

中文摘要 本計畫工作期程自民國110年1月21日至110年12月31日止,截至期末報告止,本計畫各項工作進度目標達成情形詳如下所示。 (一)餐飲業空污管制 1.本計畫為延續性計畫,截至110年共進行2,337家餐飲業查核管制,目前裝設防制設備家數達2,008家,防制設備比例達86%。屏東縣政府環境保護局針對餐飲業屢遭陳情之業者加強查核輔導,協助業者裝設污染防制設備,以減少陳情次數,110年至10月餐飲業污染陳情件數之總數為201件,較109年同期300件,陳情比例大幅降低33%,輔導改善成效顯著。PM10削減量48.8公噸、PM2.5削減量43.5公噸、NMHC削減量86.8公噸創歷年新高。 2.環保局與教育處合作輔導屏東縣國中小學共計113間設有廚房,校園餐飲油煙改善目前已全數(100%)已完成防制設備裝設。 3.成立屏東縣勝利星村環保觀光夜市,配合環保署政策,提升商圈的環境品質,降低油煙排放,進而增加遊客量、用餐品質及共同落實環境永續發展。目前勝利星村餐飲業者為11家次,防制設備裝設比例為100%,新進業者持續進駐中,也將輔導業者裝設防制設備,以達低碳、清新的環保商圈。 4.小琉球餐飲管制區,因疫情穩定,小琉球湧入大量遊客,屏東縣政府小琉球餐飲管制區,環境保護局超前佈署成立小琉球環保餐飲示範專區,針對島上餐飲業加以管制,目前小琉球燒烤業已全數完成防制設備裝設(100%)。 5.更新轄內符合管辦之餐飲業,目前符合管辦之餐飲業家數更新為42家,於年中辦理管辦說明會,裝設防制設備比例達100%。   (二)畜牧異味污染管制 1.成立「屏東縣異味污染改善專家學者輔導團」,鑑於屏東縣為養豬大縣,跨單位結合屏東縣政府農業處、環保局水污科及稽查科共同查核輔導縣內難以解決之異味(如:屢遭陳情之畜牧場及化製廠),專家學者團現場輔導共執行26場次,經統計畜牧業1~10月陳情案件共389件,比109年同期509件減少24%。 2.本計畫已辦理37場次異味污染源減量輔導專家學者協談會議(7場餐飲及30場畜牧)至現場進行專案輔導並給予業者改善建議,促使業者進行異味污染改善工作;目前餐飲5家、畜牧11家已完成輔導改善,將持續追蹤業者改善情形。 3.110年30家專家學者輔導後異味陳情狀況由原先250件陳情下降為92件,共減少158件屢遭陳情。 4.本計畫辦理異味污染改善觀摩參訪或檢討會議,會同跨單位水汙科、廢管科、低碳科及誇局處農業處共同辦理,参與業者達87家,開罰及陳情業者多數出席,其中專家學者輔導之業者全數参與。
中文關鍵字 餐廳、烹飪油煙、烹飪臭味、惡臭污染、餐飲業、臭味污染


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 4962 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/21 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 張晉發
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 鍾和明 執行單位 慧群環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年屏東縣餐飲業空氣污染管制暨異味污染源輔導改善計畫期末定稿2.pdf 44MB 110年屏東縣餐飲業空氣污染管制暨異味污染源輔導改善計畫期末定稿

Pingtung County Catering Industry Air Pollution Control and Odor Pollution Source Counseling Improvement Plan

英文摘要 This project started from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. The project achievement was presented briefly as following: First, the project had completed the construction work of database for restaurants catering activities among the county, for a total of 351 on-site inspections, counseling and air pollution control facilities installation and operation status update. Second, the individual tracking among 212 restaurants catering had been conducted for the improvement of air pollution facilities installation, maintenance and recording works. The overall achievement was demonstrated in App. IV of the report. Third, this project had achieved 106 restaurants to take catering exhaust gas pre-treatment and control facilities installation and operation related measurements to reduce the emission. Meanwhile, this also included the counselling and education works for routine air pollution reduction maintenance and enhancement measurement to restaurant owners or representatives. Fourth, 37 case studies and consulting meetings by expertise for the improvement of restaurant catering exhaust gas and odor treatment had been performed. Many practical measurement suggestion for each restaurant had been proposed as a guideline for next stage improving works and would keep tracking. Fifth,held 2 odor pollution improvement observation and learning activities and conferences in this project. Sixth, the establishment of non-smoking environmental restaurant grading work was implemented. 3 out of 286 restaurant candidates had been re-evaluated as fine quality of contribution to air quality maintenance. These restaurants gained the excellent non-smoking environmental restaurant grade and a reward ceremony was held and announced in public afterwards. Seventh, the project had completed 4 sessions of restaurant catering air pollution reduction and improvement counselling meetings to restaurant owners or representatives. Eighth, the database of project related information had been completed and kept updated on the EPB website, including the case guidance and regulation for restaurant control measurement or environmental inquiry reference. 9th, this plan had completed the production of 560 copies of air pollution reduction propaganda materials for the catering activities and distributed to the restaurant owners or representatives who attended in counseling meetings or activities during the plan. 10th, this plan had completed the production of 2,000 copies of air pollution reduction propaganda materials for the catering activities and distributed to the restaurant owners or representatives who attended in counseling meetings or activities during the plan. 11th, the establishment of environmental catering demonstration street had been planned and implemented. According to the on-site evaluation and audit, a restaurant grouping area located at Hwa-Chow Market in Donggun District was selected for the ninth promotion candidate for the establishment of environmentally friendly demonstration street location in this project. The previous projects and up to now, the overall environmentally friendly demonstration street had accumulated to nine promotion areas and most of them reached the best performance of cooking fume and odorous pollution reduction environment. 12th, Continue to track on the status of the environmental protection demonstration area. Current Status of the environmental protection demonstration area:○1Guangfu Road,Donggang Town(88%)○2Houbi Lake,Hengchun Township(100%)○3Zhujiao Street,Wanluan Township(100%)○4Qingdao Street,Pingtung City(100%)○5Zhongzheng Road,Pingtung City(100%)○6In front of Pingtung University of Science and Technology(100%)○7Chaozhou Town Circle Commercial District(100%)○8Xiaoliuqiu Dining Demonstration Zone(91%)○9Donggang Overseas Chinese Market(100%)。 13th, Audit the caterers which were compiled with the Management Regulations for Facilities to Control Air Pollution of Oil Fumes from Catering 43 reastaurants in regulation control database in 2021 was updated in this project.
英文關鍵字 Restaurant, Cooking fume , Cooking Odor , Odorous Pollution, Restaurant catering industry