

中文摘要 本計畫各項工作包括多元化政策宣導及教育訓練規劃、擴大工檢會召開、經理會報之辦理及空氣品質原因分析報告等作業,110年合約達成率依工作權重加權計算後為100%,整體進度管控達成率100%,無落後之情形,主要執行成果如下: (一)掌握環保署考評項目及污防書達成情形 依據環保署「110年度直轄市、縣(市)政府執行空氣品質維護及改善工作績效展現追蹤」年度須達80分以上,才可獲得固定污染源空污費撥交比率60%,另移動污染源空污費撥交比率20%執行率須達8成以上。本計畫協助局內管控47項(含加分5項)細項指標執行情形,以掌握考評得分,本計畫於每月經理會報及各季工檢會中追蹤各項考核項目執行情形,110年度自評得分為93.34分(含加分3.5分),年底預計可得94.14分(含加分4.3分),本計畫於每月經理會報及各季工檢會中追蹤各項考核項目執行情形。 本縣109-112年空氣污染防制計畫(以下簡稱污防書)初稿,已於110年2月25日提送第2次修正稿至環保署,110年4月23日召開第1次審查會議後,依委員及相關機關所提意見補正,並於署指定期限於5月23日上傳,並於6月3日完成核定本縣污防書,本計畫於6月11日提送污防書定稿進行送縣府簽核作業,並協助局內於7月15日發文辦理公告後,於7月22日將定稿本及公告函影印本提送至環保署。本計畫每月定期彚整各計畫空氣污染防制計畫書達成情形,以掌握達成率。110年指標項目共計37項,已全數達年度目標,達成率100%,符合進度管控。 (二)PM2.5與臭氧減量作法 花蓮縣可能超標之空氣污染物為PM2.5及O3,為此針對PM2.5與O3前驅物NOx及NMHC區域性減量,依本縣特性研擬相關管制作為,以達污染減量並維護花蓮良好空氣品質。110年度PM2.5減量作法共17項,其中屬永久性污染物為:公私場所採行最佳可行控制技術、提升逸散管辦符合度、輔導餐飲油煙防制設備改善、淘汰1-4期老舊高污染機車車籍數及汰除1-3期柴油車等,PM2.5年度預計可削減129.86公噸(包含永久性68.62公噸、暫時性61.24公噸),110年度共計削減441.04噸 (永久性248.34公噸、暫時性192.70公噸)。 在O3前驅物管制策略上分為前驅物NOx與NMHC。NOx平時管制共8項,NMHC平時管制共7項,NOx年度預計可削減77.9公噸(包含永久性63.39公噸、暫時性14.51公噸),110年度共削減254.1公噸(包含永久性142.66公噸、暫時性111.44公噸)。NMHC年度預計可削減15.63公噸(包含永久性14.55公噸、暫時性1.08公噸),110年度共削減35.39公噸(包含永久性33.6公噸、暫時性1.79公噸)。 另針對O3高值事件日(O3(8hr)濃度>70ppb)應變管制作為NOx共6項、NMHC共6項,110年度O3高值無事件日發生。 (三)本縣空品達成指標及空品分析 110年度各項污染物均符合法規空氣品質標準與本縣污防書目標,110年年初冬季(109年12月至110年2月)AQI平均值為44,較去年同期(39)上升13%;春季(3月至5月)AQI平均值42,較去年同期(48)降低14%,AQI≦50之良好日數比例為79%,較去年同期(73%)微幅上升;夏季(6月至8月)AQI平均值27,較去年同期(29)降低74%,AQI≦50之良好日數比例為100%;秋季(9月至11月)AQI平均值34,較去年同期(40)降低18%,AQI≦50之良好日數比例為97%,AQI>100之日數為0日,顯示整體空氣品質良好。 本縣CEMS針對NOx監測連線廠家共4家,包含和平電廠、台泥花蓮、台泥和平、亞洲水泥,原8根排放管道,但台灣水泥花蓮廠為停工,故共計7根排放管道;針對SOx監測,連線廠家僅1家(和平電廠),共計2根排放管道。 (四)每季辦理擴大工檢會 110年共完成4場次擴大工檢會,會議中各計畫針對年度重點工作、核心指標、合約執行進度、年度創新作法及環保署考評與污防書目標達成情形,以及各季會中委員指導各計畫之意見,均要求於各計畫於各期報告中分析呈現。 (五)每月經理會報 本計畫共完成辦理12場次經理會報,主要內容為提報各計畫之執行情形,並於會議中進行檢討,以利環保局掌握各計畫實際執行現況及進度,以及透過横向溝通,有效達成環保署考核目標。 (六)各委辦計畫人員教育訓練 為統合、協調與推動各空氣污染防制相關計畫工作,提升環境保護工作品質,達成環保署各項空氣污染管制專案考核目標,藉由教育訓練課程之安排以提升環保局及計畫同仁的專業職能,110年已完成新進人員職前教育訓練1場次及外部人員教育訓練4場次。 (七)創新作法 計畫於110年1月18日提送創新作法企劃書:建置「增加CCTV AI輔助辨識平台」,依2月3日召開之研商會議委員意見修正創新作法內容後於2月22日提送修正稿,2月25日經環保局同意即開始執行,110年度所有委辦計畫屬監控道路髒污計有11支,已完成介接並進行路污辨識機器學習,並已於11月29日提送成果報告。 (八)細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)研析 本年度(2021)彙整各空氣污染防制相關計畫針對細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)空氣品質標準規劃推動之管制作為,撰寫本縣細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)區域成因分析及減量策略成本分析報告,報告書以掌握本縣PM2.5微粒濃度與成份分析現況與歷年趨勢為首要,相關防制技術應用評估與輔導為次,最終期望能對於區域污染來源進行貢獻量的推估,以利管制策略的擬定與成效的評估,研析報告已於12月3日提送。 (九)多元化政策宣導作業 為協助各空污防制委辦計畫進行宣導推廣,擬定多元化政策宣導作業計畫針對環保局業務進行整合行銷及花蓮縣空污議題重視度與施政滿意度調查評估作業。執行現況與成果如下: 1.分別於2月20日及3月22日完成提送多元化政策宣導整合行銷媒體宣導及花蓮縣空污議題重視度與施政滿意度調查評估作業等企劃書,並經環保局同意後執行。 2.已完成電臺託播42家次(4,029檔次)、多媒體網路宣導12則2家次(瀏覽人數45,171次)及平面媒體12則;花蓮縣空污議題重視度與施政滿意度調查評估已完成第一階段及第二階段問卷調查。 (十)空污防制與環境保護之政策推動宣導活動 配合縣府或機關辦理相關空污防制與環境保護宣導,為加強有效宣導空氣污染防制之各項環保工作推動與落實,提升環境保護工作品質,凝聚全民共識,讓花蓮縣民眾瞭解本縣環保局空氣污染防制業務與提升民眾觀感,加強環保業務宣導效益。110年已完成辦理8場次宣導活動、媒體宣導6家(共23則)及創新研商會1場次。 (十一)空氣污染管制整體成效與創新作為 「110年度直轄市、縣(市)政府執行空氣品質維護及改善工作績效展現追蹤」中,空氣污染管制整體成效與創新作為佔24分,其中創新作為須符合:一、具地方特色之污染源管理(含民眾陳情)及績效;二、提升污染源掌握或減量、民眾滿意度、行政服務效率、避免污染事件危害,及其他有助於改善空氣品質之創新作為。 110年度二項創新作為: 一、精實花港管制、提升污染削減。 二、來花蓮大口呼吸、低碳慢活空氣清。 另針對環保署今年新增重大政策配合情形及空氣污染管制整體成效部分,提出三項整合性管制作為: 一、勁入和平、淨守家園。 二、環保科技多元化、防污降噪減排放。 三、全民綠生活、大口森呼吸。 (十二)其他 人力及物力支援:皆依局內指示協助辦理。 臨時交辦事項:皆依局內指示協助辦理。 九、110年合約達成率依工作權重加權計算後為100%,整體進度管控達成率100%,無落後之情形。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制、空氣品質分析、花蓮縣


專案計畫編號 EPB-110-02-01 經費年度 110 計畫經費 9790 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 趙嘉雍
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 康秀珍 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度花蓮縣空氣污染防制暨空氣品質分析計畫(期末定稿).pdf 75MB

110 Hualien County Air Pollution Control and Air Quality Analysis Program

