

中文摘要 國內底泥品質管理主要透過定期檢測申報及管理作業,以及底泥環境調查評估制度,由水體主管機關持續辦理底泥檢測申報作業,強化底泥品質掌握及管理。其中檢出檢測項目濃度值高於底泥品質指標上限值點位以灌溉渠道為水體中數量最多,經評析主因為我國早年灌排設置特性,灌溉渠道底泥為較常受到污染影響,此外,灌溉渠道經常會有定期清淤作業,所移除之底泥須要有妥善之去化管道與處理方式,以避免產生二次污染。爰此,環保署辦理「灌溉渠道底泥處理及再利用技術研析計畫」,針對我國推動底泥及近似物質之處理及再利用規範、技術及市場進行蒐整調查,並藉由污染底泥作為紅磚以及高值化無機聚合物再利用可行性試驗,拓展灌溉渠道污染底泥多元化去化管道,研析實務面清除處理相關管理制度、程序、規範及配套措施,以加速灌溉渠道污染底泥去化推動。 本計畫完成國內外底泥與近似底泥物質之再利用技術、處理及再利用管理相關制度或規範及產品市場概況資料蒐集,提出我可發展之再利用及處理技術建議,並針對管理面研析可做為我國參考內容與建議,並藉由調查我國水泥窯業及磚瓦窯業收受污染底泥意願,評析去化管道產業收受之可能性。 再利用可行性試驗方面,本計畫完成底泥作為紅磚及高值化無機聚合物再利用可行性試驗,紅磚再利用實廠試驗顯示技術可行,未來可優先拓展再利用去化管道;而高值化無機聚合物再利用實驗室試驗結果,顯示具技術可行並掌握最佳操作參數,可做為未來模廠或實廠試驗參考。依據前述試驗結果,本計畫提出研擬相關管理規範或綜整最佳操作參數,做為未來相關再利用去化管道政策推動參考。 本計畫亦評估與污染土壤離場管理整合之方式,提出管理機制、作業程序及法令修訂之建議。另就灌渠污染底泥離場處理之設施條件、處理規範與審查機制,研擬參考指引文件,並提出疏濬計畫書撰寫參考範本。前述成果可作為相關單位推動管理制度之參考。 在業務推動方面,本計畫透過五場次研商會議,確實掌握A類灌溉渠道之底泥濃度偏高區段及原因,並說明灌溉渠道底泥疏濬推動方式。
中文關鍵字 底泥、再利用、灌溉渠道


專案計畫編號 110A235 經費年度 110 計畫經費 14500.7 千元
專案開始日期 2020/08/12 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 劉祐瑄
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 張良麗 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110A235.pdf 13MB 110A235成果報告

The Project of Promoting the Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Facilities on Contaminted Land

英文摘要 The quality management of sediment is mainly based on regular inspection and management and environmental investigation and assessment system. The competent authorities in charge of water body shall continuously handle the sediment inspection and declaration, and strengthen the quality control and management of sediment. The irrigation canal has the largest quantity of the monitoring locations where have the pollutant concentration higher than the upper limit value of the quality index of the bottom sediment. Irrigation canal is the most common source of pollution due to the characteristics of irrigation and drainage in early years. Because Irrigation channels are frequently cleaned regularly, sediment removed should be properly decontaminated to avoid secondary contamination. Accordingly, the EPA has conducted a technical research and analysis program on the treatment and reuse of sediment and similar substances, and conducted a feasibility study on the use of sediment as red bricks and high-value inorganic polymers. The project also develop the diversified decontamination approaches, research and analysis of relevant management system, procedures and supporting measures to accelerate decontamination of contaminated sludge of irrigation channels In this project, we have completed the collection of relevant regulations and market researh on the reuse and treatment of sediment and similar materials. Some suggestions were also proposed. The feasibility study of reuse of sediment for production of red brick and high value inorganic polymer is completed in this project. The result of experiment of production of red brick is feasible and can be used as reference for future.Based on the above experimental results, the relevant management and specifications and the operating parameters were proposed . The project also assessed the integration of contaminated soil off-site management and proposes management mechanisms, procedures and legislative amendments. In addition, the project also studied the facility conditions, treatment standards and examination mechanism of sediment off-site, and puts forward the reference model of the dredging plan.The above results can be used as reference for relevant units to promote management system. In terms of management system promotion, the project identify the high concentration of sediment in irrigation channels of Category A and explain the ways to promote the drainage of sediment in irrigation channels.
英文關鍵字 sediment, Reuse, irrigation channels