

中文摘要 一、推動民俗活動燃燒減量與寺廟空氣污染減量措施 (一) 維護響應空氣污染自主管理之寺廟,本年持續維護162座寺廟響應(包含民政處未登記寺廟12家),使響應比例達100%。 (二) 推廣「宗教場所低碳認證實施計畫」,結合民政處共同輔導寺廟,本年度總計20座寺廟獲得認證,分別為佛教3座,道教17座,並於12月8日辦理低碳認證環保寺廟之表揚和頒獎活動,加以帶動宗教場所齊聚響應。 (三) 推廣以善代金替代措施,本年度結合清明節、中元節共實施7場次以善代金宣導和推廣活動,工作達成率100%;統計本年以善代金響應金額總計54萬60元,相較109年度上升37%,近年來金額呈現成長趨勢,超商以善代金成效甚佳,相較109年度上升55%,促成響應管道多元化,提升便利性。 (四) 推廣以糧代金替代措施,統計製作代金米共3,000 份,配合中元環保普度月及臺灣設計展期間,於寺廟設置代金米響應專區,全數使用完畢,民眾接受度高,又具話題宣導效果。 (五) 辦理民俗節慶紙錢集中燃燒活動,本年度紙錢集中燃燒目標為250公噸,統計整年度集中處理共279.25公噸,工作達成率100%,紙錢集中燃燒觀念長期推廣下逐步受到寺廟、民眾認同。 二、推動露天燃燒空氣污染管制 (一) 針對寺廟神壇及露天燃燒陳情案件辦理稽查和巡查作業,年度作業目標為250件,統計整年度案件共342件,分別為稽查案件112件,巡查案件230件,工作達成率100%。 (二) 本年度露天燃燒陳情稽查件數為112件,各類陳情比例分別為露天燃燒71%,宗教相關28%,異味1%,仍以露天燃燒陳情案件佔多數,也是主要管制類型。 (三) 辦理禁止露天燃燒及再利用宣導活動,10月29日宣導會邀請苗栗區農業改良場,分享速效液態稻草分解菌之研發與應用;12月7日宣導會邀請環保署環境教育講師分享稻草拍打棒教學示範,以提升實施再利用的可能性,宣導人數達91人次,工作達成率100%。 (四) 辦理空拍巡查作業-鷹眼計畫,針對稻作收割後期間透過透過空拍機加強巡查或蒐證,共完成30點次,工作達成率100%,累計巡查面積2,444.7公頃,皆採現地翻耕掩埋方式處理。 (五) 辦理稻作收割期間後實施去化管道調查,調查面積目標140公頃,以推估本市稻草再利用或露天燃燒比例,統計調查第一、二期稻作收割後去化情形,調查掌握140.5公頃,工作達成率100%。 三、推動餐飲業油煙污染防制及減量作為 (一) 調查本市餐飲業污染防制概況,總計完成435家,工作達成率100%。經調查新設與既設各類餐飲,有裝設污染防制設備者,分別佔56.5%、55.3%,顯示餐飲業者過半數具備污染防制觀念,大多設有油煙和異味處理設備。仍應持續努力,提高污染防制裝設率和防制效果。 (二) 執行餐飲業陳情稽巡查,年度作業目標為250件,統計整年度案件共645件,分別為一般巡查355件、陳情稽查150件和複查140件,工作達成率100%。經稽查後總計列管48案應改善案件,共48家完成改善,改善完成率達100%。 (三) 本年度於餐飲業污染防制觀念宣導和推廣活動,結合衛生局於本市餐飲業職業工會、廚師職業工會辦理之衛生講習課程實施2場次,作業達成率100%。 (四) 辦理餐飲業油煙、異味污染防制輔導作業,年度作業目標為30家次,共完成輔導30家次,工作達成率100%。委請專家學者現勘輔導和提供建議,本計畫追蹤改善成效,其中15家陳情輔導業者均完成改善,11家給予精進防制建議,4家尚於改善中(12月之案件)。
中文關鍵字 民俗活動空氣污染減量管制、露天燃燒空氣污染減量管制、餐飲業空氣污染減量管制


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 370 千元
專案開始日期 2021/02/20 專案結束日期 2021/12/15 專案主持人 蕭伯任
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 潘秋凡 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度嘉義市民俗活動、露天燃燒及餐飲業空氣污染稽查管制計畫成果報告(定稿)_上傳版.pdf 43MB

2021 The air pollution emission investigation and promote reduction at temple ,open burning and catering industry of Chiayi City

英文摘要 The main content of this project included:air pollution emissions investigation at temples and altars, pollution reduction promotion, open burning air pollution control operations and catering industry air pollution control operations. The results of the implementation report are summarized below: A. The Investigation of air pollution emissions at temples and altars and pollution reduction promotion. I. Temple implement air pollution management:This year there are 154 temples implementation of air pollution management in Chiayi City. Temple implementation of pollution control has 150 government units registered, accounting for 100% of the total temple. II. Promote with Civil Affairs department this year there are 20 temples obtain low-carbon certification, including 3 Buddhism temples and 17 Taoism temples. III. With the promotion of social welfare contributions, instead of burning paper money, reduce air pollution. During the Tomb Sweeping Day and Chungyuan Festival events, holding 7 promotional events, statistics and donations amounting to TWD 540,060 (including FamiPort and ibon system). IV. The alternative to joss paper burning, providing 3,000 pack of rice instead of joss paper by local temples, during the Chungyuan Festival and Taiwan Design Expo events. V. Handle joss paper burning activity in 2021, from January till December, after activity statistics, total combustion 279,250 kilograms of joss paper. B. Open burning air pollution control operations. I. Implementation of open burning control efforts, this year has been completed 342 cases, including 112 audit cases and 230 patrol cases, work rate reached 100%. II. This year has been completed 112 audit cases(entire year), including 71% general open burning, 28% religion open burning and 1% other open burning. III. Open burning air pollution control technology advocacy conference about rice straw liquid decomposition bacteria and rice straw reuse, respectively, in October 29 and December 7, work rate reached 100%. IV. Implement the Hawkeye plan, this year has been completed 30 spots (2,444.7 hectares) UAV aerial patrol work during the rice harvest. The straw was reused without open burning. V. The Investigation of rice straw process management was 140.5 hectares during the 1st and 2nd rice harvest, work rate reached 100%. C. The restaurant industry air pollution control operations. I. The Investigation of 435 restaurant industry air pollution control. 56.5% new restaurants had facilities, while 55.3% existing restaurants had facilities, indicating that most of restaurants had pollution prevention and control concepts. II. Executive catering petition air pollution control, control efforts as of December, 645 checks have been completed, including 355 patrol cases, 150 audit cases and 140 review cases. After tracking 100% cases have been improved. III. Holding 2 promotional events with the Public Health Bureau for 2 restaurant industry craft unions, promoting the concept of food fumes prevention and control. IV. Implemented the restaurant's fume pollution control counseling and improved, completed 30 cases. After the counseling, all completed improvement.
英文關鍵字 temples and altars air pollution control, open burning air pollution control, catering industry air pollution control