

中文摘要 A.焚化廠部分 為有效督導管理焚化廠之操作營運,環保署自90年起開始辦理查核評鑑相關工作,並於90年4月20日公布「已運轉垃圾焚化廠操作營運輔導查核及績效評鑑實施要點」(嗣於91年4月18日修訂;95年7月26日停止適用),將相關辦理程序法制化,並建立績效指標評量系統,於93年4月13日公布「垃圾資源回收(焚化)廠查核評鑑要點」(嗣於94年7月13日、95年7月26日及98年8月10日修正),提供辦理查核評鑑工作之法源依據。 110年計畫主要執行成果包含: 1.辦理24座營運中焚化廠查核評鑑工作,包括每月彙整、審查及分析焚化廠營運資料,辦理不定期查核,協辦對臺東廠建設補助款之撥款查核,辦理查核評鑑小組會議、技術論壇、處理環保署及查核評鑑小組交辦事項。 2.增修焚化廠資訊系統功能,篩選提供各式報表及績效指標諮詢,環保署資料介接、分享維護。 3.辦理2爐次焚化廠廢氣戴奧辛檢測及分析。 B.灰渣部分 為精進環保署對於垃圾焚化廠焚化底渣之再利用管理,本計畫配合「垃圾焚化廠焚化底渣再利用管理方式」,辦理推動三級品管查核及獎勵作業措施,完成21縣市查核作業及5場次再利用機構深度輔導,另針對焚化再生粒料辦理5件次抽樣檢測,確保焚化再生粒料妥善運用及產品品質,並於9月辦理垃圾處理業務聯繫工作坊暨頒獎典禮,藉此經驗交流及獎勵表現優異之單位。 本計畫持續維護營運及優化「焚化再生粒料流向管理系統及焚化再生粒料流向管理App」,定期盤點地方與中央工程適用灰渣資源化產品之工程及再利用用途資料,並建置追蹤回報機制,掌握焚化再生粒料可行之去化管道,另建置產品履歷制度,使民眾安心並提升工程單位使用信心。此外,持續推動中央督導平臺、精進供需資訊平臺、業務交流平臺等,確保流向管理及落實媒合機制運作,使再生粒料得以善加利用,落實資源循環再利用之目標。 彙整大型垃圾焚化廠焚化飛灰產出及流向情形,及各項資訊研析,包含國內飛灰量能資訊彙整、無害化及再利用技術、國際再利用最新發展、再利用量能、飛灰處理策略,及各縣市飛灰處理長遠規劃方向,以提升整體焚化飛灰再利用率,降低掩埋場掩埋空間逐年下降之壓力。
中文關鍵字 垃圾焚化廠、焚化再生粒料、績效指標


專案計畫編號 EPA194110020 經費年度 110 計畫經費 9690 千元
專案開始日期 2021/02/05 專案結束日期 2021/12/15 專案主持人 周志達
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 莊皓惟 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 公開版報告書.pdf 18MB 報告書全文(不含附錄附件)

Project for Management and Appraisal Work of Refuse Incineration Plants, Incineration Fly Ash and Bottom Ash

英文摘要 A.Refuse Incineration Plant Portion In order to ensure the effective supervision of the management of refuse incineration plants, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has conducted following tasks and prepared relevant laws, regulations and systems from year 2001: • The propagation of ‘The implementation guidance for operation, examination and performance appraisal of the operated refuse incineration plants’ on April 20, 2001. (amended on April 18, 2002 and abolished on July 26, 2006) • The propagation of ‘The essentials of the examination and appraisal of refuse resource recovery from incineration plants for the EPA’ on April 13, 2004. (amended on July 13, 2005 and July 26, 2006 and August 10, 2009) The main implementation results of the project during 2021: 1.Handling the management and appraisal work of 24 refuse incineration plants in operation. Including monthly reorganization, review and analysis of operation data, review of annual operation results report, conduct irregular inspections, conduct the appraisal of Taitung plant construction subsidies, conduct the committee meetings, technical forums, and handling the matters assigned by the EPA and committee. 2.The function of SWIMS was added, screening and provides various reports and consulting, sharing the information to the other EPA systems. 3.Sampling and analysis of exhaust gas dioxin from 2 incineration plants. B.Incineration Fly Ash and Bottom Ash Portion In order to improve the management of the recycling for the incineration bottom ash from incineration plants, this project followed the " Regulations on the Management of the recycling for the incineration bottom ash from incineration plants " to implement the three levels inspection and incentives, and accomplished inspections in 21 counties and 5 counselings for the recycling organizations. This project also conducted 5 sampling tests for incineration recycled aggregate to ensure the proper use of incineration recycled pellets and product quality, and held an disposal business contact workshop and award ceremony in September to exchange experiences and reward the unit with outstanding performance. This project continued to maintain, operate and optimize the" system of management for incineration recycled aggregate and related App", and regularly organized information on the use data of ash residue reuse products for the local and central projects. Besides establishing a tracking return mechanism and controlling the feasible removal channels for incineration of recycled pellets, this project also established a product history system to increase the confidence of engineering units. In addition, this project continued to promote the central supervision platform, refined supply and demand information platform, business communication platform, etc., to ensure the distribution management and implementation of the operation of the matching mechanism, so that the recycled aggregate can be used effectively, and the goal of recycling would be achieved. By integrating the output and flow of fly ash from incinerators, as well as various information research and analysis, including fly ash production, decontamination and recycling technology, the latest development of international recycling, recycling energy, fly ash treatment strategy, and the long-range measures of fly ash treatment, in order to increase the overall incinerator fly ash recycling, and reduce the pressure on the landfill.
英文關鍵字 Refuse Incineration Plant, Incinerating Recycled Aggregate, Efficiency Evaluation Criteria