英文摘要 The work of this plan includes the promotion of diversified policies and education and training planning, the expansion of the convening of labor inspection meetings, the handling of managerial meeting reports, and the analysis of air quality reasons. , the overall progress control achievement rate is 100%, and there is no backward situation. The main implementation results are as follows: (1) Grasp the evaluation items of the Environmental Protection Agency and the achievement of pollution prevention documents According to the Environmental Protection Agency's "110 Municipal and County (City) Governments Implementing Air Quality Maintenance and Improvement Work Performance Tracking", the annual score must be over 80 points in order to obtain a 60% allocation rate of air pollution fees for fixed pollution sources, and air pollution from mobile pollution sources. Fee allocation rate of 20%, the implementation rate must be more than 80%. This plan assists the bureau to manage and control the implementation of 47 (including 5 extra points) detailed indicators, so as to grasp the evaluation score. The 110 annual self-assessment score is 93.34 points (including 3.5 points), and it is expected to get 94.14 points (including 4.3 points) by the end of the year. This plan tracks various assessment items in the monthly manager meeting report and each quarterly labor inspection meeting. Implementation situation. The first draft of the county's 109-112 air pollution control plan (hereinafter referred to as the pollution control book) has been submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency for the second revision on February 25, 110, and the first meeting was held on April 23, 110 After the review meeting, supplements and corrections will be made according to the opinions of members and relevant agencies, and uploaded on May 23 within the time limit designated by the department, and the county’s pollution prevention document will be approved on June 3. This plan will be submitted on June 11. The final version of the pollution prevention book will be sent to the county government for approval, and after assisting the bureau to issue a document on July 15 to handle the announcement, the final version and the photocopy of the announcement letter will be submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency on July 22. This plan regularly aligns the achievement status of the air pollution control plan of each plan every month to grasp the achievement rate. There are a total of 37 index projects in 110 years, all of which have reached the annual target, and the achievement rate is 100%, which is in line with progress control. (2) PM2.5 and ozone reduction practices The air pollutants that may exceed the standard in Hualien County are PM2.5 and O3. Therefore, for the regional reduction of NOx and NMHC, the precursors of PM2.5 and O3, relevant control actions are developed according to the characteristics of the county to achieve pollution reduction and maintain good health in Hualien. air quality. There are 17 PM2.5 reduction measures in 2011, among which the permanent pollutants are: adopting the best available control technology in public and private places, improving the compliance of fugitive management and management, providing guidance on the improvement of oil fume control equipment in restaurants, and eliminating phase 1-4 The number of old and high-polluting locomotives and the elimination of 1-3 diesel vehicles are expected to reduce PM2.5 by 129.86 metric tons (including permanent 68.62 metric tons and temporary 61.24 metric tons), and a total of 441.04 tons in 110 (permanent metric tons). 248.34 metric tons, provisional 192.70 metric tons). In terms of O3 precursor control strategy, it is divided into precursor NOx and NMHC. There are 8 items of NOx normal control and 7 items of NMHC normal control. The annual NOx reduction is expected to be 77.9 metric tons (including permanent 63.39 metric tons and temporary 14.51 metric tons), and a total of 254.1 metric tons in 110 (including permanent 142.66 metric tons and temporary 111.44 metric tons). mt). NMHC is expected to reduce 15.63 metric tons (including permanent 14.55 metric tons and temporary 1.08 metric tons) in fiscal year 2011, and reduce a total of 35.39 metric tons (including permanent 33.6 metric tons and temporary 1.79 metric tons) in 2011. In addition, for the event days with high O3 value (O3 (8hr) concentration>70ppb), there are 6 items of NOx and 6 items of NMHC in response to