

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間為110年1月27日至110年12月31日,主要工作內容包括空氣品質人工測站之採樣與保養維護、自動測站(含一般測站、交通監測站、PM2.5簡易測站)之定期維護、移動式空氣品質監測站操作維護、VOCs監測車操作維護、交通空品監測車操作維護、電子看板維護、移動式噪音測站監測、噪音管制系統維護與噪音相關報表提交、教育訓練、空氣品質例行通報作業、維護空氣品質監測網站正常運作等。 空氣品質人工測站方面,每月針對臺中市11座人工測站進行1次落塵採樣與分析、2次TSP採樣及維護保養,每次TSP採樣前後執行1次流量單點校正,每季執行1次流量多點校正,目前各測站儀器設備狀況尚能正常運轉。而霧峰人工測站於11月1日搬遷至與霧峰自動測站旁,除可與自動測站粒狀污染物數據進行比較,並可節省採樣維護路程時間。110年平均測值與109年同期比較,大部分測站TSP幾何平均值高於109年同期,可能與上半年降雨偏少有關。各站110年迄今歷次TSP濃度介於3~152μg/m3之間,各站中其中以梧棲衛生所人工測站TSP幾何平均值最高。季節變化以夏季TSP測值較低,其餘季節則差異不大。110年臺中市落塵平均為3.01 g/m2‧30d,依前省環保處之分級屬於極輕微污染,高於去年同期平均(2.45 g/m2‧30d),其中梧棲衛生所人工測站落塵明顯較高,尤其冬季東北季風盛行時此現象更明顯,應與沿岸海沙、測站附近區域有一些裸露地及未鋪面停車場有關。 在空氣品質自動測站部份,經由定期之每週、月、季、半年與年度維護保養,各測站各監測儀器皆能正常運作,各測站各月份之平均資料可用率皆達93%以上。在空品自動測站數據日夜變化方面,CO與NO2受移動污染源影響,於上下班時段濃度會較高,尤其以大里測站較明顯,O3則是受到光化作用影響,於中午時段濃度較高,以大里測站與太平測站中午時段濃度較高。在季節變化方面,大部分污染物濃度以夏季較低,冬、春較高,其原因與臺灣的天氣型態有關,夏季颱風多、熱對流旺盛,擴散條件佳,因此污染物不易累積。O3於3~4月(春季)及9~10月(秋季)期間測值較高,呈現O3典型之季節變化。 在空品自動測站測值長期趨勢方面,經由歷年各種管制措施之執行,各測站SO2濃度長期則有逐年下降趨勢。NO2整體濃度長期大致呈現微幅下降趨勢,以忠明測站、大里測站、烏日測站較高,主要受鄰近測站之移動污染源影響。臺中市大部分測站O3濃度於106年之後呈現微幅上升情形,與全國其他縣市趨勢相同。PM10各站濃度長期呈現些微下降趨勢,顯示歷年之各項粒狀物管制工作已見成效,但110年PM10較109年上升。PM2.5之變化趨勢與PM10相似,長期亦呈現微幅下降趨勢,但110年PM2.5亦較109年上升,應與上半年降雨偏少及不利擴散之天氣型態較常發生有關。 依據環保署豐原、沙鹿、大里、忠明、西屯測站之監測資料,110年至12月底止臺中市之空氣品質不良率(AQI>100)為9.2%,為中部空品區最低者(彰化縣AQI>100比例為11.0%,南投縣AQI>100比例為17.5%),而在全國22縣市中則排名第12名(第1名臺東縣、花蓮縣AQI>100比例均為0%,第22名高雄市AQI>100比例為21.2%)。而統計臺中市境內所有空氣品質監測站(含環保署、環保局、臺電測站)之監測資料,臺中市山、海、屯、市四區則以屯區之空氣品質不良率(9.9%)最高,其次依序為市區(8.6%)、山區(6.4%)、海區(5.8%)。 在移動式空氣品質監測車方面,定期執行監測設備維護工作,並依據民眾陳情及環保局指示進行空氣品質監測,統計110年共完成19處次之監測。監測完畢之後,繳交分析報告,除提交監測數據外,亦針對監測數據進行解析,彙整監測地點附近可能污染源,提供其他計畫執行稽查之參考。移動式空氣品質監測車除執行空氣品質監測之外,亦協助分析相關單位採集之樣品共12件。 在移動式交通空氣品質監測車方面,經由定期之每週、雙週、季維護保養,使交通空品監測車內各監測儀器皆能正常運作,並依據環保局指示進行交通空氣品質監測,於110年1月1日起均在西屯區臺灣大道旁(東海大學)執行監測作業。臺灣大道旁(東海大學)監測結果,白天交通繁忙時段大部份交通污染物平均濃度大於晚上時段,顯示大量的移動車輛對空氣品質帶來負面的影響。假日空氣品質優於平日空氣品質,推測跟假日大車數量較少有關。交通空品監測車NOx、CO、NMHC、PM10濃度高於鄰近之西屯測站,尤以NOx、CO更明顯,推測受臺灣大道之交通車輛及路面揚塵影響,而有較高的濃度值,而交通監測車之SO2略低於西屯測站,O3與PM2.5則與西屯測站無明顯差異。 移動式空氣品質監測站藉由定期維護保養,使測站內各監測儀器能正常運作。移動式空氣品質監測站主要在未設置空氣品質監測站之區域,或有依任務需求進行監測,移動式A1站1月迄今在和平區監測;A2站2月至6月下旬在南屯區春安國小監測,6月下旬至10月下旬臺中電廠監測;B站2月至6月下旬在北屯區中臺科大監測,6月下旬至10月下旬於臺中電廠監測。移動式A2站於南屯區春安國小監測期間,NOx、PM10、PM2.5偶有高值出現,原因為附近有營建工程施工與貨車吊裝作業,導致測值偏高。移動式A2站、B站移至臺中電廠監測期間,B站之NO2、PM10、PM2.5測值偏高,且明顯高於A2站。由於移動B站位於貨車運煤路線旁,頻繁往來的貨車產生之廢氣、行駛引起路面揚塵、附近防塵網上掉落之塵土,為B站NO2、PM10、PM2.5偏高的原因。8月中旬後因燃氣機組整地工程作業,運煤車有時會改行2條次要運煤路線,B站之NO2、PM10、PM2.5測值有下降趨勢。 在噪音監測方面,道路交通噪音之測值,每季均符合噪音管制標準。環境音量測站則因管制標準較嚴格,噪音值容易受自然或人為活動之影響,偶爾部分時段會有不合格之情形。在軟體操作維護與資料更新部份,每季均提交季報表並更新環保署「噪音管制系統」之監測資料庫。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質監測、操作維護、移動式監測車、交通空品監測車、噪音監測


專案計畫編號 N1091210115 經費年度 110 計畫經費 19100 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/27 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 張文旭
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 范育湘 執行單位 祥威環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年臺中市環境品質監測站(含移動式監測車)操作維護工作計畫_期末報告摘要.pdf 0MB 110年臺中市環境品質監測站(含移動式監測車)操作維護工作計畫_期末報告摘要

