

中文摘要 本計畫自110年3月16日起執行至110年12月31日止,工作項目包含協助辦理「環境檢驗測定法」草案研訂事宜、研訂環檢法之環境檢驗測定管理平臺運作管理方式、辦理環檢法相關政策計畫相關之行政協助與支援工作等,執行情形概述如下: 一、協助辦理「環境檢驗測定法」草案研訂事宜:環境檢驗測定法草案自本年度1月25日預告,本計畫協助該法草案法制程序,包含研商會辦理(完成11場次)、利害關係人的意見研析整理(超過130項意見),以及問卷調查之發放、回收、統計分析(共322份),併同隨草案內容不斷更新之法案衝擊評估、性別影響評估等文件製作等。本計畫除協助法制作業,亦運用問卷分析結果,結合資訊系統資料,提供專法施行後之影響情形,以及衍生之經費、人力、系統建置維運、基金管理等量化需求估算,以利環檢所評估因應環境檢驗測定法的推動所需之行政及專業管理量能。 二、研訂環檢法之環境檢驗測定管理平臺運作管理方式:蒐研歐盟、英國、日本、美國、加拿大等國家或政治體之申報管理性質系統平臺運作(管理)方式,並以我國運作中之管理平臺作為對照,以探討合宜的平臺管理運作方式。蒐研結果可知,國際並未有實際針對系統平臺立法管理之先例,另,因環境檢驗測定法對管理平臺之性質與規劃,已不復具有最初版草案之強制力。考量管理實務之需求,爰轉而朝向環境檢驗測定之申報與管理加以規範,遂執行「環境檢測申報及管理辦法」草案初稿之研擬。另,協助辦理專家諮詢會議共三場次,協助釐清環境檢驗測定法之行細節(罰則),及後續的環境檢測委派方式(開口契約模式)。 三、辦理環檢法相關政策計畫相關之行政協助與支援工作:協助前述會議之辦理,提供餐點、交通接送等支援、會議流程與紀錄等行政支援。另亦結合合作律師提供法律建議與解析。
中文關鍵字 環境檢驗法規、行政技術支援、草案研商會暨法制作業


專案計畫編號 109-01-24 經費年度 110 計畫經費 28.80 千元
專案開始日期 2021/03/16 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 徐淨慧
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 金翁正 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿.pdf 22MB

Project for the Study and Support to the Environmental Analysis Regulations (2021)

英文摘要 The project period dates from 16th March to 31st December, 2021. The main tasks include supporting the study of the Environmental Analysis Act, studying the process of maintenance and management of the Environmental Analysis Administration Platform, and providing administrative support on relative projects of the Environmental Analysis Administration policies. The main accomplishments of this project are accordingly described as follows: - Supporting the study of the Environmental Analysis Act The Environmental Analysis Act (The Act) draft has been announced on 25th January, 2021. The project has supported relevant legal processes since then, holding 11 regulation session meetings, analyzing more than 130 stakeholder-feedbacks, and 322 questionnaire survey feedbacks. As well as Impact Assessment and Gender Impact Assessment (GIA) document which have been updated following draft amendments. Moreover, the project utilized the questionnaire feedbacks along with systematic information, provided advice and prediction on demanded budget, human resources, IT system maintenance capacities, and fund administration for the Authority to evaluate its required capacities after The Act goes into force in the future. - Studying the process of maintenance and management of the Environmental Analysis Administration Platform: To study and specify the proper menage strategy, the administrative measures on IT Notification/Report platforms of EU, UK, Japan, USA, and Canada have been studied and collected, so as relevant platforms of other regulation in Taiwan. From the result of the research, none of our references regulate the IT system. Additionally, the coercive force of the Environmental Analysis Administration Platform has been diminished according to the draft amendment. Consequently, as the demand for administrative management still existed, the Regulation of Environment Analysis Notification and Management has been drafted and provided. Three consultation meetings have been held in order to specify legal details (penalties) and operational models (open contract) of the Act. - Providing administrative support on relative projects of the Environmental Analysis Administration policies: Administrative supports including meal, transportation, meeting records on the above-mentioned meeting have been provided. The project also provided legal advice according to consultations from the partner attorney.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Analysis Regulations, Administrative Support, Act Draft Discussion Meeting and Legal Process