

中文摘要 本計畫執行重點在於協助環保局執行「行政院環境保護署110年度推動執行機關加強辦理資源回收工作績效考核計畫」,掌握本市資源回收工作整體執行成果,透過稽查管制工作,督促轄內列管業者落實回收場域之環境維護,並暢通回收物之後端去化管道,達成資源永續循環之目標。執行成果說明如下: (一) 整合本市資源回收工作成果及辦理行政院環境保護署資源回收工作績效考核計畫 1. 辦理5場次工作檢討會及參與5場次區隊長會議,檢討資源回收工作。 2. 辦理5場次教育訓練,151人次參與,邀請講師講授資源回收觀念及文書技巧。 3. 彙整分析109年各縣市24大項143點特色作法,提出適合本市之建議,整理出七大架構37項具體作法推動本市執行機關、社區、學校、團體四大體系及回收商等落實資源回收工作,依區域型態,因地制宜,擬定策略,彙整各委辦計畫執行成效撰寫110年度成果報告。 4. 截至110年11月22日止,環保署考核分數得分為83.70分(滿分101,達成率82.87%)。 (二) 加強辦理統計數據申報工作 1. 輔導申報資源回收量由1,541處提升至3,502處,以事業單位1,123處居多,其次為集合式住宅688處;各區清潔隊亦輔導326處單位申報,年度增加48,754公噸資源回收量,以佳里區及麻豆區輔導最為積極。 2. 完成198處機關及350所學校數據申報檢核工作,回收物交付對象以清潔隊230處(42%)居多、其次為回收商201處(37%)。 3. 訂定「110年資源回收申報獎勵評比制度計畫書」,由申報積極度、按期申報及申報方式(如網路申報)等,選出200處申報獎、50處回收量獎及69處區隊推薦獎,獲獎單位以事業單位162處居多,其次為學校55處。 4. 110年1-10月資源回收量達505,404公噸,資源回收物以紙類239,407公噸居多,資源回收率62.86%(六都第3名,較去(109)年提升2.81%),廚餘回收率6.03%(六都第3名,較去(109)年減少0.81%)及巨大再利用率0.92%(六都第2名,較去(109)年減少0.16%);本市行政區資源回收率最高前三名依序為永康區、左鎮區及南化區。 (三) 務實檢討轄內資源物項目及排出方式規定 1. 完成30個行政區資收車採樣,主要回收物比率排序前五名為廢紙類21.33%、廢塑膠類20.34%、廢塑膠容器13.27%、廢鐵類11.28%及廢紙容器8.44%。 2. 發現一般垃圾占6.98%,其中易淆回收物之垃圾比例為0.57%,含鞋子0.20%、醫療廢棄物0.15%、皮箱0.10%、拖把0.06%、纖維布類0.06%等。 3. 本年度將嬰兒車列為新增公告項目,辦理3場次宣導活動,322人次參與,發出有效問卷322份,宣導嬰兒車正確回收方式及鼓勵拆解後回收,預估每年可增加約50公噸回收量,並減少焚化爐之負擔。 (四) 查核管制應回收廢棄物回收處理業 1. 完成43家應回收處理業審查作業,18家通過、2家提送定稿本、9家駁回申請,12家申請文件未齊全要求業者進行補正,督促業者遵守法令規範,並每月追蹤輔導業者按時申報營運量。 2. 輔導2家業者完成未達一定規模資源回收站登記,本市共有19家完成資收站登記,並掌握1-10月回收量5,813公噸。 3. 完成138家次已登記回收處理業、115家次未達一定規模回收業現場查核工作,52家次輔導後現場立即改善(39家場區發現積水容器未清除、11家貯存區中文標示脫落或未標示及2家廢鉛蓄電池未依規定貯存),5家告發處分(積水容器發現孑孓),要求業者立即清除改善。 4. 訂定「110年廢機動車輛回收業受補貼機構分級管理計畫」,豐動車輛拆解事業有限公司獲得金牌獎,宇沅企業社、盈興五金有限公司獲得銀牌獎,除自主維護廠(場)區環境整潔等,積極落實公共安全辦理消防演練,關懷弱勢建立良好企業社會形象,並定期辦理員工安全教育訓練提升產業競爭力,期許為本市廢機動車輛回收業者樹立標竿成為仿效對象。 5. 轄內列管之核准興辦事業計畫而尚未完成應回收廢棄物回收處理業登記業者計有12家,每季前往查核,4家已取得登記證、3家辦理變更(2家補正中、1家已通過)、1家申請建照中、1家已提送試運轉計畫書、1家廢止、1家解除列管(非屬興辦事業)、1家展期屆滿(後續將發文廢止)。 6. 陳情案件辦理,2件告發處分(未依規定申請回收證即從事廢車回收)、2件限期改善(已改善完成),1件移轉交辦事廢科(該場有收受事業廢棄物)。 (五) 執行廢機動車輛回收處理(焚化爐)衍生廢棄物(ASR)再利用工作 1. 環保局協助處理帝壹統公司ASR進場量共717.52公噸,台灣汽電共生股份有限公司廢輪胎膠片量再利用量為2,326.30公噸,合計共3,043.82公噸,達成率100%。 2. 輔導2家(宏遠興業股份有限公司及奇美實業公司)使用ASR作為輔助燃料,皆無意願配合。已向環保署提出變更加分項目需求,以取得考核佳績。 (六) 協助機關強化資源回收政策 1. 依據「110年應回收廢棄物回收處理業示範場補助計畫」,選出3處示範廠(真豐資源回收行、勝緯企業社、鋐陽實業行),依施作地點當地特色,與業者討論並設計相關中文標示牌、廠區配置圖、形象招牌及公佈欄等物品,完成形象改造。 2. 依各計畫巡查結果更新資料庫列管名單(含新增及解除列管),共計14,171處。 3. 完成10件舊衣回收設施申請審查作業,核准新申請6件(60處)、展延申請4件(85處)。 4. 本年度針對合法舊衣回收設施進行巡查,完成250處,其中77處次要求限期改善,經複查均已完成改善,以未維護設施周邊環境18處居多、其次為查無設置16處,並輔導60處新核准舊衣設施形象改造以美化市容及更新核准舊衣GOOGLE MAP便民查詢。 5. 辦理1場次「應回收廢棄物回收處理業法規暨消防安全講習及演練宣導說明會」,說明回收業相關法令說明,並邀集消防局人員講解加強宣導防災觀念及消防相關規定,計有82家業者參與。 6. 與消防局進行聯合訪視及輔導,完成45家次(含已登記回收處理業20家、未達一定規模回收業25家),現場調查輔導消防設施情形及檢查滅火器正確使用(有效期限內及壓力閥正常等),無發現缺失情形,並加強防火之宣導。 7. 每週對環保局網站(一般廢棄物管理科項下子網站、資源回收全民動起來網站等)相關網站,檢視網頁資訊正確性。 (七) 查核輔導環保局清潔隊資源回收貯存場 完成四季輔導查核及複查,整體表現以麻豆區為最佳,其次為新化區與新營區,今年亦協助永康區、新營區貯存場製作及汰換脫落損壞或遺失之標示牌與公安標語。 (八) 提高綠/雜色廢玻璃容器再生料(砂)再利用量 玻璃容器再生料(砂)共使用1,821.10公噸,運用於安南區清潔隊相關工程使用。
中文關鍵字 資源回收、應回收廢棄物回收處理業、廢機動車輛衍生廢棄物焚化或粉碎處理、舊衣回收設施、清潔隊資源回收貯存場


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-109-WM-31117 經費年度 110 計畫經費 7499 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/15 專案主持人 林百文
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳莉敏 執行單位 綠信環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 110年臺南市資源回收工作整合計畫-期末報告.pdf 27MB 110年臺南市資源回收工作整合計畫-期末報告

110 Tainan City Resource Recovery Work Integration Project

