

中文摘要 本團隊承接臺中市政府環境保護局委辦「110年度臺中市毒性及關注化學物質防災體檢計畫」,藉由執行「毒性及關注化學物質災害防救」、「辦理毒性及關注化學物質運作管理」、「辦理化工原料或相關業者等行業輔導訪查」等三個主軸及其他相關交辦事項,協助臺中市境內業者加強毒性及關注化學物質運作管理與落實災害防救整備業務,進而確保人民生命、環境及財產之安全。同時藉由臨場訪查環境用藥標示與電子商城廣告查核,進而瞭解臺中市環境用藥運作風險及危害辨識,截至期末進度為止,本計畫總執行進度為99%,契約規定各項業務執行成效如下: 一、辦理毒性及關注化學物質災害防救:(1)辦理毒化災或環境事故現場查核2場次、(2)毒性及關注化學物質運作場所防災資料電子化500件次、(3)辦理毒性及具危害性關注化學物質危害預防及應變計畫、應變器材及偵測與警報設備計畫書預審68件次、(4)協助辦理臺中市政府民安7號演習及經濟部經濟部加工出口區管理處中港分處災防演練等2場次演練、(5)辦理臺中市毒性化學物質聯防組織救災功能查核21場次、(6)辦理毒性化學物質危害預防及應變計畫公開作業62件次。 二、辦理毒性及關注化學物質運作管理:(1)辦理毒性及關注化學物質相關諮詢與輔導等作業,包括各式勾稽與協助業者諮詢輔導500件及臨時交辦事項291件、(2)辦理毒性及關注化學物質許可登記核可等相關申請文件預審247件次。 三、辦理化工原料或相關業者等行業輔導訪查:(1)查核市售環境用藥產品標示1,577件次、(2)查核市售環境用藥產品廣告569件次、(3)辦理營業場所病媒防治用藥情形訪查71場次、(4)製作毒性及關注化學物質相關宣導單張1,000份,並依環保局指示辦理各式毒性及關注化學物質或食安相關議題宣導行銷。 四、臨時其他毒性及關注化學物質相關交辦事項:包括每月提報工作成果報表、協助臺中市110年度災害防救業務毒化物訪評及考核資料彙整、彙整中部科學工業園區化學物質使用資料、估算臺中市毒性及關注化學物質運作場所設置專業應變人員統計、參加公私場所環保許可輔導會議及防疫期間各項交辦業務等。 受COVID-19疫情影響,自110年5月15日起全臺提升疫情警戒至第三級,並對於集會活動、營業場域、大眾運輸實施相關限制措施。臺中市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)配合中央防疫政策,並使各業務工作項能順利推行,於110年6月29日、110年9月6日及110年11月9日發函(中市環衛字第1100064066號、中市環衛字第1100096185號、中市環衛字第1100124882號)變更本計畫契約工作期程與目標件數。本團隊依變更後契約規定執行第三期工作進度,藉由計畫執行過程落實毒性及關注化學物質運作管理安全、提升應變時之緊急應變能力,以及提高環境用藥之管理效能,建立一般民眾對於化學物質正確使用觀念,進而確保人民生命、環境及財產之安全。
中文關鍵字 環境用藥、毒性及關注化學物質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 2675 千元
專案開始日期 2021/04/07 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 温承翰
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 洪春量 執行單位 鼎薪防災科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度臺中市毒性及關注化學物質防災體檢計畫-期末報告定稿本公開版.pdf 10MB

Inspection Project of the concerned and toxic chemicals disaster prevention in Taichung city of the year 2021

英文摘要 Dingxin Disaster Prevention Technology Co., Ltd. undertook the “Inspection Project of the concerned and toxic chemicals disaster prevention in Taichung city of the year 2021” commissioned by the Environmental Protection Bureau of Taichung City Government (hereinafter referred to as EPB).Through the implementation of “disaster prevention”, “operation management” and “ counseling visits”, we assisted the EPB to enhance operation management and disaster prevention of concerned and toxic chemicals handlers in Taichung. In the meantime, through the implementation of selective examinations of the labels of environmental agents and e-shop advertisements to understand the risks and hazard identification of environmental agents used in Taichung. So far, the total implementation progress of the project is 99%, and the performance of each work as stipulated in the contract is as follows: 1.The disaster prevention and response operation of concerned and toxic chemical substances: (1)Conducted 2 chemical incident and environmental incident scene inspections. (2)Digitized disaster prevention data for operating sites and facilities of toxic and concerned chemical substances to a total of 500 documents. (3)Preliminary reviewed in total of 68 documents of toxic and concerned chemical substances risk prevention and response plans and the response equipment and detection and alarm equipment plans. (4)Assisted in conducting 2 drills, including Taichung City's Min'an Exercise No. 7 and Chungkang TIP disaster prevention drill. (5)Conducted 21 inspections of chemical incident mutual aid groups in Taichung. (6)Disclosed a total of 62 toxic and concerned chemical substances risk prevention and response plans for public inspection. 2.The operation management of concerned and toxic chemical substances: (1)Conducted consultation and guidance, including 500 all kinds of audits and consultation for handlers and 291 ad hoc assignments. (2)Preliminary reviewed in total of 247 permit registration and approval documents for toxic and concerned chemical substances. 3.Conducted counseling visits to chemical raw materials or chemicals industries: (1)Checked 1,577 labels of environmental agents on the market. (2)Checked 569 advertisements of environmental agents on the market. (3)Conducted 71 site visits to check the environmental agents used in premises. (4)Produced 1,000 copies of toxic and concerned chemical substances promotional leaflets and held various toxic and concerned chemical substances educational campaigns and food safety educational campaigns under the EPB’s instruction. 4.Other assignments: (1)Submitted monthly reports. (2)Assisted Taichung City compiling annual concerned and toxic chemical disaster prevention and protection audit reports and assessment data of the year 2021. (3)Compilation of the chemicals usage information in the Central Taiwan Science Park. (4)Estimated the amount of emergency responders at the operating sites and facilities of toxic and concerned chemical substances in Taichung. (5)Participated in environmental permit in public and private counseling meetings, and conducted other assignments during epidemic, etc. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the CECC had announced the nationwide Level 3 alert for COVID-19 since May 15, 2021. There were restrictions on gatherings, premises, and public transportation. In order to cooperate with the CECC's epidemic prevention policy and facilitate smooth implementation of all the works, the EPB ordered to change the targets and schedules of this project on June 29, 2021(according to the official document code: 中市環衛字第1100064066號); September 6, 2021(according to the official document code: 中市環衛字第1100096185號); and November 9, 2021(according to the official document code:中市環衛字第1100124882號). Our team carried out the third phase of the project as stipulated in the modified contract. Through the implementation of the project, we implemented the safety management of concerned and toxic chemical substances, enhanced emergency response capabilities, enhanced management of environmental agents, and established the concept of proper use of chemicals for the publics. Thus, people's lives, the environment, and property safety are ensured.
英文關鍵字 toxic chemicals