regulation. (3) The county's empty product achievement indicators and empty product analysis In 2011, all pollutants met the air quality standards of regulations and the county's pollution prevention book. The average AQI in the early winter of 20110 (December 109 to February 110) was 44, an increase of 13% over the same period last year (39). ; The average AQI in spring (March to May) was 42, a decrease of 14% from the same period last year (48), and the proportion of good days with AQI ≤ 50 was 79%, a slight increase from the same period last year (73%); summer (6 Month to August) AQI average of 27, a decrease of 74% compared with the same period last year (29), and the proportion of good days with AQI ≤ 50 was 100%; autumn (September to November) AQI average of 34, compared with the same period last year (40%) ) decreased by 18%, the proportion of good days with AQI≤50 was 97%, and the number of days with AQI>100 was 0 days, indicating that the overall air quality was good. There are 4 CEMS connected manufacturers for NOx monitoring in this county, including Heping Power Plant, TCC Hualien, TCC Heping, and Asia Cement. There were originally 8 discharge pipes, but the Taiwan Cement Hualien plant was shut down, so there were a total of 7 discharge pipes; For SOx monitoring, there is only one connected manufacturer (Heping Power Plant), with a total of 2 discharge pipes. (4) Handle expanded labor inspection meetings on a quarterly basis In 110 years, a total of 4 expanded labor inspection meetings were completed. During the meeting, each plan focused on the annual key tasks, core indicators, contract implementation progress, annual innovative practices, and the achievement of the goals of the EPD evaluation and pollution prevention documents, as well as the guidance of members in each quarterly meeting. The opinions of each plan are required to be analyzed and presented in each report of each plan. (5) Monthly manager meeting report A total of 12 manager meeting reports have been completed for this project. The main content is to report the implementation status of each project, and review it during the meeting, so that the Environmental Protection Bureau can grasp the actual implementation status and progress of each project, and through horizontal communication, effectively Achieving the EPA assessment target. (6) Education and training of planners of each commission In order to integrate, coordinate and promote the work of various air pollution prevention and control related programs, improve the quality of environmental protection work, and achieve the assessment objectives of various air pollution control projects of the EPD, the arrangement of education and training courses will improve the environmental protection bureau and program colleagues. Professional functions. In 110 years, it has completed 1 pre-employment education and training session for new recruits and 4 sessions of external personnel education and training. (7) Innovative practices It is planned to submit an innovative approach proposal on January 18, 2011: to build "increase the CCTV AI-assisted identification platform", and submit it on February 22 after revising the content of the innovative approach according to the opinions of the members of the research meeting held on February 3. The revised draft was submitted, and the implementation started on February 25 with the approval of the Environmental Protection Bureau. In 2011, there are 11 road pollution monitoring plans in all commissioned and managed projects. The interface and machine learning for road pollution identification have been completed and completed in November. Submit the results report on the 29th. (8) Analysis of fine suspended particles (PM2.5) This year (2021) summarizes the control actions of various air pollution prevention and control related plans for the planning and promotion of fine suspended particulates (PM2.5) air quality standards, and writes the regional cause analysis of fine suspended particulates (PM2.5) in this county and the cost analysis of reduction strategies The