英文摘要 The focus of the implementation of this plan is to assist the Environmental Protection Agency in implementing the "110 years of the Executive Yuan's Environmental Protection Agency to promote the implementation of the implementation of the implementation of resource recovery performance assessment plan", to grasp the overall implementation results of the city's resource recovery work, through the inspection and control work, supervise the jurisdiction The management industry implements the environmental maintenance of the recycling field, and unblocks the recycling pipeline after the recycling, to achieve the goal of sustainable recycling of resources. The implementation results are described as follows: (一) Integrate the results of the city's resource recovery work and handle the performance appraisal plan for the resource recovery work of the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan 1. Handle 5 work review meetings and participate in 5 district captain meetings to review resource recovery. 2. Handle 5 sessions of education and training, with 151 people participating, and invite lecturers to teach resource recycling concepts and clerical skills. 3. Consolidated analysis of 143 characteristic practices in 24 major items of each county and city in 109, put forward recommendations suitable for the city, sorted out 37 specific practices in seven structures, and promoted the four major systems of the city’s executive agencies, communities, schools, organizations and recyclers After implementing the resource recovery work, formulating strategies based on regional patterns and local conditions, compiling the 110 annual results report by compiling the implementation results of various commissions and offices. 4. As of November 22, 110, the Environmental Protection Agency's assessment score was 83.70 points (out of 101, 82.87% achieved). (二) Strengthen the handling of statistical data declaration 1. Counseling and reporting resource recovery increased from 1,541 to 3,502, with 1,123 public institutions being the majority, followed by 688 collective housing; cleaning teams in each district also assisted 326 units in reporting, increasing the recycling volume of 48,754 metric tons per year. Jiali and Madou districts are the most active in tutoring. 2. Completed the data declaration and inspection work for 198 agencies and 350 schools. The majority of the delivery objects were 230 cleaning teams (42%), followed by 201 recyclers (37%). 3. Formulate the "110 Years of Resource Recovery Reporting Reward Evaluation System Plan", based on the degree of enthusiasm for declaration, regular declaration and declaration method (such as online declaration), etc., 200 declaration awards, 50 recycling awards and 69 awards are selected For the district team recommendation award, the majority of the award-winning units are 162 institutions, followed by 55 schools. 4. From January to October of 110, the amount of recycled resources reached 505,404 metric tons, with 239,407 metric tons of paper most of the recycled materials, with a recycling rate of 62.86% (ranked third in Liudu, an increase of 2.81% from the previous year (109)), food waste The recovery rate is 6.03% (No. 3 in Liudu, 0.81% less than in the previous year (109)) and huge recycling rate of 0.92% (No. 2 in Liudu, a decrease of 0.16% from the previous year (109)); the city's administrative district resources The top three with the highest recovery rate are Yongkang District, Zuozhen District and Nanhua District in order. (三) A pragmatic review of the resource items in the jurisdiction and regulations on the discharge method 1. Completed the collection of vehicle collection samples in 30 administrative regions. The top five main recyclables in the order of percentages are waste paper 21.33%, waste plastic 20.34%, waste plastic container 13.27%, waste iron 11.28% and waste paper container 8.44%. 