2021 Environmental Quality Monitoring Station(including Mobile Monitoring Vans) Operation And Maintance Project in Taichung City

英文摘要 This project was implemented from Jan. 27, 2021 to Dec. 31, 2020. All tasks defined in the Environmental Protection Bureau's contract had been completed including the sampling analysis, maintenance of the manual operation air monitoring stations, regular maintenance of auto air monitoring stations, operation and maintenance of mobile air quality monitoring stations, operation and maintenance of VOCs monitoring vans, regular maintenance of electronic billboard , noise monitoring of mobile noise stations, submit all kinds of reports, training, air quality routine notification, maintain the air quality monitoring website, et cetera. In the section of Manual Operation Air Monitoring Stations, there were monthly sampling, analysis of dust fall, monthly one-point flow rate calibration, every half months TSP sampling analysis and equipment maintenance, quarterly multiple-points flow rate calibration. All equipment in Manual Operation Air Monitoring Stations are in good conditions. In contrast with year 2020, the geometric mean concentration of TSP in year 2021 was higher than year 2020. The concentration of TSP between 3~152μg/m3 in 2021. The concentration of TSP in summer was lower than in other seasons. The dust fall in Taichung City in 2021 was equally 3.01 g/m2‧30d, the graduation was extremely slightly pollution and higher comparing to last year as 2.45 g/m2‧30d. In the section of Auto Monitoring Stations, all measurement items were functioning well under weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual maintenance scheme. The data achieved above 93% of data capture rate. In automatic air quality station, the data was affected between day and night. CO and NO2 were affected by mobile sources of pollution of higher concentration during commuting time, particularly Dali station was obvious; O3 was the result of photochemical reaction at noon time with higher concentration in Dali and Daiping station. In terms of seasonal changing, most pollutants in summer have lower concentration, higher in winter and spring; its causes by typical weather patterns in Taiwan such as Typhoons in summer, strong heat convection, good diffusion conditions so the pollutants is not easy for accumulation. The values of O3 between Mar. to Apr. (spring) and from Sep. to Oct. (autumn) was higher to showing a typical seasonal variation. In the section of long-term trends of measured value of automatic air quality station, implement a variety of regulatory measures over the years, so SO2 concentration was lower in recent years. NO2 concentration in Zhongming, Dali, and Wuri station were higher due to mobile sources of air pollution; the long-term trend was roughly rendered decline. Most stations of O3 concentration were roughly slight rise from 2017. PM10 concentrations were showing a slight downward