

中文摘要 本年度維護之綠色採購系統中,環保標章系統將後市場追蹤查核改為線上作業,作業程序減少50%,並寄發455封環保標章管理通知信。並維運機關與民間綠色採購系統的年度評核功能,也依未來政策提出3種機關報表視覺化主題規劃、剖析出2個共約資料正確性下降問題並提出解決方法。 網站維護方面,將綠色生活資訊網前台以4種主頁的方式,將網站重構至全民綠生活平台,並完成帳號整併作業,以利提供民眾完善的一站式服務。原有資訊網則已發布4則綠生活國內外文章、更新環保標章費用資訊,環保產品線上採購網亦持續提供廠商上架、民眾下訂環保產品的功能。針對系統使用者亦提供輔導資源,陸續於8至11月出席19場說明會、線上教學影片觀看次數亦達1,117次,並已處理1,975通客服需求。而於資訊安全作業則訂定「帳號操作與管理程序書」,將帳號原則文件化,並停用5.1萬筆長期未使用帳號,後續每年3月系統將自動清查、停用長期未使用帳號。 本年度亦以多元管道的網絡,推廣綠生活各面向,網路繪師合作(曝光人次達82萬)、Podcaster節目口播廣告(流量20.9萬人、貼文觸及數7.4萬人)、戶外媒體託播(1,096檔次,1,074萬曝光數)、電視媒體託播(31檔,102.4萬曝光數)、網路影音廣告(271.6萬曝光數)、濾鏡網路貼文廣告(136萬曝光數),曝光人次超過800萬人次以上。
中文關鍵字 環保標章、綠色採購、綠色生活資訊網


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 5850 千元
專案開始日期 2021/05/01 專案結束日期 2021/11/20 專案主持人 陳映任
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 王瑞鋐 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度綠色消費網絡經營管理及推廣專案工作計畫成果報告(定稿).pdf 23MB 110年度綠色消費網絡經營管理及推廣專案工作計畫成果報告(定稿)

Project for the operation, management, and promotion of Greenliving Information Platform (2021)

英文摘要 This year, while maintaining the Green Procurement System, this project changed the post-market surveillance of Green Mark System to online operation, reducing the operation procedure by 50% and sending out 455 notification letters for Green Mark management. This project also maintained the annual evaluation function of the Green Procurement System for both the government and the private sectors. According to future policies, this project planned three visual themes for government reports, analyzed two problems in the declining data accuracy in Inter-entity Supply Contracts, and proposed related solutions. Regarding website maintenance, this project shifted the Greenliving Information Platform to the Green Life Information Platform and reconstructed the new version with four homepages. The accounts were integrated to comprehensively facilitate the one-stop service. On the original information platform, four articles were published with topics including domestic and international green living and updated information on the cost of Green Mark. The Green Product Online Purchase Platform continued to assist manufacturers and the public in online sales and purchasing eco-friendly products. To provide users with counseling resources, this project organized 19 seminars from August to November, and the view number of online educational videos has reached 1,117. A total of 1,975 customer service requests were responded to. For information security, this project formulated the Guideline on Account Operation and Management Procedures to document the principles of account setting. A total of 51,000 inactive accounts were closed. Subsequently, the system will automatically examine and close inactive accounts in March every year. The project promoted by various aspects of green life through numerous routes in this year. The project has cooperated with online artists (820,000 impressions), placed advertisements on podcasts (traffic up to 209,000 visitors and the posts almost reached 74,000 people), outdoor advertisements (1,096 times and 10,740,000 impressions ),advertising on TV (31 times and 1,024,000 impressions), online video advertisements (2,716,000 impressions) and also the post advertisements (1,360,000 impressions). The amount of impressions of the project was over than 8 millions.
英文關鍵字 Green Mark, Green Procurement, Greenliving Information Platform