

中文摘要 為落實我國環境教育法之精神及政策方向,本計畫以深耕「環境素養」為主軸,推動各項花蓮縣環境教育工作,以下為本年度成果摘要: (一)配合環境節日及其他環境教育相關活動 本年度辦理「世界森林日」、「地球日」、「生物多樣性日」以及「世界環境日」等4個國際重要環境節日活動,共計452人次參加,活動平均滿意度達97.96%。4場次活動皆邀請在地深耕環境教育之人員,或生態保育與教育專家,讓參與學員培養正確的環境價值觀及技能,落實環境友善行為於生活中。 (二)環境教育法第19條執行成效輔導查核及第24條「限期辦理」相關作業計畫 1.本年度已勾稽篩選出25個單位,並於110年6月30日前完成的實地訪查,整體訪查建議:(1)受查單位應依活動實際辦理內容詳實填寫其環境教育內容概要,並說明辦理內容及環境教育意涵;(2)活動完成後1個月內完成提報時數;(3)提醒戶外學習課程需在環境教育場域辦理。 2.本年度配合環境教育行動方案成果之提報,邀請2位環教審議會委員,於110年5月7日前完成縣府5局處實地查核,並建議各局處以現有業務結合環境教育8大領域,來推廣環境教育。 3.機關學校輔導說明會:已於110年9月10日至9月11日採用線上課程方式辦理,共計82人參加。學員活動滿意度方面,有67%的人表示非常滿意,29%的人表示滿意,3%的人表示普通,1%的人表示不滿意。藉由本次說明會使本縣各機關學校熟悉、瞭解及操作「環境教育終身學習網系統」,俾利完成年度環境教育各項申報作業。 (三)環境教育志工培訓、運用計畫 1.環境教育志工專業及增能培訓課程:本年度完成8場次專業培訓、1場次2天1夜增能培訓,活動整體滿意度方面皆在90%以上。辦理專業及增能培訓目的,在於讓環教大使至縣內外環教場域,體驗優質環教課程,透過與講師、同儕互動討論,激盪出更多想法應用在環境教育推廣工作,以及提升自身環境素養。 2.環境教育志工運用:本年度運用人次達255人次。透過環境教育大使的宣導,促進花蓮民眾環境素養的提升。 3.環境教育志工會議:本年度辦理完成2次幹部會議和2次志工聯繫會報,透過公開的討論,讓環境教育志工能夠了解志工隊的運作情形,環保局人員亦可在會議上宣達最新訊息,以及知悉志工的想法,作為擬定政策之參考。 4.環境教育志工教學展演考核與招募徵選;本年度已完成1場次教學展演考核,共有6位大使通過考核;招募徵選本年度共招募5位新任環境教育大使。 5.本年度環境教育大使服務隊已完成4套教案:「花嘴鴨何罪?」、「網上留情」、「室內空氣品質」、「河川汙染你我他」,並搭配專業培訓課程,使環境教育大使熟悉新教材,以利將來對外宣導。 (四)環境知識競賽 1.地方初賽:為能夠使地方賽活動具有環境素養,本年度與環境教育輔導團合作,於110年10月2日至10月3日辦理比賽,選出20名選手代表花蓮縣參加全國賽。 2.全國賽:花蓮縣派出共20名選手,但本年度無緣進入前5名的名單。雖然沒能獲獎,但是選手們並未因此氣餒,明年將再度挑戰,勢必創下佳績。 (五)辦理「110年度本縣參與全國環保志工群英會」地方行政支援計畫及「本縣110年度環保志工環境知識競賽縣內初賽」 受到COVID-19疫情警戒影響,本年度環保志工群英會活動配合環保署政策改為線上活動,線上關卡有2種:(1)「環保群英挑戰趣」;(2)「環保回憶募集令」。活動期間共有166人參與,已獲得本年度環境教育考評該項考評分數滿分。 (六)第8屆國家環境教育獎地方初審作業計畫 1.第8屆國家環境教育獎花蓮縣地方初審開跑說明會:已於110年4月15日於社福館5樓會議室辦理完成,共有47人次參與;滿意度方面,有82.6%的人表示非常滿意,17.4%的人表示滿意。 2.本年度國教獎地方初審結果:(1)民營事業組:多羅滿賞鯨公司、亞洲水泥皆為特優;(2)個人組:初英山文化產業交流協會常務理事鍾○珠為特優;(3)社區組:碧雲莊社區發展協會為特優;(4)團體組 :慈濟基金會為特優,蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會為優等;(5)學校組:慈濟大學附屬高級中學為特優,以上特優單位代表花蓮縣參加全國評選,優等單位將持續輔導,為下一屆國教獎做準備;110年10月2日舉行頒獎典禮,邀請本年度7個獲獎單位出席受獎;後續已請中華醫事科技大學孫○民校長,在9月及11月向參與全國評選之單位進行2次輔導。 (七)辦理110年度花蓮縣環境教育繪本徵選及推廣計畫 1.徵選期程:自 110年3月10日至7月31日止,徵選簡章公告於花蓮縣環保局網站及花蓮環保迪士尼網站。徵選資格為:對2到7歲幼兒環境教育繪本有興趣之個人或團體,皆可報名參加。 2.評選結果:本年度進行21件投稿作品審查,從中選出第1名:《我們可以當朋友嗎?》;第2名:《山上的雨撲滿》;第3名:《珍珠的海草床》;優選:《紅毛怪別來!》;佳作:《便便變黃金》、《大嘴鯊鯊》。另於110年10月2日舉行頒獎典禮,邀請本年度獲獎作品之作者出席受獎。 3.得獎作品推廣方式:得獎作品第1至第3名及優選1名,由主辦單位各印製10本送環保署參加110年10月22日至10月23日辦理之繪本嘉年華會;另外,第1名作品則製作成教案。 (八)辦理環境素養教育-師生共學體驗計畫 於110年8月16日至8月20日辦理5天線上課程,課程內容邀請新社國小教師團隊以新社地區原住民文化、自然生態景觀為主設計課程,提升參與學員相關環境素養,共計315人次參加,活動整體滿意度為:有65%的人表示非常滿意,14%的人表示滿意,15%的人表示普通,2%的人表示不滿意,2%的人表示非常不滿意。本年度課程以手作體驗與介紹自然景觀的課程,較吸引學員學習;另外,由於課程採取師生共學方式,課程難易度較不易掌握,少部分學員對於課程內容較無法理解或掌握,如未來採線上方式進行,課程需要根據報名情形調整,以提升學員學習成效。 (九)環境講習計畫 本年度辦理4場次環境講習,案件清除率為:新案件84.1%、舊案件62.76%、異地講習100%,已達本年度契約目標。 (十)環境教育審議會、跨局會議、環境教育行動方案及成果 1.花蓮縣環境教育審議會暨跨局處會議:已於110年4月23日於怡園渡假村辦理完成,共有40人出席參加。本次會議除了審議通過109年度環境教育行動方案成果與110年度推動計畫外,亦討論花蓮縣永續發展目標推動之各局處分工對應,後續將依據各局處所提意見與行研處討論後,盤點出本縣推動亮點並擬定本縣永續發展推動方案草案。 2.花蓮縣環境教育審議會:已於110年11月22日於美侖大飯店辦理完成,共有37人出席參加。本次會議討論花蓮縣永續發展目標推動方案,以及建立「花蓮縣環境教育推廣場域」網絡。 3.環境教育執行與成果製作輔導會議:本年度已邀請環境教育審議會委員至花蓮縣政府5局處訪查,已至社會處、文化局、民住民行政處、教育處、農業處進行實地輔導,讓各局處知悉如何運用現有的業務,加入環境教育之元素,以助提升花蓮縣整體環境教育推動效益。 4.環境教育行動方案:已完成109年度環境教育行動方案成果,並於依據10大策略執行成果,比較去年的執行情況,作為未來環境教育方案策進事項之參考。 (十一)環境教育設施場所輔導 1.環境教育設施場所認證輔導:本年度已完成8場次輔導,其中輔導「花蓮觀光糖廠」以「花蓮糖廠環境教育中心」為名,正式成立為環境教育設施場所。其他場域經輔導後,更能瞭解環保署委員實地訪視重點,提早為申請環境教育設施場所做準備。 2.現有環境教育設施場所追蹤輔導:花蓮縣共有5處環教設施場所,目前皆完成追蹤輔導。各場域透過追蹤輔導表示,已深化場域教案內容及場域設施,亦加強人員的教育訓練,讓環境教育設施場所能夠經營得更完善。 (十二)環保志工會議、培訓與表揚 1.環保志工高峰會議:已於110年3月23日於花蓮福容大飯店辦理完成,共計有150人次參加,旨在向本縣環境志工幹部推廣各項環保政策以及與志工幹部交流,共同討論實施環境維護所遇之窒礙問題,並尋求解決之道;會議滿意度方面,有73.33%的人表示非常滿意,26.67%的人表示滿意。 2.環保志工聯繫會報:本年度共辦理2場次,分別在4月29日於光復鄉大同社區活動中心,以及8月4日於拔仔庄常民文化館辦理,共計51人次參與,並透過會議追蹤前次會議事項,以及預告重要活動及計畫申請時程,以助志工幹部推動環保工作。 3.環保志工特殊訓練課程:已分別於110年8月6日在社福館,8月9日在光復鄉大同社區活動中心辦理,共有54人次參加,讓環保志工了解最新環保議題,促進志工進行友善環境作為。整體滿意度方面,有72%的人表示非常滿意,28%的人表示滿意。 4.績優環保志工表揚典禮:110年10月19日於臺灣原住民文化館辦理,共有282人次參加,本年度表揚100位績優環保志工,成為花蓮縣民眾標竿學習的對象。 (十三)本縣潛力社區營造培力計畫 1.110年度計畫評選會:已於110年1月14日辦理,最後經環保署核定後,「社區環境調查及改造計畫(單一型)」名單為:真誠社區發展協會、主商社區發展協會、民運社區發展協會、光華社區發展協會等4個社區;「環保小學堂推廣計畫」名單為:碧雲莊社區發展協會。