

中文摘要 環保署自民國87年開始由源頭徵收固定污染源空氣污染防制費(以下簡稱空污費)調整為依實際排放量徵收,並藉由中央與地方分工,於民國96年由將徵收查核業務移轉至地方環保局執行,本計畫主要負責制度修正、縣市與業者輔導、資訊系統強化與會計查驗確認。 為實現空氣品質改善目標,本計畫藉由收集國內外費率資料、執行縣市環保局與公私場所訪視與輔導作業,藉以作為評估探討空污費相關法令與制度,本年度主要檢討包含空污費收費辦法、收費費率與自廠係數…等,多方針對經濟誘因策略評析。另為提升空污費申報量準確度、降低申報與審查空污費認定上的歧異性,本計畫評估檢討修正排放係數與提出污染減量建議,並召開排放係數研議會議,並配合環保署完成4個製程污染源盤點,更確實掌握污染源排放樣態與法規符合度適用情形,作為本土化係數規劃修正之評析依據。 空污費資料庫查核方面,本計畫完成其他環保申報平台資料進行勾稽作業、會計師查證與審核,完成空污費資料庫核對作業。此外,為落實政府簡政便民之施政目標,針對空污費申報暨審查系統完成開發主管機關審查介面模擬系統與跨季申報功能,節省公私場所申報與繳費時間。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制費、排放係數、查核管理


專案計畫編號 EPA-110-FA12-03-A102 經費年度 110 計畫經費 16750 千元
專案開始日期 2021/02/02 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 陳辰菖
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 黃星富 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA110FA1203A102.pdf 21MB EPA110FA1203A102成果報告

The project of modifying the regulation system and management for air pollutant control fee collection of stationary pollution source

英文摘要 According to concept of “Polluter Pays Principle”, source collection which was the method of collecting the air pollution fees from stationary pollution sources had been replaced with actual emission of air pollutants since 1998. To encourage cooperation between central and local competent authority, the central competent authority had entrusted to the special municipality, county or city competent authority the fee charging and reporting work in 2007. To improve the air quality, the act of this project is mentioned below. For the purpose of inspecting and evaluating the Air Pollution Control Fee Collection Regulations (APCFCR) and air pollution-related laws and regulations which included air pollution fees, emission fees, the regulation of air pollution fee allowance of control equipment, etc., this project not only collected and analyzed the air pollution fee rates from countries, but also visited and communicated with the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) and public or private premises. Moreover, to improve the accuracy of air pollution amount which public or private premises filed and EPB reviewed and reduce the different views between central and local competent authority, the air pollution emission factors had been inspected and modified, the pollution reduction plan had been submitted, the conference for the air pollution emission factors negotiation had been hold and the stationary pollution sources of 4 manufacturing processes had been checked and evaluated. The act mention above could not merely clarify the emission status of stationary pollution sources, but also could provide data for scheduling and modifying localized air pollution emission factors. The verification of the air pollution fee database had been done by comparing and inspecting between related environmental management system and auditing and reviewing accounts. Besides, the stationary source air pollution control fees and emissions reporting integrated management system had been developed government declaration model system and electronic smart account write-off function, which could save a lot of time for both public or private premises and competent authority.
英文關鍵字 Air Pollution Control Fee, Emission Factors, Management Auditing