report, the report focuses on grasping the current situation of PM2.5 particle concentration and composition analysis in the county and the trend over the years, and the application evaluation and counseling of relevant control technologies is the second, and finally it is expected to estimate the contribution of regional pollution sources, in order to facilitate The formulation of the control strategy and the evaluation of its effectiveness, the research and analysis report was submitted on December 3. (9) Diversity policy advocacy work In order to assist various air pollution control committees to promote the plans, formulate a diversified policy publicity operation plan for integrated marketing of the Environmental Protection Bureau's business and survey and evaluation of the importance of air pollution issues and governance satisfaction in Hualien County. The implementation status and results are as follows: 1. On February 20 and March 22, respectively, completed the submission of plans for diversified policy publicity, integrated marketing, media publicity, and investigation and evaluation of the importance of air pollution issues in Hualien County and governance satisfaction, and approved by the Environmental Protection Bureau. after execution. 2. Completed 42 radio broadcasts (4,029 grades), 12 multimedia online promotions and 2 times (45,171 viewers) and 12 print media; the investigation and evaluation of the importance of air pollution issues in Hualien County and the satisfaction of governance The first and second stage questionnaires have been completed. (10) Policy promotion activities for air pollution control and environmental protection Cooperate with the county government or agency to handle related air pollution control and environmental protection publicity, in order to strengthen the promotion and implementation of various environmental protection work to effectively publicize air pollution control, improve the quality of environmental protection work, build a consensus of the whole people, and let the people of Hualien County understand The county's environmental protection bureau's air pollution prevention and control business and enhance public perception, strengthen environmental protection business publicity benefits. In 110 years, 8 publicity activities, 6 media promotions (23 in total) and 1 innovation research conference have been completed. (11) Overall effectiveness and innovative actions of air pollution control In "110 Municipal and County (City) Governments Implementing Air Quality Maintenance and Improvement Work Performance Tracking", the overall effectiveness of air pollution control and innovative actions accounted for 24 points, of which innovative actions must meet: 1. Pollution source management with local characteristics ( (including public complaints) and performance; 2. Improve the control or reduction of pollution sources, public satisfaction, administrative service efficiency, avoid pollution incidents, and other innovative actions that help to improve air quality. Two innovations in 110 as: 1. Refine the control of flowers and ports and improve pollution reduction. 2. Come to Hualien to take a big breath, low-carbon and slow-moving air. In addition, in response to the new major policy cooperation of the EPD this year and the overall effectiveness of air pollution control, three integrated control measures are proposed: 1. Enter peace and keep the homeland cleanly. 2. Diversification of environmental protection technology, pollution prevention, noise reduction and emission reduction. 3. Green life for the whole people, and a big mouth to breathe. (12) Others Human and material support: All assistance is handled in accordance with the instructions of the bureau. Temporary assignments: All are handled in accordance with the instructions of the bureau. 9. The 110-year contract achievement rate is 100% after weighted calculation based on the work weight, and the overall progress control achievement rate is 100%, and there is no lag.
英文關鍵字 Air Pollution Control, Air Quality Analysis, Hualien County