本年度各社區皆以順利完成計畫。 2.111年度計畫評選會:已於110年12月22日辦理,參加「社區環境調查及培力計畫(單一型)」名單為:主商社區發展協會、民運社區發展協會、國聯社區發展協會、光華社區發展協會、真誠社區發展協會等5個單位;參加「環保小學堂推廣計畫」名單為:瑞穗鄉紅葉村社區發展協會、花蓮縣環保工作促進會。 3.社區輔導:本年度完成8場次輔導,輔導委員皆針對各社區計畫內容,進行實地訪查與建議,促進各社區能夠順利完成本年度計畫,以及持續陪伴社區成長以及鼓勵社區提報明年度計畫。 4.協助社區提送「社造計畫」、「環保小學堂畫」計畫書、成果:110年7月30日和10月8日輔導主商社區變更計畫書的注意事項及成果提報之內容;110年8月17日和10月15日輔導光華社區變更計畫書的注意事項及成果提報之內容 (十四)綠色採購 1.提升綠色採購力:民眾消費綠色商品金額共達1,631,525,084元;綠色採購金額累計達178,558,096元。 2.推廣綠色場域:(1)活動方面,已辦理36場次綠色消費宣傳活動、6場次全民綠生活宣傳推廣活動、39場次結合環保標章等業者推廣綠色消費教育宣傳活動;(2)宣傳方面:透過媒體宣傳已有8,590則、透過社群媒體宣傳已有100則、結合環保署「綠色生活」粉絲專頁推廣地方上下年度辦理特色活動已有2則、綠色生活資訊網公布活動訊息已公布13則。透過活動與宣傳,有助於「全民綠生活」理念推廣及落實實際作為。 3.擴大綠色業者/產品範疇:(1)環保旅館:完成福容大飯店的銀級環保旅館、怡然居的銅級環保旅館認證;(2)新增環保旅店、綠色餐廳:環保旅店已新增20家;綠色餐廳已新增9家;(3)環保集點兌點站:已招募台糖花蓮旅館、福容大飯店花蓮分店;(4)綠色服務業網站資訊維護:已完成19家綠色商店,125家環保旅店資料維護;(5)企業宣導說明會:已於110年9月24日辦理1場次說明會,共計49人參加;(6)推廣環保集點活動:本年度已開通852人次;(7)綠色辦公:已有24家機關響應;另已有3家企業推廣;(8)創新作為:已於110年10月30日至11月2日參加「環境教育這 10 年響綠生活嘉年華特展活動」,實體會場約有500人次到花蓮攤位;線上社群平台有313人次瀏覽。 (十五)辦理110年度花蓮縣低碳課程開發與教學工作計畫 1.低碳環境教育教案編製:已編製「塑海啟淨~減少海洋廢棄物」、「廚餘『減量』GO!」2套教案,將做為環境教育大使宣導教案,以及未來花蓮縣環境教育數位中心之用。 2.低碳環境教育手札:已編製完成,並於110年9月28日將1,000本手札提送進局。 3.低碳環境教育遊程宣導文宣及短片製作:以「綠色生態親子教育二日遊」為主題製作文宣及短片,並於110年10月30日至11月2日於「環境教育這 10 年響綠生活嘉年華特展活動」,首度向社會大眾公開撥放。 4.數位低碳環境教育典藏網站維護管理方面:每週皆更新2則環境教育新聞及文章,讓社會大眾能快速掌握花蓮縣環境教育現況及世界環境議題。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、環境素養、環境教育輔導、環境教育推廣、社區營造、環保志工、綠色消費與採購


專案計畫編號 EPB1090033100 經費年度 110 計畫經費 9717 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 鍾昭儀
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 陳泰儒 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度花蓮縣環境教育專案計畫期末成果報告.pdf 87MB

2021 Hualien County Environmental Education Project

英文摘要 In order to implement the spirit and policy direction of the "Environmental Education Act" in our country, this project takes the cultivation of "environmental literacy" as the main axis to promote various environmental education works in Hualien County. The summary of this year's achievements are as follows: 1. Coordination with Environmental Festivals and other environmental education related activity plans This year, we held four international important environmental festivals, including "World Forest Day", "Earth Day", "International Biodiversity Day", and "World Environment Day". A total of 452 people participated in these events, and the average satisfaction rate was 97.96%. For all four events, we invited local environmental education practitioners or ecological conservation and education experts to cultivate correct environmental values and skills among participating students, and implement environmentally friendly behaviors in their daily lives. 2.Plan of Operations related to Article 19 and 24 of the Environmental Education Act 2.1 In the current year, 25 units have been selected for review and field visits were conducted before June 30, 2021. Overall review recommendations include: (1) the reviewed units should provide a detailed summary of their environmental education content based on the actual activities carried out, and explain the content and environmental education implications; (2) complete submission of the activity hours within one month after the activity is completed; (3) remind that outdoor learning courses should be conducted in environmental education venues. 2.2 In cooperation with the Environmental Education Action Plan, two members of the Environmental Education Review Council were invited to conduct field inspections of the five county government agencies before May 7, 2021. It was recommended that each agency promote environmental education by combining existing businesses with the 8 domains of environmental education. 