

中文摘要 本計畫針對臺南市政府公告列管之28筆農地土壤污染控制場址進行污染確認調查,以釐清地下環境有無遭棄置污染物並研擬後續管制措施。計畫執行期間4筆由潛在污染責任人改善完成,餘24筆透過兩階段調查作業搭配現場怪手開挖結果完成污染確認,計15筆地號屬中低污染潛勢、9筆地號屬高污染潛勢。 15筆中低污染農地中,計1筆經確認污染量體後協商輔導污染土地關係人改善,餘14筆另行發包「臺南市農地土壤污染控制場址適當措施改善計畫」進行改善,經本計畫監督驗證結果均已符合改善目標,解除列管面積1.08公頃;9筆高污染農地中,計1筆由污染土地關係人自行管理,餘8筆經風險評估及盤點現地屏障條件後,依場址特性及污染土地關係人風險溝通協商結果,採取設置圍籬、覆蓋不織布及植生復育等污染管理作業,管理面積0.74公頃。 植生復育試驗於銅、鋅污染農地種植硬質玉米及狼尾草,植體累積重金屬以根部為主,惟土壤復育成效尚不顯著。種植單位面積狼尾草之生質產量高於硬質玉米,重金屬移除累積量及栽種維護方面狼尾草亦優於硬質玉米。另植體可食部位玉米粒及狼尾草莖葉之重金屬濃度均符合飼料限量標準,建議進一步與農業單位協商作為禽畜飼料應用之管理方式,而污染農地於適當覆土後種植淺根植物,可避免植體蓄積污染物,兼具復育管理與土地再利用效果。 後續除輔導污染土地關係人善盡土地管理責任義務避免再度遭受污染外,未來可透過例行性土水計畫定期巡查監督,倘發現農地場址有未盡善良管理情形,得要求污染土地關係人改善。另針對暫無改善經費之場址,透過污染管理控管環境風險,此外可採取植生復育措施,達到提升環境品質、活化荒廢土地及減緩氣候變遷等多重效益。
中文關鍵字 農地、污染管理


專案計畫編號 11030208 經費年度 110 計畫經費 34311 千元
專案開始日期 2021/04/06 專案結束日期 2024/01/05 專案主持人 賴宜欣
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 朱盈蓁 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告(公開版).pdf 13MB 期末報告公開版

The Supervision and Verification Project of Tainan City Farmland Soil Pollution Control Site

英文摘要 The confirmation survey of contamination was conducted for 24 pollution control sites of farm land in Tainan. Employing a two-stage approach, the survey identified 15 sites with low pollution potential and 9 with higher pollution potential. Within the low-pollution potential sites, one site underwent a detailed assessment of contamination extent and status. After communication with interested party, a pollution control plan was implemented in accordance with guidelines. The remaining 14 sites were included in "The Project of Remediation Measures on Restricted Farmlands in Tainan City" for individual improvements. The project's supervision and verification confirmed compliance with improvement requirements, leading to the public announcement of the cancellation of control or regulatory listing for a 1.08-hectare area. For the higher pollution potential sites, one site was managed by the interested party, while the remaining 8 sites underwent pollution management operations, including the installation of fences, non-woven fabric coverings, and phytoremediation experiments following risk assessment. The managed area covered 0.74 hectares. To fulfill land management responsibilities and prevent recontamination, ongoing guidance is provided to interested parties. Regular inspections and supervision, integrated into routine soil and groundwater pollution management projects, will be crucial for future monitoring. In cases lacking funds for immediate improvement, health risks will be controlled through pollution management. Additionally, adopting phytoremediation will not only address pollution but also yield multiple benefits such as enhancing environmental quality, reclaiming abandoned land, and contributing to climate change mitigation.
英文關鍵字 farm land, pollution management