

中文摘要 為提供國內污染場址可信賴且實用之土壤及地下水污染整治技術,同時協助我國優良的整治廠商與技術能在國內與國際間推廣與深耕,本計畫協助環保署規劃三階段技術認證制度,研擬技術認證制度短中長期(五年)之推動計畫,據以分階段執行相關推動措施及配套之行政作業。本計畫執行成果分別說明如下: 於第一階段(Phase 1)污染場址完成整治技術證明及技術案例彙編方面,協助環保署核發證明之行政流程,並完成案例英文翻譯20篇。另亦完成建置「土壤及地下水技術認證制度推動資訊平台」,以利相關污染場址完成整治技術證明文件的成果展示,提供技術媒合的資訊平台。 於第二階段(Phase 2)技術有效性證明的制度建立上,已完成研擬土壤及地下水污染整治技術有效性證明申請審查管理作業要點,並研提4項土壤及地下水污染整治技術有效性證明技術規格申請文件資料與審查原則建議,針對「土壤及地下水污染整治技術有效性證明」的法規與相關申請文件召開6場次專家諮詢會,收集與彙整專家意見,以完備技術有效性證明制度的建立及後續推動作業。 於第三階段(Phase 3)環境技術查證(Environment Technology Verification, ETV)制度之研擬與建立,已完成研析國際上對於ETV執行推動較為積極的國家如歐盟、美國、加拿大、日本、韓國等各國推動ISO14034之發展狀況,參採案例的發證流程、管理單位、有效期間及執行現況,規劃適合我國發展推動的作法與國際合作模式。對於國外通過ETV的申請案例,針對其與土壤及地下水調查整治相關技術之代表性案例完成翻譯16篇,以供國內制度推動上之參考。 為強化國內土壤及地下水實務技術交流,協助國內技術推廣,本計畫於高雄及台北分別舉辦1場次技術有效性申辦說明會暨技術研討課程,以利制度與證明申請之推廣。另外,本計畫完成舉辦成果說明會暨研討會,分別以論壇及專題演講針對制度面及技術面進行交流研討,同時以靜態動態並現的方式於會議中展示Phase1、Phase2的執行成果。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水、污染整治、環境技術查證


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 7295.725 千元
專案開始日期 2021/12/29 專案結束日期 2023/04/28 專案主持人 鄭曉芬
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 張若儀 執行單位 財團法人環境與發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 土壤及地下水技術認證制度推動計畫.pdf 9MB

Soil and groundwater technology certification scheme promotion project

英文摘要 In order to provide credible and feasible soil and groundwater contamination remediation technologies applicable to the domestic contaminated sites, while at the same time assist well-performing domestic remediation technologies and vendors with their promotion and marketing efforts in both domestic and international markets, this project has aided the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (“TEPA”) in planning a three-phase technology certification scheme. This project’s planning efforts include developing implementation plans for the short-, medium-, and long-term (five-year) promotion of this technology certification scheme, which can then be used to implement relevant promotion measures and supporting administrative operations in three phases. The implementation results of the project regarding this planning effort are described as follows: During the first phase of this certification scheme (Phase 1 on Gathering and Compilation of Information for Cases Related to the Certificate of Effectiveness/Validity for Technologies Used for Site Decontamination), this project has developed the administrative procedure on the issuance of certificates on the effectiveness of technology for the TEPA. The Chinese information for 20 such cases was also translated into English. In addition, the Information Platform for Soil and Groundwater Remediation Technology Certification Scheme was established to help with demonstrating the results for certificates of effective technologies for site decontamination, and to serve as a platform for matching remediation technologies with contaminated sites requiring remediation. During the second phase of the certification scheme (Phase 2 on Establishment of Certificate for Effectiveness of Technology), the Guidelines on the Review and Management of Applications for the Certificate of Validity/Effectiveness for Soil and Groundwater Remediation Technologies have been developed. Four recommendations regarding the technical specifications for application documents on certificate of effectiveness for soil and groundwater remediation technologies, and principles for document review have also been proposed. In addition, 6 sessions of expert advisory meetings were held to discuss the regulations and relevant application documents related to the certificate of validity/effectiveness for soil and ground water remediation technologies. The opinions of the experts on these issues were collected and compiled during these meetings, so that the establishment and ongoing promotion of the certificate of effectiveness scheme can be confirmed and refined. This project has completed the issuance of certificates of technical validity in two cases, and a review conference is planned to be held on April 17 to confirm the issuance and confirmation of four cases of technical validity. During the third phase of the certificate scheme (Phase 3 on Development and Establishment of Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Scheme), the current status of several countries (e.g., EU, US, Canada, Japan, Korea) with more established ISO 14034-based ETV schemes were studied. Information regarding their schemes’ case studies, procedure for issuing certificates, scheme management organizations, certificate validity period, and scheme implementation status, were collected and analyzed, in order to be used for developing ETV scheme’s promotional approaches and future international cooperation mode suitable for Taiwan. In addition, information related to16 representative cases in these countries which have acquired ETV certification using relevant soil and groundwater remediation technologies have been translated into Chinese, so that they can be used as references for the promotion of domestic ETV certification scheme in Taiwan. In order to strengthen the information and experience exchange of domestic soil and groundwater contamination remediation technologies and practices, and promote the dissemination of these technologies, this project has held one information session on the application of certificate for technology effectiveness together with one relevant technology training course in Kaohsiung and Taipei respectively, to facilitate the promotion of the certification scheme and application for technology effectiveness certificates. In addition, this project has organized relevant information session and seminar on the results of project implementation. During the seminar, forum discussion and presentations were conducted to facilitate the technical exchange regarding the technical and institutional aspects of this project, and the implementation results of both Phase 1 and Phase 2 were also displayed in the seminar in both static and dynamic formats.
英文關鍵字 soil and groundwater, pollution remediation, environment technology verification