

中文摘要 本計畫除依據 IPCC 2006 指南更新我國 2019 年環境部門(Waste Sector)溫室氣體排放量及精進清冊統計外;亦因應部門減量之需求,規劃減量路徑,透由行動方案落實以達成目標。本年度主要工作成果如下。 更新 2021 年版環境部門清冊數據,2019 年環境部門總排放量已降至2,703.2 千公噸 CO2e,較基準年 2005 年下降 63.1%,提前達成第一期階段管制目標,顯示部門減量績效。部門排放源以污(廢)水處理為大宗,占部門排放 65.81%,其次依序為廢棄物掩埋處理占 24.26%、焚化及堆肥處理占 8.21%及 1.73%;排放氣體以甲烷為主占 77.75%,氧化亞氮及二氧化碳則分別占 14.34%及 7.91%。另,比較我國與國際廢棄物部門之排放趨勢及人均排碳量,彙整英國、瑞士、瑞典、日本、加拿大、新加坡及馬來西亞之 2021 年清冊報告(National Inventory Report, NIR),結果顯示減少掩埋處理量為各國減排關鍵,而我國之人均碳排放量0.11噸CO2e/人相較各國低,僅高於新加坡及瑞典。 為制定部門減量路徑,本計畫蒐研英國、日本與美國等先進國家之廢棄物部門淨零排放策略,並考量國內現況,規劃環境部門中長期減量路徑。經評估後,在無任何減量措施下,2050 年排放量將成長至 3,462.7 千公噸CO2e;既有政策下可降至 2,736.0 千公噸CO2e;中長期減量路徑下則可降至 1,003.2 千公噸 CO2e。 除規劃部門減量路徑,因應污(廢)水處理為部門主要排放來源,本計畫實地訪查 2 廠具沼氣回收潛力之污水處理廠及 5 廠事業廢水廠,蒐集其沼氣處理現況或設置厭氧消化及沼氣回收之可行性,以作為後續制定相關減量策略之參考依據。另亦實際量測 3 廠食品業及 3 廠印刷電路板業之溫室氣體排放,以建立本土排放係數,降低部門不確定性。經彙整,食品業採樣對象之 COD 處理量累計占行業 37.44%,初步建立之係數分別為 5.50×10-4 kg CH4/kg COD 及 1.02×10-5 kg N2O/kg-N;印刷電路板業則累計占行業9.65%之 COD 移除量,初步建立排放係數則為 8.90×10-4 kg CH4/kg COD 及 1.36×10-4 kg N2O/kg-N。 為精進部門清冊統計,本計畫彙整 5 個附件一國家專家審議小組(ERT)之審議意見,作為後續我國清冊報告可注意事項,另亦評析 2019 年版 IPCC清冊指南更新內容,提出未來掩埋處理、生活污水及事業廢水排放計算之精進規劃。
中文關鍵字 溫室氣體、廢棄物部門、國家清冊報告、本土化參數、減碳策略


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 5450 千元
專案開始日期 2021/07/20 專案結束日期 2022/07/19 專案主持人 王寧沂
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 張文菖 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 全文(隱藏個資版).pdf 36MB

Refinement of Greenhouse Gas Emission Statistics and Work Effectiveness Analysis of Waste Sector

英文摘要 The project was to compile and update the emissions of Waste Sector in 2019 using the recommended methodologies in 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (IPCC 2006 Guidelines). In addition, planning the long-term roadmap of Waste Sector based on the demanding of carbon reduction. The main achievements of the project were as follows. Update the emissions of Waste Sector from 1990 to 2019. According to the result, the emissions of Waste Sector in 2019 was 2,703.2 ktCO2e, which had declined 63.1% compared to the baseline year, showing the accomplish of the sector. The emissions of domestic and industrial wastewater treatment are the largest contributor from the Waste Sector, accounting for 65.81%, while the emissions form landfills, incineration and compost account for 24.26%, 8.21% and 1.73%, respectively. Gases from the Waste sector was mostly methane, accounting for 77.75%. In addition, to compare the emissions trend and per-capita carbon emissions of our country with other countries, analyzed 7 National Inventory Report (NIR). The results showed that decrease the waste amount in landfill is a major carbon reduction strategy for countries. The per-capita carbon emissions of Taiwan was 0.11 kt-CO2 eq, only higher than Singapore and Swedan. To plan the carbon reduction roadmap, compile the Net Zero pathway of the Waste sector proposed by other countries, and based on the situation in Taiwan to plan the long-term reduction strategies. According to the assessment, in BAU scenario, the emissions would be 3,462.7 kt-CO2 eq in 2050; under the existing policy, the emissions would be 2,736.0 kt-CO2 eq ; while under long-term reduction pathway, the emissions would reduce to 1,003.2 kt-CO2 eq. In addition, owing the highest emissions of domestic and wastewater treatment, 2 domestic wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and 5 industry wastewater treatment plants with the biogas recovery equipment or potential in setting biogas equipment were visited, for understanding the biogas recovery situation and assessing the potential in setting biogas equipment. Moreover, measuring the GHGs emissions from 3 food industries and three printed circuit board industries wastewater treatment process, so as to build the country-specific emission factors (EF). The percentage of COD removal in measured food industries and printed circuit board industries accounted for 37.44% and 9.65% of the corresponded industry, respectively. The results showed that food industries’ EF was 5.50×10-4 kg CH4/kg COD and 1.02×10-5 kg N2O/kg-N, while the EF of printed circuit board industries was 8.90×10-4 kg CH4/kg COD and 1.36×10-4 kg N2O/kg-N. To refine the Waste sectors’ inventory, the opinion by expert review teams (ERT) of 5 Annex I parties was analyzed, to be the matters needing attention as a follow-up refinement of Taiwan greenhouse gas inventory report. Besides, analyzing the content of 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories to propose the refinement of Waste Sector emissions calculation, including landfill treatment, domestic and wastewater treatment.
英文關鍵字 Greenhouse gas, waste sector, national inventory report (NIR), localization emission parameter, CO2 emission reduction strategies