2. It was found that general garbage accounted for 6.98%, among which the proportion of recyclable garbage was 0.57%, including shoes 0.20%, medical waste 0.15%, suitcase 0.10%, mop 0.06%, fiber cloth 0.06%, etc. 3. This year, the baby stroller was listed as a new announcement item, 3 publicity activities were conducted, 322 people participated, and 322 valid questionnaires were issued to promote the correct recycling method of the stroller and encourage the recycling after disassembly. It is estimated that it will increase by about every year. 50 metric tons of recycling volume, and reduce the burden of the incinerator. (四) Check and control waste recycling and processing industry 1. Completed the review work of 43 companies that should be recycled and processed, 18 approved, 2 submitted finalized copies, 9 rejected applications, 12 applications were not complete and required the industry to make corrections, urged the industry to comply with laws and regulations, and tracked and counseled monthly The industry declares the operating volume on time. 2. Counseling two operators to complete the registration of resource recycling stations that have not reached a certain scale. There are 19 complete collection stations in this city, and the recycling volume from January to October is 5,813 metric tons. 3. Completed the on-site inspections of 138 registered recycling companies and 115 recycling companies that did not reach a certain scale, and immediately improved the on-site after counseling for 52 companies (39 sites were found to have uncleared water containers, and 11 storage areas were marked in Chinese Falling off or unmarked and 2 waste lead batteries were not stored in accordance with regulations), 5 reported sanctions (the larvae were found in the water container), and the industry was required to remove and improve immediately. 4. Formulated the "110-year grading management plan for subsidized institutions in the scrap motor vehicle recycling industry". Fengdong Vehicle Dismantling Business Co., Ltd. won the gold medal, and Yuyuan Enterprise Co., Ltd. and Yingxing Hardware Co., Ltd. won the silver medal, except for independent maintenance. The factory (field) area is clean and tidy, actively implement public safety, conduct fire drills, care for the disadvantaged, establish a good corporate social image, and regularly conduct employee safety education and training to enhance industrial competitiveness. It is hoped that this city will set a benchmark for the recycling industry of waste motor vehicles. Imitate objects. 5. There are 12 companies that have approved the establishment of business plans under their jurisdiction but have not completed the registration of the recyclable waste recycling and treatment business. They are checked quarterly. 4 companies have obtained registration certificates and 3 companies are in the process of making changes. , 1 company has passed), 1 company is applying for a license, 1 company has submitted a trial operation plan, 1 company has been abolished, 1 company has been released from management (not a business), and 1 company has expired (subsequent documents will be abolished) ). 6. Handling of complaint cases, 2 reports of sanctions (recycling of scrap cars without applying for a recycling certificate in accordance with regulations), 2 improvements within a time limit (improvements have been completed), and 1 transfer to the Disposal Division (the site accepts business waste) . (五) Carry out the recycling and treatment of waste motor vehicles (incinerator) and derived waste (ASR) reuse work 1. The Environmental Protection Agency assisted in processing the total ASR entry volume of Diyitong Co., Ltd. with a total of 717.52 metric tons, and the recycling volume of waste tire film of Taiwan Auto Power Co., Ltd. was 2,326.30 metric tons, a total of 3,043.82 metric tons, and the achievement rate was 100%. 