車輛加強管制,藉以督促車主加強車輛日常維修保養,讓使用中柴油車輛都能符合排放標準,提高環境空氣品質,以達清淨環境之目的。此外,針對轄區內易怠速地點執行停車熄火宣導與稽查作業;另外也配合執行原地噪音檢測工作,此外亦配合警察局、監理站及環保局執行夜間稽查等工作,降低機動車輛噪音產生,還給市民一個安靜的空間。 計畫自110年2月20日至110年12月15日止成果。 (1) 到站檢測之柴油車共有2,316輛,其中檢測不合格45輛,不合格率1.9%;核發自主管理標章2,286輛。 (2) 路邊攔檢工作執行篩選797輛,其中161輛進行檢測(一~三期柴油車佔82.0%),不合格數有79輛,不合格率為49.1%。 (3) 柴油車目視判煙篩選通知208輛。 (4) 執行車牌辨識稽查562,478輛,發出主動到檢通知2,012輛。 (5) 停車熄火稽巡查共1,005輛。 嘉義市政府成立嘉義市清淨空氣推動委員會以來,致力於降低空氣污染對市民的健康危害,而移動源污染中柴油車所排放的廢氣也最為民眾詬病。本計畫透過各種稽查及宣導手段,迫使出入轄區內柴油車能夠接受檢測合格並進一步取得自主管理標章,希望確保進出嘉義市柴油車排煙狀況皆能符合排煙標準,以降低轄區內污染來源。目前排煙站檢測之柴油車合格率為93.7%,其中取得自主管理標章為97.2%,距離全數取得自主管理標章目標仍需持續努力。今年度主要稽查對象為一、二、三期老舊高污染車輛,同時結合環保署老舊大型柴油車汰舊換新補助及調修燃油控制系統及加裝空氣污染防制設備補助政策加強宣導,雙管齊下來降低污染。今年到目前為止,在計畫執行下只有柴油車汰舊是永久性減量,也仍需維持推動柴油車輛定期檢測確保排煙無虞,以有效達成污染減量之目的。本計畫執行污染排放減量為PM10 14.50公噸、PM2.5 12.90公噸、NOx 191.17公噸、NMHC 17.25公噸、CO 66.95公噸。
中文關鍵字 柴油車、空氣污染、自主管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 8450 千元
專案開始日期 2021/02/20 專案結束日期 2021/12/15 專案主持人 吳書易
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王怡評 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年柴油車計畫期末定稿(上傳).pdf 13MB 期末報告

Chiayi City Diesel Vehicle Air Pollution Control and Idling Motor Vehicle Park and Stop audit plan in 2021

英文摘要 As diesel engine has high output horsepower, it consumes relatively less fuel comparing with petrol engine. This is has resulted in the wide applications thereof, including passenger/ freight transportation, military or construction machinery. Nevertheless, research indicates that the black smoke emitted by diesel vehicles can cause serious harm to human body. This is the reason that, with respect to vehicle pollution controls, not only are new vehicles examined with stricter standards, but regular maintenance and inspections are highly promoted to enhance the air quality. According to the results of air quality model analysis carried out by Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, apart from pollutants coming from overseas, the impacts of mobile source, industrial source and other fixed source pollutions to the concentration of fine suspended particles (PM2.5) are 30% to 37%, 27% to 31% and 32% to 43%, respectively. Among them, the proportion of diesel truck reaches around 11.2%~16.8%, making it in the No. 1 pollution source. According to TEDS (Taiwan Emission Data System) 11.0, Chiayi City’s total PM2.5 emission is about 226.28 t/yr. Among them, the PM2.5 emission of mobile source is around 108.54 t/yr, counting 48.0% of the total amount; and, among all mobile sources, the PM2.5 emission of diesel vehicle is 42.15 t/yr, counting 38.84% of total mobile source pollution. To effectively control Chiayi City’s diesel vehicle air pollution, several control measures, including roadside inspection/visual audit, diesel vehicle self-management program and school bus/official state vehicle controls, have been implemented. The purposes thereof are to find high-polluting vehicles through audits and controls to further reduce the pollution; and to, with the license plate recognition system, find unidentified polluting diesel vehicles and inform the owners thereof to take an inspection. The said measures can facilitate our understanding in smoke pollution created by diesel vehicles driving in the jurisdictions of Chiayi City; and encourage heavy-duty diesel vehicle owners to replace the old vehicles, regularly maintain and repair vehicles, install air-pollution prevention and control equipment and assist the owners in applying for subsidy. Through this integrated approach of audit, promotion and subsidy, controls on diesel vehicles will be strengthened; and owners will be reminded to enhance regular vehicle maintenance works to ensure the diesel vehicle’s compliance with emission standards. All of these can enhance environmental air quality and reach the objective of having a clean environment. Apart therefrom, the government also implemented a number of measures, including: promote “park and stop” for idling vehicles and carry out audit works in administrative areas where idling often occurs; implement on-site noise detection works; and cooperate with the Police Bureau, Motor Vehicle Office and Environmental Protection Bureau to conduct night audits, helping to minimize noises caused by motor vehicles and return tranquility to all citizens. The performance results of the plan starting from February 20, 2021 to December 15, 2021 are as follows: 1. 2,316 diesel vehicles were inspected at the station and 45 vehicles failed. The failure rate thereof was 1.9% and 2,286 vehicles were issued with the diesel vehicle self-management certification mark. 2. Selected 797 vehicles and inspected 161 of them (82.0% of them are Phases I to III diesel vehicles) at roadside. 79 vehicles failed and the failure rate was 49.1%. 3. 208 diesel vehicles were visually identified and notified accordingly 4. Implemented road license plate recognition and successfully identified 562,478 diesel vehicles and proactive inspection notices were sent to the owners of 2,012 vehicles 5. 1,005 vehicles were inspected to park and stop. Upon establishment of Clean Air Promotion Committee, Chiayi City Government has committed to minimize air pollution impacts on citizens’ health. Among all air pollution mobile sources, exhaust gas emitted by diesel vehicles is the one that has been most criticized by the public. Through various audit and promotion measures, this plan forces diesel vehicles entering and leaving the jurisdictions to take and pass the inspection and further acquire the self-management certification mark. The purpose thereof is to ensure that all diesel vehicles entering and leaving Chiayi City comply with the exhaust emission standards in order to effectively reduce the City’s pollution source. Currently, only 93.7% of diesel vehicles inspected at an exhaust inspection station pass the test and 97.2% of them have obtained the self-management certification mark. Having all diesel vehicle obtained a certification market still requires great effort. This year, the city government has targeted the old and high-polluting Phase I, II and II diesel vehicles as the primary audit targets, plus the implementation of Environmental Protection Administration’s heavy-duty diesel vehicle replacement subsidy, fuel injection system repair subsidy and air-pollution prevention and control equipment installation subsidy to reduce the air pollution source. Upon implementation of the plan until now, only the replacement of diesel vehicle can permanently reduce the pollution source. To effectively reach the objectives of pollution reduction, it still a must to continuously promote regular inspections on diesel vehicles to ensure their compliance with exhaust emission standards. Upon implementation thereof, this plan has succeeded in reducing 14.50 t of PM10, 12.90 t of PM2.5, 191.17 t of NOx, 17.25 t of NMHC and 66.95 t of CO.
英文關鍵字 Diesel vehicles, Air pollution, Autonomous management