

中文摘要 本計畫目的為探討導入生命週期思維於化學物質安全替代評估方法之可行性。化學物質安全替代評估 (Chemical Alternative Assessment, CAA) 為辨識關注化學物質並選擇其安全替代的過程。生命週期評估 (Life Cycle Assessment, LCA) 則為一系統性評估方法,可用於量化產品、服務或製程從原料開採、製造、使用到棄置等階段造成的環境衝擊。化學物質的危害評估多著重在使用階段的人體暴露風險;若結合生命週期評估,除了可以探討化學物質使用階段對於更多環境受體造成的潛在危害,亦能分析化學物質在製備階段的能資源需求,及潛在的環境風險。但生命週期評估需仰賴完整的盤查資料及衝擊評估資料庫,且新化學物質的發明快速,相關危害資料建置卻需較長的時間週期。因此,兼具生命週期評估所需資料庫及新化學物質衝擊參數模擬功能之工具將扮演重要的角色。本計畫以具生命週期評估功能之 CLiCC (Chemical Life Cycle Collaborative; www.clicc.net) 平臺為主軸,藉由以該平臺進行現有化學物質安全替代方案之評估,進一步探討將生命週期評估納入化學物質安全替代評估的必要性、可能遇到的困難及潛在可用工具;計畫已完成評估導入 CLiCC 平臺之可行性、進行教育訓練與案例分析、以及研擬化學物質安全替代評估之生命週期評估流程等工作成果。源頭管理毒性化學物質之策略中,若能於化學物質安全替代評估過程導入生命週期思維,將可提供更全面的化學物質衝擊評估資訊,避免預期外的環境危害,亦有助於達到「有效管理化學物質、建構健康永續環境」之願景。
中文關鍵字 化學物質安全替代評估、生命週期評估、CLiCC 平臺


專案計畫編號 110A030 經費年度 110 計畫經費 1300 千元
專案開始日期 2021/11/02 專案結束日期 2022/10/15 專案主持人 闕蓓德
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 陳誌賢 執行單位 國立臺灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110A030-定稿本.pdf 8MB 主內文

Life Cycle Assessment based Chemical Alternatives Assessment and Eduation and Tranning

英文摘要 This study aims to introduce life cycle thinking into chemical alternatives assessment. Chemical Alternatives Assessment (CAA) identifies toxic and concerned chemical substances and suggests safer alternatives. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a systematic assessment method for quantifying the environmental impacts of a product, service, or process that covers from raw material extraction, manufacturing, and use to disposal. Hazard assessment of chemicals usually addresses the human exposure risk in the use stage. In this study, the integrated CAA with LCA comprehensively evaluates the potential impacts on receptors at the use stage and analyzes the potential risks, and resources and energy consumption at the chemical manufacturing stage. However, LCA relies on a complete database for inventory analysis and impact assessment. Besides, the requirement to predict the toxicity of emerging chemicals is urgent because of speedy emerging chemical innovation. Therefore, a tool equipped with a database for conducting LCA and a function for simulating the relevant parameters of emerging chemicals is necessary. The goals of this study are to evaluate the feasibility of applying the CLiCC (Chemical Life Cycle Collaborative; www.clicc.net) platform to LCA-CAA method by quantifying the environmental impacts of chemical alternatives through life cycle stages and establish LCA-CAA framework to adopt safer chemical substitutes. We have completed the feasibility study of introducing the CLiCC tool into chemical alternative analysis through case studies, organizing training sessions, and proposing an evaluation framework for life-cycle based chemical alternatives assessment. Introducing LCA into CAA is expected to optimize hazardous chemical management by providing holistic information on chemical impacts and avoiding unexpected environmental risks.
英文關鍵字 Chemical Alternatives Assessment, Life Cycle Assessment, CLiCC (Chemical Life Cycle Collaborative) Tool