

中文摘要 本計畫目的在支援環保署審查環境影響評估河川水質模式,並推廣水質模式之應用。主要工作項目包括(1)支援機關審查檢核地面水體水質模式模擬結果;(2)整合地面水體水質模式資料及參數並規劃參數查詢平台;(3)運用地面水體水質模式評析河川實施總量管制或加嚴標準成效及(4)提供諮詢服務及辦理相關會議。計畫執行期間已支援環保署審查個案共24件,個案中使用質量平衡公式有10件、QUAL2K模式4件、WASP模式2件及其他8件,另有1件水污染防治模擬個案及追蹤審查案件4件。其次,擴編製作1件SWMM水質模式簡易操作手冊本年度也完成「環評水質模式參數查詢平台」phase I建置工作。在水質模式應用方面,已評析10條河川重金屬水質監測資料與削減執行成效、持續評析桃園市等4縣市共6條流域重金屬或氨氮等關鍵污染物之達成率與削減成效,並以WASP模式完成新街溪模擬與評估,情境設計依照其總量管制規範。前揭建置參數查詢平台、河川重金屬總量管制及茄苳溪削減精進策略等均有辦理專家諮詢會議徵詢意見,此外也辦理1場河川水質模式講習班持續推廣應用,並提出水質模式講習班頒發結訓證書及專家認證制度之作法。後續建議持續支援環保署審查河川水質模式模擬結果、持續擴編模式資料並擴充建置參數查詢平台,以持續推廣水質模式作為水質污染削減評估之科學工具。
中文關鍵字 河川水質模式、環境影響評估、參數查詢平台


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 3470 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/19 專案結束日期 2021/12/15 專案主持人 陳起鳳教授
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 簡吟純 執行單位 國立臺北科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA034110007水質模式計畫成果報告1101229final.pdf 12MB 110年水質模式計畫成果報告

A project of promoting environmental education by applying surface water quality modeling

英文摘要 The purpose of this project is to assist Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in reviewing the environmental impact assessment (EIA) reports regarding the water quality modeling. Four main tasks are conducted to provide technological support in examining the results of water quality modeling which was used in the assessment of surface water quality. The tasks include: (a) reviewing at least 20 EIA reports, (b)preparing user’s manual of the water quality model based on EIA cases and constructing a new query platform of model’s parameters, (c) applying water quality models to evaluate the effectiveness of pollutant reduction, and (d) hosting meetings to discuss the new query platform, control strategies for heavy metals and a workshop for training water quality models. In summary, twenty-four EIA cases were evaluated during this project. Four EIA cases were assessed by the QUAL2K model, two by WASP model, ten by the simple dilution model, but the other eight cases were not assessed by any models. Four previous EIA cases were followed up, and one case of simulating river improvement plan was completed. Moreover, one SWMM modeling case was selected as user’s manuals, and a new phase I query platform of model parameters was set up at NTUT-WERC’s website. With respect to the heavy metal water quality, ten cases were evaluated based on their water quality data, water quality achieving rates, and administrative efforts. Besides, key pollutants of six rivers of four counties were also evaluated, and the WASP model was applied to XinJie Creek to develop reduction scenarios based on the discharge data of the current industries. The above evaluations were made in expert’s meetings and one workshop on water quality modeling was also organized during this project. Finally, several suggestions for further investigation are provided. This project recommends that government agencies would work with institute to validate EIA cases with respect to water quality modeling. Moreover, the co-working institute can play a critical role in archiving models and data, maintaining and upgrading them for future applications. And the new query platform of model parameters still needs further implementation to includes more EIA cases and GIS functions.
英文關鍵字 Water Quality Model, Environmental Impact Assessment, Query Platform of Parameters