2.3 Agency and School Counseling Briefing: Conducted online courses from September 10 to September 11, 2021, with a total of 82 participants. In terms of participant satisfaction, 67% of the participants were very satisfied, 29% were satisfied, 3% were average, and 1% were dissatisfied. This briefing familiarized and informed all agencies and schools in the county with the operation of the "Environmental Education Lifelong Learning Network System" to facilitate the completion of the annual declaration of environmental education. 3.Environmental Education Volunteer Training, Implementation, and Management Plan 3.1 Environmental Education Volunteer Professional and Capacity-building Training Course: Eight professional training courses and one two-day-one-night capacity-building training course were completed this year, and the overall satisfaction rate of the activities was over 90%. The purpose of organizing professional and capacity-building training is to allow environmental education ambassadors to visit environmental education sites inside and outside the county, experience high-quality environmental education courses, interact and discuss with lecturers and peers, stimulate more ideas for application in environmental education promotion work, and enhance their own environmental literacy. 3.2 Utilization of Environmental Education Volunteers: The number of people used this year reached 255. Through the promotion of environmental education ambassadors, the environmental literacy of Hualien residents has been improved. 3.3 Environmental Education Volunteer Meetings: Two cadres' meetings and two volunteer contact meetings were completed this year. Through public discussions, environmental education volunteers can understand the operation of the volunteer team, and environmental protection bureau staff can also communicate the latest information at the meeting, as well as understand the volunteers' ideas, as a reference for policy formulation. 3.4 Environmental Education Volunteer Teaching Exhibition Assessment and Recruitment Selection: One teaching exhibition assessment has been completed this year, and six ambassadors have passed the assessment. This year, five new environmental education ambassadors have been recruited and selected. 3.5 This year, the Environmental Education Ambassador Service Team has completed four sets of teaching materials and, in conjunction with professional training courses, familiarized the environmental education ambassadors with the new teaching materials to facilitate future external promotion.ors with the new teaching materials to facilitate future external promotion. 4. Environmental Knowledge Competition 4.1 Local preliminary competition: In order to make the local competition activities more environmentally conscious, this year we collaborated with the Environmental Education Assistance Team to hold the competition from October 2 to October 3, 2021, and selected 20 players to represent Hualien County in the national competition. 4.2 National competition: Hualien County sent a total of 20 players, but they did not make it into the top 5 this year. Although they did not win any awards, the players were not discouraged and will challenge again next year, aiming to achieve better results. 5. National Environmental Volunteer Environmental Protection Competition Project Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic alert, this year's National Environmental Volunteer Environmental Protection Competition was changed to an online format in accordance with the Environmental Protection Administration's policy. There were two online challenges: (1) "Environmental Heroes Challenge" and (2) "Environmental Memory Collection Order". A total of 166 people participated during the event and achieved a perfect score in this year's environmental education evaluation. 