

中文摘要 本計畫完成光污染源鄰近場地現勘5條路線,包括東西向之忠孝東路、信義路、和平東西路及南北向之羅斯福路、中山北路;並選定2條路線進行環境光源動態監測作業,為東西向之忠孝東路及南北向之羅斯福路;利用載具使用照度計於行進間蒐集光環境數據,瞭解環境光空間分布狀況,同時驗證環境光源動態監測方法,監測路徑總長度7.2公里,量測驗證數逾600點次;環境光源動態監測成果結合地圖呈現方式,繪製2監測路線光環境地圖,展示環境光空間分布狀況;執行不同時段監測作業,並進行比較研析;對近3年光污染陳情案件,進行光污染源類型分析及改善可行性分析;對3處干擾影響較嚴重之個案/地區進行調查,實地進行量測,研提改善方式;協助機關處理民眾陳情光污染案件之現場量測作業;協助環保署辦理3場次「地方環保局光污染管理教育訓練說明會」,以推廣地方環保局業務承辦人員對光污染源管理及量測方法之瞭解與提昇陳情案件處理技巧。
中文關鍵字 光污染、侵擾光、環境光


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 2350 千元
專案開始日期 2021/06/29 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 蕭振龍
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林怡君 執行單位 千一科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 報告書整本_110B012.pdf 8MB

Research for light pollution monitoring and improvement methods

英文摘要 This project has completed the survey of 5 routes in the vicinity of the light pollution source, including Zhongxiao East Road, Xinyi Road, Heping East Road and West Road in the east-west direction, and Roosevelt Road and Zhongshan North Road in the north-south direction; and 2 routes have been selected for dynamic monitoring of environmental light sources: the east-west direction Zhongxiao East Road and the north-south direction Roosevelt Road. With vehicle to use an illuminance meter to collect light environment data during travel to understand the spatial distribution of ambient light, and also verified the dynamic monitoring method of ambient light sources. The monitoring path length was 7.2 kilometers, and more than 600 measurement points were verified;dynamic monitoring results of environmental light sources combined with map presentation methods to draw 2 monitoring routes of light environment maps to show the spatial distribution of ambient light; perform monitoring operations at different times and compare them; analyze light pollution source types and improve feasibility for recent 3 years of light pollution cases; assisted agencies in handling On-site measurement of light pollution cases reported by the public; assisted the Environmental Protection Agency to handle 3 "Local Environmental Protection Bureau Light Pollution Management Education and Training Seminars" to promote the understanding of light pollution source management and measurement methods of local environmental protection bureaus and improve the case Processing skills.
英文關鍵字 Light pollution, Obtrusive light, Ambient light