

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署為持續推動環境教育認證,本計畫辦理環境教育認證管理重要議題研商討論會議2場次,各7名實務專家及學者擔任諮詢委員,研議環境教育人才庫之徵選作業優化、管理機制、人員應用等未來發展方向與策略;彙編環境教育認證10年成果,出版特刊包含為環境永續而教育、環境教育認證管理、眾綠聚人 環境教育培訓、跨域共創 環境戶外學習、串連眾力 環境公民心行動、漫步雲端 數位新境遇、與環境共好等章節,計8萬字共146頁,印製書面 60本及電子書含包裝100份;完成環境教育人員講師人才徵選作業、書面初選及2場次共識營複選,計120位入選,名單發布於環境教育人才庫網頁,提供社會各界運用;辦理環境教育人員講師人才線上培訓工作坊「環境教育人才UP共學:環保綠生活 × 線上教學」計77人次完訓,搭配本計畫研發編製之綠生活教學工具包(含線上及實體版,印製80份)為教材,培訓參與人員學習前述綠生活教案之線上教學推廣,並擇優由10位講師完成對外教學推廣;辦理全國環境管理及教育研討兩天一夜交流活動,邀請環保署及環保機關與會,進行國內重要環境管理研討會議及環境教育設施場所參訪與交流,計78人次參與;編輯製作環境教育相關推廣主題網路貼圖(文),宣傳環境教育展延數位學習、環境教育講師人才徵選等相關資訊共11則。期許透過參與環境教育人員擔任推廣種子的任務,透過多元培訓以利環境教育及環保政策之推展,推廣環境知識到全臺各個角落,並促進認證資源活動及社會參與服務。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、環境教育認證、環境教育人才庫


專案計畫編號 110-007 經費年度 110 計畫經費 2922.583 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/15 專案主持人 關召芳
主辦單位 環訓所 承辦人 曾文齡 執行單位 環境友善種子有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110-007成果報告摘要(詳細版).pdf 0MB

Lecturer recruitment and training of the environmental education personnel project 2021

英文摘要 The goal of this project is to continue to promote environmental education certification, rolling management of important issue strategies, and make good use of environmental education certification personnel recruitment mechanism to establish talented lecturers, and promote environmental education and environmental protection policies through diversified training to promote certification resource activities and social participation service. The achievements of this project include hold two discussions on important issues of environmental education certification management, with 7 practical experts and scholars serving as advisory committees, discussing the future development direction and strategy of environmental education talent pool, including recruitment process optimization, management mechanism, personnel utilization, etc.; compiled of the 10-year results of environmental education certification, including the edit of the chapters on the origin of environmental education certification, system establishment, the three major certification achievements, publication resources and future prospects, etc., a total of 146 pages, printed in 60 written books, produced e-books and 100 copies of the outer packaging; completed the recruitment of environmental education staff lecturers, total of 120 lecturers were selected into the talent pool, and the list was published on the webpage of the environmental education talent pool for use by all sectors of the society; hold training workshops for environmental education lecturers, with the theme of the EPA policy "Green Life for All", developed online and physical program and 80 copies of teaching toolkits. Lecturers were trained online to use the above program and teaching toolkits for future promotion of the policies, a total of 77 lecturers completed the training, and another 10 lecturers were selected to complete the external teaching promotion; hold the two-day and one-night environmental management and educational seminars. On the first day, the meeting was held in the Southern branch of national palace, with 78 people participating, and on the second day, environmental education facilities and places were arranged for visits and exchanges, with a total of 34 people participating. Edited and produced 11 web posts related to environmental education topics, promote environmental education digital learning, and the information on environmental education talented lecturer recruitment.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education Certification (EE Certification)、Environmental Education Personnel(EE Personnel)、Environmental Education(EE Talent Pool)