6. Plan for the 8th National Environmental Education Award Local Preliminary Review 6.1 The briefing session for the start of the local preliminary review for the 8th National Environmental Education Award in Hualien County was held on April 15, 2021 at the 5th floor conference room of the Social Welfare Hall, with a total of 47 participants. In terms of satisfaction, 82.6% of the participants expressed that they were very satisfied, while 17.4% were satisfied. 6.2 Results of the local preliminary review for this year's national education award: 6 groups of outstanding units were selected to represent Hualien County in the national selection, and 1 group of excellent units will continue to receive guidance and prepare for the next national education award. The award ceremony was held on October 2, 2021, and 7 award-winning units were invited to attend and receive their awards. Subsequently, committee members were invited to provide guidance to the units participating in the national selection twice in September and November. 7. 2021 Hualien County Environmental Education Picture Book Selection and Promotion Plan 7.1 Application period: From March 10th to July 31st, 2021. Individuals or groups who are interested in creating picture books about environmental education for children aged 2 to 7 are eligible to apply. 7.2 Selection results: 21 submitted works were reviewed this year, and the top three and one honorable mention were selected. The organizers will print 10 copies of each selected work to be sent to the Environmental Protection Administration for the picture book carnival on October 22nd to 23rd, 2021. In addition, the first place work will be made into a teaching plan. 8. Implementation of Environmental Literacy Education A 5-day online course was held from August 16 to August 20, 2021. The course content invited the New She National Elementary School teacher team to design courses based on the indigenous culture and natural ecological landscape of the New She area to enhance the environmental literacy of the participants. A total of 315 people participated, with an overall satisfaction rate of 65% very satisfied, 14% satisfied, 15% average, 2% dissatisfied, and 2% very dissatisfied. 9. Environmental Seminars Plan Four environmental seminars were held this year, with a case clearance rate of 84.1% for new cases, 62.76% for old cases, and 100% for off-site lectures, achieving the contract goal for this year. 10. Environmental Education Consultative Committee Meeting and Environmental Education Action Plan 10.1 Hualien County Environmental Education Consultative Committee Meeting and Cross-Departmental Meeting: This meeting was held on April 23, 2021, with a total of 40 attendees. In addition to reviewing the results of the 2020 Environmental Education Action Plan and the 2021 promotion plan, the meeting also discussed the responses from various departments and agencies in Hualien County to promote sustainable development goals. Based on the opinions and discussions provided by each department and the Research and Development Department, the highlights of the county's promotion will be summarized, and a draft sustainable development promotion plan for the county will be formulated.. 10.2 Hualien County Environmental Education Consultative Committee Meeting: The meeting was held on November 22, 2021, with a total of 37 attendees. The meeting discussed the sustainable development goals promotion plan of Hualien County and the establishment of the "Hualien County Environmental Education Promotion Network.". 