

中文摘要 環境教育為屏東縣重點推廣的發展項目,藉由計畫工作之推動執行,延續屏東縣環 境教育理念的推廣,並加強政府機關、學校師生及社會大眾之環境知識與環境責任感, 工作項目涵蓋環境教育推廣、增能培訓、輔導協助行政支援等三大面向,執行期程自110年01 月22 日至110 年11 月21 日。 (一) 環境教育推廣活動 本計畫今年度配合世界環境日「生態系統恢復」為主軸,辦理世界地球日吾拉魯 茲部落環境教育體驗活動;校正系統回歸自然-創意繪畫徵選活動;環保我最『型』 ~創意再生公仔設計徵選;2021 Fun 暑假環營來屏東等諸多環境教育推廣活動,共計 邀集96 人次;徵選125 件作品共同參與推廣活動,加強落實環境教育理念,進一步 透過網路平台互動進行線上推廣活動,運用更加多元的方式深入探索屏東縣的環境資 源特色。 (二) 增能培訓交流活動 增能培訓為計畫年度重點事項,為增加學習標的,環教志工延續109 年之教學技 巧精進培訓課程,本年度安排說明最新環境法規內容及相關實務案例分析實務課程, 共計42 人次參與培訓,透過學習及更新環保相關法規內容與課程內容安排規劃,有 效提升志工團的環境知識底蘊,增添環境教育推廣專業程度。 亦配合辦理環保志(義)工群英會網路活動,以及屏東縣110 年度環保志工基礎暨 特殊訓練。以培訓與競賽的方式邀請共計470 人次志工夥伴共同交流,提升凝聚力與 創造力,並新增124 名新血,避免環保志工團僵化,激發出新的熱情與創意。 (三) 輔導協助及行政支援 社區為環教工作的落實重點,本團隊長期駐點社區,輔導社區單位申請「環保小 學堂推廣計畫」、「社區環境調查及改造計畫」與「屏東縣安居大社區-好讚認證-社 區環保」,本年度共計輔導26 個社區單位,協助提供方向與產出成果,推動社區環 境教育扎根工作。 辦理環境教育4 小時查核輔導,讓轄內機關學校與企業單位了解相關環境法令規 章並配合辦理,提升屏東縣環境教育與環保工作績效。協助辦理環保方面的全國賽事包含國家環境教育獎與環境知識競賽等,有效落實 縣內環境教育的推廣。 本年度屏東縣環境教育執行成果豐碩,各項活動及競賽皆取得優異成果與成績, 環保署環境教育考核自評可取得90 分以上,達特優階段。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、屏東縣、環境知識


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 7849934 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/20 專案結束日期 2021/11/20 專案主持人 康敏捷
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 簡茉秝 執行單位 磐飛科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 屏東縣110年度環境教育計畫期末報告定稿-1101123(全合併版).pdf 23MB

Environmental education

英文摘要 Environmental education is a key development project promoted by Pingtung County. Through the promotion and implementation of the planning work, the promotion of Pingtung County's environmental education concept will be continued, and the environmental knowledge and environmental responsibility of government agencies, school teachers and students, and the general public will be strengthened. The project covers three major aspects: environmental education promotion, energy-enhancing training, and counseling and administrative support. The implementation period is from January 22, 2021 to November 21, 2021. 1. Environmental education promotion activities: This project will cooperate with the World Environment Day "Ecosystem Restoration" as the main axis this year, and organize the environmental education and experience activities of the Wularuz tribe on Earth Day; the correction system returns to nature-creative painting selection activity; environmental protection is the most "type" ~ creativity Recycling doll design solicitation; 2021 Fun summer camp will come to Pingtung and many other environmental education promotion activities, a total of 96 people were invited; 125 works were selected to participate in promotion activities, strengthen the implementation of environmental education concepts, further conduct online promotion activities through online platform interaction, and use more diversified methods to explore the environment of Pingtung County Resource characteristics. 2. Enhancing training and exchange activities: Energization training is the focus of the project year. In order to increase learning targets, environmental education volunteers continue 109 years of intensive training courses on teaching skills. This year, they have arranged practical courses explaining the latest environmental regulations and relevant practical case analysis. A total of 42 people participated in the training. Through learning and updating environmental protection related The content of laws and regulations and curriculum content are planned to effectively enhance the environmental knowledge of the volunteer group and increase the professional level of environmental education and promotion. It also cooperates with the network activities of the Environmental Protection (Volunteer) Group of Heroes, and the 110 annual basic and special training for environmental protection volunteers in Pingtung County. A total of 470 volunteer partners were invited to communicate with each other through training and competitions to enhance cohesion and creativity, and 124 new people were added to avoid the rigidity of environmental protection volunteer groups and stimulate new enthusiasm and creativity. 3. Counseling assistance and administrative support The community is the focus of the implementation of environmental education work. Our team has been stationed in the community for a long time and counseled community units to apply for the "Environmental Protection Primary School Promotion Plan", "Community Environmental Investigation and Reconstruction Plan" and "Pingtung County Anju Large Community-Hao Zan Certification -Community environmental protection", this year a total of 26 community units have been coached to help provide direction and output results, and promote community environmental education to take root. Handling environmental education 4-hour inspection guidance and environmental education lectures, so that institutions, schools and enterprises within the jurisdiction can understand relevant environmental laws and regulations and cooperate in handling them, and improve the performance of environmental education and environmental protection work in Pingtung County. Assist in handling national competitions in environmental protection, including the National Environmental Education Award and Environmental Knowledge Contest, and effectively implement the promotion of environmental education in the county. This year, Pingtung County has achieved fruitful results in the implementation of environmental education. Various activities and competitions have achieved excellent results and results. The Environmental Protection Agency's environmental education assessment self-assessment can achieve more than 90 points, reaching the excellent stage.
英文關鍵字 Pingtung, Environmental education