

中文摘要 計畫主要目的為藉由平日之預防及管理強化方案,來有效降低毒化災的發生與影響。計畫執行期間已完成(一)毒性及關注化學品管理方面,包括彙整建立高雄市498間毒性及關注化學品運作業者聯絡清單、審查毒化物申請文件519次及毒化物申報文件394件、完成毒性及關注化學物質運作紀錄勾稽共12件、1,068件運送聯單(GPS系統)勾稽查處、完成30件線上毒化物委託貯存註記管理。(二)毒性及關注化學物質運作場所輔導訪查及稽查工作方面,包括已完成652家毒物及關注化學物質運作場所查核、226家次食安暨風險疑慮化學物質運作業者現場查核、進行10場次廠家現場勘查及輔導、21場次現場偵測警報設備測試查核、42場次通聯無預警測試及19場次現場無預警測試、3場次毒災沙盤推演、輔導8家毒化物運作業者進行釋放量計算輔導、辦理1場次毒化物釋放量減量執行成果宣導交流會。(三)協助高雄市毒災現場應變作業方面,包括已提供2具行動電話、2線市內電話及1線傳真,5件到場毒化災現場應變作業,並進行環保局應變防護裝備保養及購置。(四)環境用藥管理方面,包括已完成本市環境用藥製造業2家、輸入業4家、販賣業51家及病媒防治業者175家業者聯絡清單、審查88件環境用藥申請案、現場查核40件環境用藥業者運作情形、查訪轄內旅館業、餐飲業、公寓大廈場所之病媒防治業環境用藥情形20件、1,500件環境用藥標示查核、840件次環境用藥廣告查核、購置6件市售環境用藥並送至認證實驗室檢驗並提送檢測報告,另外完成辦理「110年高雄市環境用藥管理法法規說明會」3場次及購置環境用藥宣導品300份。(五)配合環保署專案,包括完成辦理4場次毒性及關注化學物質法規說明會、1場次校園化學物質安全使用暨食品安全宣導活動、1場次高雄市林園區災害防救疏散避難宣導活動及演練、2場次高雄市運作化學物質宣導說明會,並配合本計畫各項業務及活動購置300份宣導品。另針對本市繪製毒災風險潛勢空間分布圖,其高風險潛勢區域依序為大寮區、林園區、仁武區、大社區、前鎮區為主,並擇定位於高風險區域之大發工業區作為本次災害疏散避難規劃之標的。(六)其他配合事項,包括提供4輛稽查車輛供計畫執行使用、提供高雄市環保局2名參加「指揮級毒性及關注化學物質專業應變人員」訓練、完成2場次教育訓練及技術轉移、協助高雄市環保局製作訴願答辯書等相關行政訴訟業務資料、編印毒性及關注化學物質管理法法規400份及環境用藥管理法規150本,另外製作「環境用藥知識多」之宣導短片及「110年高雄市毒性及關注化學物質災害通報系統聯繫表」400份。
中文關鍵字 有害空氣污染物、釋放量、毒化物


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 3200 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 陳政任
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃加年 執行單位 國立高雄科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110結案報告_上傳.pdf 9MB 結案報告

110 Program of Source Verification and Management of Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances in Kaohsiung City

英文摘要 The main purpose of this project is to effectively reduce the occurrence and impact of toxic disasters through the prevention and management enhancement program. During the implementation of the plan, the following management of toxic and concerned chemicals has been completed: (1) The management of toxicity and chemicals of concern has been completed, including the establishment of 498 contact lists for operating facilities of toxic and concerned chemicals in Kaohsiung City, reviewed 519 application documents of toxic chemicals and 394 reporting documents of toxic chemicals. A total of 12 audit records and 1,068 shipping documents (GPS system) of toxic and concerned chemicals were checked, and 30 online toxic substances storage and management records were checked. (2) In terms of visits and inspections of operating sites toxic and concerned chemicals, the following work has been completed: inspections of 652 sites, 226 on-site inspections of food safety and chemical substance transport operators with risk concerns, 10 in-depth on-site review, 21 on-site detection and alarm equipment testing and verification, 42 un-noticed tests by fax and 19 on-site un-noticed tests, and 8 on-site review for toxic release calculation and reporting. (3) Assisted Kaohsiung City toxic disaster on-scene response operations, including providing 2 mobile phones, 2 lines of local telephones, and 1 fax line. 5 on-scene response operations for toxic disasters were provided. Also maintenance and purchase of protective equipment were provided to Environmental Protection Bureau. (4) In terms of environmental agent management, contact list were completed for 2 environmental agent manufacturing companies, 4 import companies, 51 vendor companies, 175 pest control operators. Review of 88 environmental agent applications, and completion of the site check the operation of 40 environmental agent companies. Visited 20 pest control operation in hotel, catering service, and apartment building sites. 840 environmental agent labeling were checked. 1,500 environmental agent advertising were checked. 6 commercially available environmental agents were purchased and sent to a certified laboratory for assay analysis and analytical reports were submitted. In addition, three session of the "2020 Kaohsiung City Environmental Agents Control Act Briefing Meeting" was completed. (5) Cooperate with the Environmental Protection Administration's project inspection operations, including completed four session of "Toxic and Chemical Substances decree declared and guide".One session of "2020 Safe Use of Chemical Substance and Food Safety advocacy activities in University Campus". A spatial map of the city's potential for toxic hazards is drawn and showed high-risk potential areas in Daliao District, Linyuan District, Renwu District, Tashe District, and Qianzhen District. Dafa Industrial Park, which is located in the high-risk area, were selected as the target of preparing toxic disaster evacuation plan. (6) Other work done includes the providing of 4 vehicles for project use, completion of 2 training of technology transfer, and production of 400 copies of the "2020 Kaohsiung City Toxic and Concerned Chemicals Disaster Notification System Contact List".
英文關鍵字 Hazardous Air Pollutants, emission, toxic substances