2. Counseling two companies (Hongyuan Industrial Co., Ltd. and Chi Mei Industrial Co., Ltd.) to use ASR as auxiliary fuel, but they have no intention to cooperate. The environmental protection agency has proposed changes to the sub-project requirements to achieve good performance in the assessment. (六) Assisting agencies to strengthen resource recovery policies 1. According to the "110 Years Recyclable Waste Recycling and Treatment Industry Demonstration Plant Subsidy Program", three demonstration plants (Zhenfeng Resource Recycling Company, Shengwei Enterprise Co., and Fengyang Industrial Company) were selected, according to the local characteristics of the site. Discuss and design relevant Chinese signboards, factory layout plans, image signs and announcement boards with the industry to complete the image transformation. 2. Update the database management list (including adding and canceling the management) according to the inspection results of each plan, a total of 14,171 places. 3. Completed the application review of 10 old clothes recycling facilities, approved 6 new applications (60 locations) and 4 extension applications (85 locations). 4. This year, inspections were conducted on legal used clothing recycling facilities, and 250 locations were completed, of which 77 requested improvements within a time limit, and improvements were completed after re-inspection. The surrounding environment of unmaintained facilities was mostly 18 locations, followed by 16 locations that were not installed. Counseling 60 new approved used clothing facilities to remodel the image to beautify the city and update the approved used clothing GOOGLE MAP to facilitate people’s inquiries. 5. One session of "Recyclable Waste Recycling Industry Regulations and Fire Safety Seminars and Exercises Propaganda Seminar" to explain the relevant laws and regulations of the recycling industry, and invite fire department personnel to explain and strengthen the promotion of disaster prevention concepts and fire-related regulations. There are 82 industry players participating. 6. Conduct joint visits and counseling with the fire department, and complete 45 companies (including 20 registered recycling companies and 25 recycling companies that have not reached a certain scale), on-site investigation and counseling of firefighting facilities and checking the correct use of fire extinguishers (validity period) The internal and pressure valves are normal, etc.), no defects are found, and fire protection promotion is strengthened. 7. Check the correctness of the information on the website of the Environmental Protection Agency (sub-websites under the General Waste Management Division, Resource Recycling National Mobility website, etc.) every week. (七) Check and counsel the resource recovery storage site of the clean team of the Environmental Protection Bureau Completion of the four seasons counseling inspection and review. The overall performance is in Madou District, followed by Xinhua District and Xinying District. This year, we also assisted Yongkang District and Xinying District to produce and replace damaged or missing signs and public security slogans. (八) Increase the amount of recycled materials (sand) of green/variegated waste glass containers A total of 1,821.10 metric tons of recycled glass containers (sand) were used for the related projects of the cleaning team in Annan District.
英文關鍵字 Recycle, Recyclable waste recycling industry, Incineration or shredding of waste derived from waste motor vehicles, Clothes Recycling Facility, Cleaning Team Resource Recovery Storage Yard