

中文摘要 高雄市政府環境保護局(下稱環保局)為推廣地方環境教育並配合行政院環境保護署政策,爰訂定本計畫。工作項目涵蓋環境教育輔導推廣活動以及行政配合活動等兩大面向,執行期程自110年01月15日至110年11月30日。 (一) 環境教育輔導及推廣活動 本團隊今年度配合環保署目標「深耕環境教育」辦理諸多環境教育推廣活動,落實環境教育持續扎根。於5月1日至6月30日辦理環境教育繪本徵選,徵選高雄在地特色繪本;並創作屬於環保局專屬特色Line貼圖,於7月1日及9月22辦理貼圖推廣活動;於10月7日辦理環境教育繪本故事演說人員培訓,增加本市環教志工多元能力;9月26日、10月25日、10月26日辦理辦理招募環境教育志工座談會; 11月完成繪本動畫於環保局官方臉書及串流平台分享。活動結合高雄市各校及民眾參與,提倡寓教於樂的綠色生活,並帶領民眾透過網路認識高雄在地的特色環境教育。 (二) 行政配合 配合環境教育法19條規範,於5月至6月辦理環境教育成效輔導,9月14日辦理環境教育終身學習網系統申報說明會,使轄內機關與學校了解相關環境法令規章,提升高雄市環境教育與環保工作績效;並配合行政院環境保護署辦理環保方面的全國賽事,包含5至10月辦理第八屆環境教育獎高雄市初審作業與9月25日辦理高雄市環境知識競賽,選拔代表高雄市參加全國決賽之單位及選手,並於10月29及10月30辦理知識賽決前輔導;於 11月1日至11月18日辦理環保志(義)工群英會網路活動,輔導有意願參與本次群英會網路之環保志義工。行政配合活動除有效落實轄內環境教育的推廣之餘,希冀同時能為高雄市努力爭取佳績。 本年度高雄市環境教育因應疫情影響改變執行策略成果豐碩,各項全國競賽皆盡力輔導取得優異成績,環保署環境教育考核自評可取得所有對應工項滿分。
中文關鍵字 中文摘要、110年高雄市環境教育專案計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 4200 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/15 專案結束日期 2021/11/30 專案主持人 康敏捷
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 梁瑞亨 執行單位 磐飛科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0.110高雄環教結案報告書 - 定稿.pdf 16MB

英文摘要 The purpose of the subject was in order to promote environmental education of Kaohsiung and comply with the policy of Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, this project was made by Environmental Protection Bureau Kaohsiung City Government (hereinafter referred to as ‘KEPB’). This projec include two major aspects, one is for environmental education events, the other is for administrative matters cooreation, and the project schedule is from January 15, 2021 to November 30, 2021. 1. Environmental education events: To follow the purpose - devote time and effort at environmental education, of Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, our team had hold several events for environmetnal education this year. To select regional features picture books, the Kaohsiung City Environmental Picture Books Competition was hold during May 1st to June 30th. Furthermore, our team had created official LINE stickers of KEPB, and gave free stickers as gift for people who were joined the events at July 1st and September 22th. And also, in order to promote the ability of KEPB volunteer, the picture book speaker training was hold at October 7th. In addition, the new KEPB volunteer recruit and interview were hold at September 26th, October 25th and 26th. Besides, the champion works of Kaohsiung City Environmental Picture Books Competition will also been animated, and upload to KEPB’s official Facebook and YouTube at November 11th. Those events were made with internet for the purpose of devote time and effort at environmetal education and popularize the characteristic for the citizens and agencies in Kaohsiung. 2. Administrative matters correlation: Cooperate with the environmental education laws, we hold 70 places on-site visiting during May to June, and hold the environmental education regulations briefing at September 14th, make the agencies and school improve their performance of environmental education and protection work and enhance the knowing of environmental education laws in Kaohsiung County. And cooperate with the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan to handle national competitions in environmental protection, including handling the preliminary review of the 8th Environmental Education Award Kaohsiung City from May to October and handling the Kaohsiung City Environmental Knowledge Contest on September 25th, selecting representatives of Kaohsiung City to participate in the national finals. On October 29th and October 30th, we conducted pre-environmental knowledge competition counseling for players. From November 1st to November 18th, we organized the environmental protection volunteers’ network activities to help volunteers who are willing to participate in this network of environmental protection volunteers. In addition to the effective implementation of the promotion of environmental education within the jurisdiction, administrative coordination activities also hope that Kaohsiung City can strive for good results at the same time. This year, we changed our implementation strategy in response to the impact of the epidemic and achieved fruitful results. Various national competitions have tried their best to help achieve excellent results. The Environmental Protection Agency's environmental education assessment self-assessment can obtain full scores in all corresponding work items.
英文關鍵字 English Abstract