

中文摘要 環保署自83年訂定「特殊性工業區緩衝地帶及空氣品質監測設施設置標準」(以下簡稱特工標準法),並於103年起逐步完備配套法令規範,包含監測數據連線管理系統開發及數據上傳,各工業區於104年至106年期間陸續開始執行,迄今已達7年,並於今(111)年新增列管竹科竹南及新竹園區,期間監測作業、資料品質管制、紀錄申報及權責分工等執行情形,亦須進行檢討與調整,爰本計畫依空污法修正重點及過去管制推動之執行問題,全面盤點及檢討特殊性工業區相關法令,提出相應之法規研修及配套管理機制建議。 計畫執行內容包含:(一)名詞定義、依管制目的分類之管制門檻、特殊性工業認定及管制範疇、綠帶栽種規定、設置計畫書及報告書行政作業及加速數據公開期程等,亦要求定期檢討園區監測狀況,據以提出園區退場、調整測站或測項之需求。(二)掌握特全國特殊性工業進駐現況及現行列管名單、強化自動監測數據連線管理、輔導推動特工區測站監測濃度超過警戒高值處理標準作業流程,並執行地方環保局及工業區的訪視作業。(三)分析特殊性工業區近年空氣品質之年、季及月變化趨勢、分析監測數據變化及石化工業區污染特徵及研析空品異常事件,並強化特工高值警示機制效益。(四)AQMS系統維護及資訊公開、更新擴充監測數據傳輸程式、新增統計圖表專區及圖像化展示功能,最後(五)分析並提出未來規劃方向建議。
中文關鍵字 特殊性工業區監測管理、空氣品質分析、資訊公開


專案計畫編號 EPA-110-FA12-03-A265 經費年度 110 計畫經費 11360 千元
專案開始日期 2021/08/31 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 陳明達
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 劉峯秀 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告書公開版(EPA-110-FA12-03-A265).pdf 29MB 成果報告書公開版

The air quality monitoring system control and data analysis of the Special Industrial Park

英文摘要 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the "Standards for the Establishment of Buffer Zones and Air Quality Monitoring Facilities in Special Industrial Park" (as the Special Industrial Standards Act) in 1994. The related laws and regulations have been established since 2014 including the request for air quality Monitoring Station (AQMS) system development and data providing. The earliest air monitoring in Special Industrial Park started in May 2015. Other Special Industrial Parks monitoring task started in the following two years. There are 7 Special Industrial Parks currently in operation (i.e., Zhunan Science Industrial Park in Miaoli and Hsinchu Science Industrial Park in Hsinchu have been administered since this year). However, according to the management and execution during these year, the air quality monitoring system control and data analysis of the Special Industrial Parks are still not enough to exactly administer and supervise the pollution exposure behaviors. Thus, the main objective of this program includes revising the rule of administration, rationalizing the threshold of regulation and promoting self-examination on a regular basis. The main work of this program are implemented as follows: (1) Identify the terms used in the Act, review the relevant regulations of the Special Industrial Park of domestic and foreign research, clarify the buffer zones regulations, and enact the way to deregulation for Special Industrial Parks, etc. (2) Advise EPB and the developers of the Special Industrial Park to do something to better administer the pollution exposure behaviors. (3) Analyze the air quality of Special Industrial Parks based on annual, seasonal and monthly air pollution monitoring tends, and focus on the pollutant concentration characteristics of petrochemical industrial areas and air pollution episode. A high monitoring value warning is necessary to improve the management of the Special Industrial Parks. (4) Maintain AQMS system under good operation, ensure data providing to the public, develop the monitoring data transfer module program and visualize the data through statistical charts and graphs. (5) Suggestions for future work and executing plans.
英文關鍵字 Monitoring and supervision of Special Industrial Park, Air Quality Analysis, Open Data