

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署為有效減少營建工程所造成之空氣污染問題,自民國85年開始推動「加強營建工地污染管制計畫」,用以降低各類營建工地的污染排放,並於93 年7 月1 日正式施行「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」,從此營建工地污染防制設施有了明確的作業規範;為改善嘉義市空氣品質,以提昇市民之生活品質,故辦理「110年度嘉義市逸散污染源稽查管制計畫」,企盼能藉由計畫執行掌握污染源排放情形、追蹤與輔導缺失改善,達到落實污染源防制、預防與降低空氣污染以維護全市環境空氣品質並提高民眾生活滿意度等目標。 在執行營建工程污染管制作業上,排放中工地數有1,552處,總逸散粉塵產生量為816.31公噸、削減量為456.95公噸,削減率為55.98%;已依管理辦法執行2,448處次巡查作業,在執行成效中,有107處次未符合管理辦法規定,皆已進行輔導並持續追蹤至改善完成。 在工地輔導作業上,已召開1場「加強公共工程空氣污染及噪音管理要點說明會」,請業者落實營建工程管理辦法且務必編列足夠的環保經費,俾利於進行各項污染防制作業、2場「營建工程空氣及噪音污染防制宣導說明會」、2場設攤宣導會;輔導7處工地裝設 CCTV、20處工地使用環保綠建材,使用量約521.33公噸;33處使用環保油漆,使用量約43.33公噸,THC減量17.106公噸,已輔導工地執行廢土不落地20處,出土量有33,162.3立方公尺,削減總逸散粉塵量約為2,096公斤。圍籬綠化部分,已完成推動營建工地實施圍籬綠美化45處,其中植栽圍籬有12處,估計可削減總逸散粉塵3,922公斤、TSP 1,094公斤、PM10 607公斤、PM2.5121.59公斤、CO2 29,490公斤;也輔導 21處營建工地認養道路,總計洗及掃街長度共計10,809.654公里,TSP削減量約為135.806公噸、PM10削減量約為25.588公噸,同時完成22件營建工程施工機具調查、掌握污染源。 在營建工程陳情案件處理上,列管工程有126件,63件為揚塵案件、63件為噪音案件;在揚塵受理案件中施工揚塵佔51%、噪音案件中動力機具佔82.9%;而同一地點被陳情3次以上,則認定為一再受陳情案件,已輔導本市重點工程「C611標嘉義計畫鐵路高架橋及橋下平面道路工程」施工單位作業時須加強灑水頻率,避免揚塵逸散並輔導該工程持續補足車型路徑,同時輔導施工方改用噪音量較小之工法或是搭配減噪措施,而本計畫透過分級列管制度加強排放量較大之重點工程巡查次數,也透過「嘉義市清淨空氣推動委員會」進行跨局處平台合作,要求地方公共工程於編列經費時應將「空氣污染及噪音防制設施」項目納入並逐項編列於經費配置表內,且應符合營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法之規定。 透過污染源源頭管制策略及減量從根本解決問題才能永續經營,執行環保署考評目標、完成本市污防書減量目標及創新作為三方面著手,發揮行政管理效率、解決地方問題,使民眾在面對空品不良季節或是日常營建工程施作時能有較好的感受,進而能有效減少陳情量。在考評方面,自評為5.8分(滿分6.1分),係因COVID-19疫情影響,大多民眾在家自學者與辦公者,因此噪音陳情案件增加,另在檢核營建工程資料庫品質方面,本市環保經費編列狀況可再提升;在執行污防書減量目標方面,本計畫已依減量目標逐步完成;創新作為提案內容為在「C611標嘉義計畫鐵路高架橋及橋下平面道路工程」工區內,結合空氣品質微型感測器與自動灑水器,於污染源發生後第一時間啟動應變裝置,避免污染源繼續向外擴散與擴大納管本市裝潢裝修工程。
中文關鍵字 營建工程、空氣污染、噪音


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 295 千元
專案開始日期 2021/02/23 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 王志文
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蔡長宏 執行單位 創境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度嘉義市逸散污染源稽查管制計畫期末報告(定稿).pdf 26MB