10.3 This year, the Environmental Education Consultative Committee Meeting members have been invited to visit the 5 departments of Hualien County Government to help them understand how to incorporate environmental education elements into their existing operations in order to enhance the overall effectiveness of environmental education promotion in Hualien County. 10.4 The achievements of the 2020 Environmental Education Action Plan have been completed, and the execution results based on the 10 major strategies have been compared to last year's performance, serving as a reference for future environmental education plan strategies. 11. Environmental Education Facility Certification Counseling 11.1 8 consulting sessions have been completed this year. After consulting, we have a better understanding of the key points of the Environmental Protection Agency's field visits and can prepare in advance for applying for environmental education facilities. 11.2 There are a total of 5 environmental education facilities in Hualien County, all of which have completed follow-up consultations. Through follow-up consultations, each site has deepened the content of their teaching plans and facilities, as well as strengthened staff education and training, so that environmental education facilities can operate more effectively. 12. Environmental Volunteer Conference, Training, and Recognition 12.1 Environmental volunteer summit: It was held on March 23, 2021, with a total of 150 participants. The purpose was to promote various environmental protection policies to the county's environmental volunteer leaders, exchange ideas with volunteer leaders, discuss obstacles encountered in implementing environmental protection, and seek solutions. In terms of satisfaction, 73.33% of the participants were very satisfied, and 26.67% were satisfied. 12.2 Environmental volunteer contact meeting: One meeting was held on April 29 and another on August 4 this year, with a total of 51 participants. The meeting tracked the previous meeting's agenda, announced important activities and project application schedules, and assisted volunteer leaders in promoting environmental protection work. 12.3 Special training courses for environmental volunteers: Held on August 6 and August 9, 2021, with a total of 54 participants. The courses enabled environmental volunteers to understand the latest environmental issues and promote friendly environmental practices. In terms of overall satisfaction, 72% of the participants were very satisfied, and 28% were satisfied. 12.4 Award ceremony for outstanding environmental volunteers: Held on October 19, 2021, with a total of 282 participants. One hundred outstanding environmental volunteers were recognized this year and became benchmarks for learning for the people of Hualien County. 13. Empowerment Program for Community Building with Potential 13.1 The 2021 project selection meeting was held on January 14, 2021. After being approved by the Environmental Protection Agency, there were four communities selected for the "Community Environmental Investigation and Renovation Plan (single type)" and two communities selected for the "Environmental Protection School Promotion Plan." All communities successfully completed their respective projects this year. 13.2 The 2022 project selection meeting was held on December 22, 2021. Five communities participated in the "Community Environmental Investigation and Capacity Building Plan (single type)" and two communities participated in the "Environmental Protection School Promotion Plan." 13.3 Community counseling: Eight counseling sessions were completed this year. Counseling committees conducted on-site inspections and made recommendations on the content of each community's project to promote the successful completion of this year's project, as well as to continue to accompany the growth of the communities and encourage them to submit projects for next year. 13.4 Assistance in submitting "Community Building Plan" and "Environmental Protection School Painting" project proposals and results: On July 30 and October 8, 2021, guidance was provided on the content and precautions for changing the project proposal and submitting the results for the Zhushang community; on August 17 and October 15, 2021, guidance was provided on the content and precautions for changing the project proposal and submitting the results for the Guanghua community. 