

中文摘要 為改善臺南市南區污染農地場址土壤品質,本計畫依據「臺南市農地土壤污染控制場址監督驗證計畫」細密調查結果,優先針對污染範圍已確認之淺層中低污染土壤控制場址執行適當改善措施,加速解除列管。並輔導地主於農地場址於完成污染改善解除列管後,將土地多元活化再利用,達成國土永續利用及維護人民健康之目標。依據細密調查結果,本計畫篩選出14筆地號進行改善,列管土地面積共約10,847.4平方公尺,包含同安段11筆及興農段3筆地號,污染物主要為銅與鋅,污染深度大致為1公尺以內,局部深度達地表下2.5公尺。因此區域污染來源與早期事業特性多為電鍍業及廢五金回收熔煉業相關,屬廢棄物污染型態而非水田污染型態,故執行廢棄物調查(以開挖方式)及配合改善作業開挖過程釐清廢棄物填埋情形。本計畫14筆改善地號中,6筆地號主要採用排土客土法,其餘8筆地號採用耕犁工法,總排土量為1,774.21噸(鬆方約1,281.38立方公尺),總客土回填量為鬆方約1,300立方公尺,14筆地號改善面積合計約1,942.3平方公尺。開挖及調查結果發現同安段628地號至地表下1.5公尺夾雜大量水泥塊、紅磚及生活垃圾,亦為主要土壤污染深度;同安段124地號及118地號交界之土堤有土壤污染情形且夾雜生活垃圾,其餘地號並未發現廢棄物掩埋情形。改善完成後執行自行驗證作業,共執行25點次採樣作業、51組土壤樣品XRF篩測及25組土壤樣品分析檢測,11筆地號農地驗證結果低於食用作物農低監測標準,3筆地號未來非農用地之驗證結果低於土壤污染監測標準,均符合改善目標,並經「監督驗證計畫」驗證查核,14筆地號均驗證查核通過,總解列面積為10,847.4平方公尺。本計畫另調查地主太陽光電設置意願及效益評估,大部分地主無設置意願,原因包含規劃耕作或其他規劃、租金考量及租期太長、及土地多人持分而不易統合意見等;另提供兩種方式評估光電業者應繳還之改善費用。
中文關鍵字 農地、重金屬


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 18627 千元
專案開始日期 2021/08/17 專案結束日期 2022/08/16 專案主持人 林玉婕
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳仲亨 執行單位 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿本(全).pdf 32MB

The Project of Remediation Measures on Restricted Farmlands in Tainan City

英文摘要 In order to improve the soil quality of contaminated farmlands in Tainan, this project prioritized shallow, medium and low pollution farmlands with confirmed pollution ranges based on the results of the investigation of " The Project of Supervision and Verification on Restricted Farmlands in Tainan City " And finally lifting site restriction to revitalize and reuse the land in various ways, so as to achieve the goal of sustainable land use and maintenance of people's health. According to the investigation results, there were 14 lands selected to implement remediation measures in this project. The total area of restricted lands was 10,847.4 square meters. The pollutants were mainly the heavy metal copper and zinc. The depth of contamination was within 1 meter and some area reaching 2.5 meters. The source of contamination was belonged to waste pollution rather than the type of paddy field pollution, which related to the characteristics of industry in this region in few decades ago. Among the 14 selected land, 6 lands were implemented by removing contaminated soil and fill uncontaminated one, and the remaining 8 lands were implemented by soil dilution. The total implemented area is about 1,942.3 square meters. The amount of total removed and filled soil were about 1,774.21 tons (1,281.38 cubic meters) and 1,300 cubic meters, respectively. The amount of cement blocks, red bricks and domestic waste were found within 1.5 meters depth during excavation in the land Tong'an628, which was also the main soil contamination depth. There was some domestic waste within the land junction of Tong'an118 and Tong'an124. No landfill waste was found in other farmlands. After the remediation measures, the self-verification was carried out. The concentration of heavy metal in 11 farmlands was lower than the agricultural soil pollution monitoring standard. The concentration of heavy metal in 3 non-agricultural lands was lower than the soil pollution monitoring standard. The results of verification in these 14 lands were all passed in self-verification and third-party-verification. Therefore the restriction of these 14 lands with total area 10,847.4 square meters could be lifted. This project also investigated the intention of landowner to install solar photovoltaic facility and assessed the benefit. Most landowners have no intention to install solar photovoltaic facility with some reasons, including planning for farming or other planning, rent considerations and long lease term. On the other hand, this project assessed the fee that the supplier of solar photovoltaic facility should pay in two patterns.
英文關鍵字 agricultural land、heavy metal