英文摘要 |
The total cost of this project is NT $ 12,281,249 with the overall project period between 2021The total cost of this project is NT $ 12,281,249 with the overall project period between 2021/01/01 and 2021/12/20. Until 2021/12/01, the project has been accomplished with 100% of progress. Part of the items of the project has been reduced on 2021/11/12 due to actual planning and implementation. For the details, please refer to section1.4 in the report.The following is a summary of the current result status in this project:The management statuses of the classified sites: Until December 1st, 2021, Twelve sites in Hsinchu county are still under classification, including 3 remediation sites and 9 control sites. According to the contract work item, the verification operations should be executed this year. The result as follows: the result of verification operation of Formosa Oil Corporation (Hukou Northward) site has been failed in March, the result of second verification operation of Land serial no 797,Xinfeng Section site has been failed in August, and the result of the second verification operation of HsinChu Science Park site has been approved in April and September with improvement goal has been achieved. Also, these tasks in the project include: to exercise regular inspection and supervision of the classified sites under the frequency of inspections, reducing the occurrence of delay or failure to comply with the approved improvement content of the sites, raise improvement completion rate on schedule promptly, and to promote Green and Sustainable Remediation(GSR) policy with the central government. For the details, please refer to Chapter 3 in the report.The result of groundwater monitoring in Hsinchu County:Along Xiao-Li river basin, the lead(Pb) concentration at monitoring well J0041 exceeded the category 2 of groundwater pollution monitoring standards The trichloroethylene(TCE) concentration at monitoring well J00265 in Sanyang Motor Co., Ltd in Xinfeng township exceeded the category 2 of groundwater pollution control standards. The lead(Pb) concentration at simple well in Shuikeng Section,Qionglin Township downstream illegal dumpsite exceeded the category 2 of groundwater pollution monitoring standards. Except three sites mentioned above, the groundwater quality monitoring results were under groundwater pollution monitoring/control standards For the details, please refer to Chapter 4 in the report.The management statuses of the classified business: The declaration reports of eighty-one businesses with underground storage tank systems have been reviewed, and articulation of documents and leakage checks in 24 businesses with underground storage tanks have been completed. The inspection results showed that the pollution potential of Sanyang Motor Co., Ltd in HsinChu township is level A, and the assistance, guidance, and recommendation have been provided to the company, including environmental assessment and soil and groundwater pollution verification. Also, the survey task was compiled with regulations of the above-ground storage tank system and containers. 118 locations have been surveyed and their current statuses have been summarized for future reference. This project assisted in to review of documents of soil pollution assessment. This project investigated those anomalous declarations. For those who have anomalous declarations, a total of 5 verification works have been conducted, including trichloroethylene(TCE) concentration at a simple well in Xide Technology Co., Ltd. Third Factory is failed to comply the groundwater pollution control standards, and it is recommended to set up standard wells and to verify groundwater pollution; the TPH concentration in soil in Hongjie Technology Co., Ltd. is failed to comply soil pollution control standards, and it is recommended to announce the polluted site. For the details, please refer to Chapter 5 in the report.Investigation and verification for emergency response(A total of NT$400,000):Five cases have been conducted and the cost of NT$ 251,800 have been since 2021/01/01. One soil quality monitoring in farmland has been conducted for the heavy metal pollution investigation in the soil in farmland patch with crop sampling and the result is normal. Besides, the soil quality monitoring of 19 selected patches in farmlands was conducted. For the details, please refer to Chapter 6 in the report.Miscellaneous:123 monitoring wells were checked routinely, including 9 wells for appearance maintenance, 5 wells for repairs, 4 wells for flow direction and flow velocity checked, 3 wells for elevation measured, 18 wells for internal function check(3 wells for additional internal videos), 9 wells for re-completion, 5 wells for
foreign objective removal, and 5 wells for well abandoned. Two soil and groundwater pollution remediation laws and regulations briefings, 1 industrial park data application conference, 10 campus education activities, 1 seed lecturer training course, 1 soil and groundwater painting competition were conducted. Also, monthly work reports and soil and groundwater database maintenance were accomplished to achieve the goal set by EPA, the result in perfect performance. For the details, please refer to Chapter 7 in the report.Industrial park data applicationThe assistance of review of the completeness, correctness, and abnormality of the documents, and integration of them to provide a reference for the competent authorities when pollution occurs. This work is written in a special chapter and section under the regulations of EPA. For the details, please refer to Chapter 9 in the report.