in long-term trend ,so it meant that efforts over the years for particle control has the achievement. PM2.5 trend is similar to the PM10 in long-term trend that showed a slight downward. In 2021, the ratio with poor air quality (AQI>100) in Fengyuan, Shalu, Dali, Zhongming and Xitun revealing monitoring data from Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration report. The monitoring data is 9.2% in Taichung City from Jan. to Dec. .Among Central Air Quality Zone, the higher one was Nantou County standing for 17.5%, followed by Changhua County (11.0%)and Taichung City (9.2%). Among Shan, Hai, Tun, and Shih, four districts of Taichung City; Tun district had the highest ratio with AQI>100(9.9%), followed by Shih (8.6%) , Shan (6.4%) and Hai (5.8%). In the section of mobile air quality monitoring van, monitoring regularly the implementation of equipment maintenance; air quality monitoring was based on public petitions and EPB's command. It has been completed 19 monitoring cases until end of Dec.. After monitoring is complete, in addition to submitting the monitoring data and conducting for monitoring data analysis, aggregated monitoring locations near sources may provide reference implementation of audit. Monthly monitoring data of the van was achieved more than 90% of data capture rate in line with the contract requirements. Mobile air quality monitoring van not only implement air quality monitoring, but also assist relevant institutions to analyze 12 samples. the section of mobile traffic air quality monitoring van, it has been monitored on Taiwan Avenue in Xitun District since January 2011. The average concentration of most traffic pollutants during peak traffic hours during the day is higher than that during night hours, indicating the impact of moving vehicles on air quality. The air quality on holidays is better than on weekdays, which is presumed to be related to the fewer number of carts. The NOx, CO, NMHC, and PM10 concentrations of the traffic air quality monitoring van were higher than those of the neighboring Xitun station, especially NOx and CO. It is presumed that it was affected by the traffic vehicles and road dust on Taiwan Avenue. In the section of the Noise Monitoring of Mobile Noise Stations, that took twice quarterly monitoring tests at each spot, and according to predetermined progress execution. The measured value of traffic noise monitoring station is relatively stable, and is greatly affected by traffic flow. The environmental volume station is subject to stricter control standards, and the measured value is easily affected by natural or human activities, and occasionally some cases may fail. In the section of the Software Operation/Maintenance and Data Update, updating the database of the Noise Control Information System quarterly.
英文關鍵字 the air quality monitoring, operation and maintance, mobile air quality monitoring van, traffic air quality monitoring van, noise monitoring