2021 Chiayi fugitive emission sources audit control plan- final report

英文摘要 To effectively reduce the air pollution problems caused by construction, the Environmental Protection Administration has promoted “Construction Site Pollution Control Reinforcement Program” since 1996 to reduce the pollution of all kinds of construction sites. In addition, the “Management Regulations for Construction Project Air Pollution Control Facilities” has been formally implemented since July 1, 2004 and therefore the regulations governing construction project air pollution control facilities are definite ever since. To improve the air quality of Chiayi City to improve the living quality of citizens, the “2021 Chiayi Effusion Pollutant Audit Control Program” is managed for the expectation of seizing, tracing of pollutant and counselling for the shortcoming improvement as well as for the goals of carrying out pollution control, prevention and air pollution reduction to keep environmental air quality of the city and enhance the living satisfaction or public. With regard to the pollution control of construction sites, there 1,552 construction sites in emission and total 816.31 tons of effusion particles were generated, that was 456.95 tons reduced and 55.98% of reduction rate. Total 2,448 patrols were implemented. In term of implementation results, 107 construction sites were unsatisfactory to the managerial regulations, which are provided with counselling and traced continuously until the completion of improvement. In respect of construction site counselling, one “Conference for the Reinforcement of Public Construction Air Pollution and Noise Control” was convened. The operators are requested to carry out construction management and must prepare environmental budget as sufficient to facilitate with various pollution control works, two “Conference for the Reinforcement of Public Construction Air Pollution and Noise Control” and 2 booth propagandas. 7 construction sites have CCTV installed; green construction materials used in 20 construction sites with about consumption in total 521.33 tons. The environmental paints are used in 33 sites with about consumption in total 43.33 tons, and THC reduction 17.106 tons. 21 construction sites are counselled to carry out no waste soil on ground, with total excavation volume was 32,162.3 m3 and 2,096 kg reduction of total effusion particles. Regarding the green fence, 45 green fences on construction sites were promoted. Among them, 12 plant fences with estimated total 3,922 kgs of effusion particles, TSP 1,094 kgs, PM10 607 kg, PM2.5 121.59 kg, CO2 29,490 kg reduction. There are also 21 constructions sites counselled for road adoption, with total length of street washing and sweeping 10,809.654 km and 135.806 tons of TSP reduction, 25.588 tons of PM10 reduction. Meanwhile, 22 construction site equipment surveys were completed to seize the pollutant sources. For the handling of construction site petitions, there were total 126 controlled projects; 63 suspended particles cases and 63 noise cases. Among the suspended particle cases received, 51% was suspended particles from construction sites and 82.9% of motor equipment in noise cases. It will be deemed as repeated petition if 3 petitions or more aim at the same place. The construction unit of key project of this city “C611 Chiayi Urban District Elevated Railway and Plane Highway under the Bridge Project” is counselled to increase the water rinsing frequency to avoid suspended articles effusion during the work, continuous supplementation to the driving path and use construction measures with lower noise alternatively or incorporate with noise reduction measures. Through reinforcement of patrol over key constructions with much emission by classification system and cross department cooperation through “Chiyi Cleaning Air Promotion Committee”, the “air pollution and noise prevention facilities” shall be included in the budget of public construction and prepared in the budget allocation table item by item as satisfactory to the Regulations Governing and Air Pollution Prevention Facility Management on Construction Sites.” Through the pollutant source control strategies and reduction for sustainable operation by solving the root cause, public may feel better as facing bad air quality season or routine construction work and further reduce the petitions by giving play to administrative efficiency and solving local problems from the assessment goals of EPA, pollutant reduction target of this city and innovative action. In view of assessment, the self-assessment score was 5.8 (full score 6.1), because most people work or study at home due COVID-19 and therefore the number of noise petitions was increased. Regarding the construction database quality review, the environmental budget could be further increased by the city. As to the goals of pollution reduction, the project has gradually completed against the reduction target. The content of proposal for innovative action is to activate the response device immediately after the occurrence of pollutant source incorporated with air quality micro sensor and automatic sprinkler within the construction area of “C611 Chiayi Urban District Elevated Railway and Plane Highway under the Bridge Project” to avoid expansion of pollutant source and further include the decoration work in the control of the city.
英文關鍵字 Construction Project