14. Green Procurement 14.1 Enhancing Green Procurement: The amount of green products purchased by the public reached NT$1,631,525,084, and the cumulative amount of green procurement reached NT$178,558,096. 14.2 Promoting Green Living: (1) Events: 36 green consumption promotion events, 6 national green living promotion events, and 39 green consumption education and promotion events with environmental certification companies were held. (2) Promotion: 8,590 advertisements were published through media promotion, 100 through social media, 2 through the Environmental Protection Administration's "Green Life" fan page, and 13 through the Green Life Information website. Through events and promotions, it helps to promote the concept of "green living" and implement actual actions. 14.3 Expanding the Scope of Green Businesses/Products: (1) Environmental hotels: completed the silver certification for Fullon Hotel Hualien branch and the bronze certification for Yiranju Hotel. (2) Added environmental hotels and green restaurants: 20 environmental hotels and 9 green restaurants have been added. (3) Environmental point redemption stations: recruited Taishang Hualian Hotel and Fullon Hotel Hualien branch. (4) Maintenance of green service industry website information: completed the maintenance of information for 19 green stores and 125 environmental hotels. (5) Corporate promotion explanation meeting: held one meeting on September 24, 2021, with a total of 49 participants. (6) Promotion of environmental point collection activities: 852 openings have been made this year. (7) Green office: 24 agencies have responded, and 3 companies have also promoted it. (8) Innovative actions: Participated in the "Green Life Carnival Exhibition of Environmental Education for the Past 10 Years" from October 30 to November 2, 2021, with about 500 people visiting the booth in Hualien physically and 313 people viewing it online. 15. 2021 Hualien County Low Carbon Curriculum Development and Teaching Plan 15.1 Low carbon environmental education lesson plans: 2 sets of lesson plans have been developed as promotional materials for environmental education ambassadors and for use in the future Hualien County Environmental Education Digital Center. 15.2 Low carbon environmental education handbooks: 1,000 handbooks were completed and submitted to the bureau on September 28, 2021. 15.3 Promotion materials and short films for low carbon environmental education tours: Promotional materials and short films were produced with the theme of "Green Ecological Parent-Child Education Two-Day Tour" and were publicly played for the first time at the "10 Years of Environmental Education Echoing Green Living Carnival Exhibition" from October 30 to November 2, 2021. 15.4 Digital low carbon environmental education collection website maintenance and management: 2 environmental education news and articles are updated weekly to enable the public to quickly grasp the current status of environmental education in Hualien County and world environmental issues.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education, Environmental Literacy, Environmental Education Counseling, Environmental Education Promotion, Environmental Education Volunteer