

中文摘要 本計畫為協助行政院環境保護署推動產品包裝減量工作,分別就多個產品再包裝之禮盒與非禮盒(單元包裝產品),以及運輸使用之網購包裝執行減量工作。另針對含汞產品執行資料蒐集與稽查成果整理。 針對禮盒包裝減量工作成果,完成研究國際包裝減量管理措施,分析歷年主動查核指定產品數據,提出「公告限制產品過度包裝」修正草案。完成指定事業業者送驗之包裝檢驗共115件,及重要節日(端午節、七夕情人節、中秋節、春節、平日)針對疑似過度包裝之產品主動查核,共計150件商品禮盒。關於單元包裝產品減量工作成果,研究國外單元包裝產品管理措施,完成國內11家業者包裝減量現況訪談與調查評估作業,提出單元包裝產品減量管理措施建議。 關於推動網購包裝減量成果,完成研究國際網購包裝減量管理措施,分析歷年網購減量數據,檢視網購包裝減量聯盟指引實務達成現況,提出「網際網路購物包裝限制使用對象及實施方式」草案。 完成網購平台包裝抽查,確認網購包裝減量指引達成情形,取得標章網購平台抽查253件,未取得標章網購平台抽查47件。擴大辦理110年循環袋(箱)試辦計畫,以及獎品總價值30萬元之推廣抽獎活動。共計8家網購平台參與,活動期間自110年11月22日至111年3月15日,總計出貨件數共113,285件,歸還件數為105,057件,回收率達93%。完成5式政策宣傳圖文,以及1場記者會,宣傳產品包裝與網購包裝減量政策。最後完成蒐集研析國內外含汞產品管制方式,以及彙整我國含汞產品稽查成果。
中文關鍵字 包裝減量、網購包裝減量、重金屬減量


專案計畫編號 EPA044110038 經費年度 110 計畫經費 7960.419 千元
專案開始日期 2021/03/31 專案結束日期 2022/04/15 專案主持人 孫瑋宏
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 林書庸 執行單位 傳閔工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年推動包裝減量及減少重金屬專案工作計畫_成果報告_r2.pdf 13MB 110年推動包裝減量及減少重金屬專案工作計畫_成果報告

Work Plan for Minimizing Packaging Waste and Heavy Metal Project (2021)

英文摘要 The project is aimed at assisting the Environmental Protection Agency (hereafter referred to as the EPA) in promoting reduction of packaging waste. Packages subject to the project include packages of gift boxes in which there are packaged products, packages of individual products, and packages for the purpose of transporting in e-commerce industry. Besides, the project also includes searching for data regarding products containing mercury, and synthesizing results of inspections. With regard to reduction of packages of gift boxes, several missions have been accomplished. First, we have finished case study about measures reducing packaging waste across the world; second, we have analyzed the results of spontaneous inspection, which was initiated by the EPA; third, we have proposed the draft amendment to “Regulation of Restriction on Excessive Packaging of Products”. On the other hand, we have undertaken inspections on 115 items sent by regulated producers. Furthermore, we have also undertaken spontaneous inspections on 150 gift boxes, which were seemingly overly-packaged, during essential holidays, including Dragon Boat Festival, Valentine's Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, Spring Festival and weekdays. As for reducing packages of individual products, we have accomplished interviews and investigation with 11 practitioners regarding reduction of packaging waste. Based on the results of interviews and investigation, we have made suggestions for managing packages of individual products. Concerning reducing e-commerce’s packaging waste, research on measures reducing e-commerce packaging waste across the world is completed. Besides, we have analyzed the data in the past around reduction of e-commerce’s packaging waste. On the other hand, we scrutinized the progress of enacting the guideline for Ecommerce Packaging Reduction Alliance (EPRA). Finally, we proposed a draft of “Regulation of Restricted Subjects and Implementation Methods around E-commerce Packaging “. We have also inspected 253 items from online platforms with the E-commerce Packaging Reduction Labels and 47 items from online platforms without the labels. Besides, we expanded the Recirculated Package Demo Project and completed the draw with prizes worth three hundred thousand dollars in total. Totally 8 e-commerce platforms participated in the initiative, which spanned from November 22th, 2021 to March 15th, 2022, including PChome Online Inc., momo.com Inc., UNIQLO, QUEENSHOP, Formosa Technologies Corporation, Buy Directly from Farmers, Chef Clean, and Better Milk. A total of 113,285 pieces were shipped and 105,057 pieces were returned, with a recovery rate of 93%. In the meantime, we completed 5 policy-promoting graphics and discourses, and 1 press conference publicizing policies of reducing packages for individual product and e-commerce. Finally, we finished searching for measures managing products containing mercury and synthesizing the results of inspections on products containing mercury.
英文關鍵字 Packaging Reduction, Packaging Reduction of e-commerce, Heavy Metals Reduction