

中文摘要 本項「2021年土壤及地下水國際交流合作計畫」,延續歷年環保署致力於土壤與地下水環境保護相關國際交流工作的推動理念,籌劃與執行多項國際交流工作,期間雖受新冠肺炎疫情影響,仍以多元的會議辦理方式,完成各項國際交流業務的推動與辦理,相關重要成果摘述如下: 一、臺美技術講習會於2021年12月15日至16日於臺南市辦理完成,主題為「污染場址調查與整治新趨勢」。本次講習會整合視訊及實體混合會議,活動歷時二日,美方講師共20人、我方與談及導讀人共8人,會議現場計181人、國外23人連線參與。本次講習會課程涵蓋18項土壤地下水管理及技術新趨勢,包含加強生物降解整治技術及污染場址特徵調查技術;與會者多數認同課程之新穎性,但同時也建議可增加永續整治污染場址(Green and Sustainable Remediation, GSR)之課程內容,採行兼顧環境、社會與經濟效益三面向的技術或管理方式,以減少環境衝擊與環境足跡。後續將持續與美國環保署合作,可以加入交流及分享美國及我國的GSR技術趨勢及實施成果,提升我國產官學專業人士土壤及地下水污染調查與整治的能力,達成污染整治與改善環境品質的目標。 二、以視訊辦理亞太土壤及地下水污染整治工作小組 (ReSAG) 事務會議,及兩次工作會議。第十次ReSAG事務會議於2021年12月17日辦理,包含我國共有10個國家參與,分別為澳洲、印度、印尼、韓國、日本、馬來西亞、紐西蘭、泰國、越南,及我國代表出席,為歷年來出席率最高的一次。會議中主要討論各國對土壤及地下水的保護措施、分享世界土壤日各國相關活動、由日本及我國進行國別報告,並推舉紐西蘭Mr. Bruce Croucher擔任下次季度視訊會議主席,而泰國則將為下次季度視訊會議做國別報告。 三、由於新冠肺炎疫情影響,臺韓雙方同意再度展延現行之合作備忘錄至2022年底,已分別通知外交單位並且完成展延備忘錄之文件交換程序。原應由韓方主辦之指導委員會議預定延後至2022年8月舉行。產學合作計畫主題設定為「產學合作計畫藍圖與路徑規劃」(Development of Joint Research Project Working Roadmap for 2023 to 2026),雙方已規劃初步合作內容,並同意配合指導委員會議時間於2022年8月提出中長期工作範疇報告。 四、臺越產學技術交流計畫之專題報告暨專家交流會,由於新冠肺炎疫情影響,經本計畫契約變更後,於2021年11月2日以視訊方式舉辦,我國共計產官學18人參加。我方執行團隊亦完成產學合作主題-環境損害賠償之資料進行收集及彙整探討,包含研析推動精神、探討可行工具、確認現行制度、最後蒐研相關案例。 五、臺越土壤及地下水保護技術暨科學合作協定第4次指導委員事務會議由越南主辦,由於新冠肺炎疫情影響,經本計畫契約變更後,於2021年12月1日以視訊方式舉辦,辦理成果如下: 1.雙方瞭解並同意合作研究計畫持續至2025年,合作主題包含「越南北寧省Mẫn Xá工藝村土壤及地下水重金屬污染之調查與評估」、「農地土壤污染調查與評估」、「土壤及地下水環境保護與管理之法規」、「環境技術查證制度(ETV)」、「環境保險」。並希望撰寫整體合作計畫並提交VECO及TECO; 2.雙方同意第5次指導委員會議由我方主辦,於2022年9月舉行,雙方各指派6位指導委員出席(包含政府代表、學術界代表及產業界代表)。 六、「2021年臺泰土壤及地下水環境保護技術合作」論壇於2021年12月24日以視訊方式舉辦,我國共計產官學24人參加。雙方共識可於每年視情況由我方與泰方藉由ReSAG名義,輪流舉辦臺泰土壤及地下水環境保護合作官方交流暨技術論壇,參與人員包含官方代表、學術界代表、產業界代表
中文關鍵字 亞太土水工作小組、臺韓土水合作備忘錄、臺越土水合作協定


專案計畫編號 110A094 經費年度 110 計畫經費 1232.2262 千元
專案開始日期 2021/04/15 專案結束日期 2022/03/31 專案主持人 王智澤
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 洪豪駿 執行單位 社團法人台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會


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International Cooperation on Soil and Groundwater Remediation 2021

英文摘要 The “2021 International Exchange of Technical Experiences on Remediation for Soil and Groundwater Pollution” project has been carried out to fulfill the concept of the original idea for the international exchange on the issue of soil and groundwater by executing the plans in detail. Although the related events have been influenced by the pandemic of COVID-19, the project team has accomplished the project missions through diverse conferencing tools, including on-line meeting, videoconferencing, and physical meeting. The major outcomes of this project are briefly summarized as below: 1.The Taiwan-US Bilateral Technical Workshop on the topic of “International Workshop on Developments in Contaminated Site Characterization and Remediation” was held in Tainan on December 15 and 16, 2021. The two-day workshop was conducted by combining virtual and physical meetings with 20 lecturers and 8 moderators, and with 181 participants on-site and 23 participants online. The program consists of 18 topics, including technologies of enhancing biodegradable remediation and site investigation. Most of the participants were highly satisfied with the topics selected, but also suggested adding more courses related to Green and Sustainable Remediation (GSR). The main idea is to adopt technologies or management methods that take environmental, social, and economic benefits into account and reduce environmental impacts and environmental footprints. In the future, the project team will continue to cooperate with USEPA to exchange and share the GSR technology trends and implementation results. This will help Taiwan to reach its goal of improving environmental quality and the ability to remediate contaminated sites. 2.The 10th Steering Committee Meeting of Working Group on Remediation for Soil and Groundwater Pollution of Asian and Pacific Region (ReSAG) was held via video conferencing on December 17, 2021. There were representatives from 10 out of 12 member countries attending the meeting, including Australia, Indonesia, India, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Thailand, Vietnam, and Taiwan. It was the highest attendance over the years. The main topics discussed were events on World Soil Day and protections for soil and groundwater in committee members’ countries. Besides, the Taiwanese and Japanese teams delivered presentations of their own countries as the country report. At the end of the meeting, Mr. Bruce Croucher from New Zealand was elected as the chairperson for the next video conferencing, and Thailand will give a presentation as the country report in the next meeting. Besides the Steering Committee Meeting, two ReSAG working meetings were also held on-line in 2021. 3.Because of the influence by the pandemic of COVID-19, Taiwan and South Korea have agreed to extend the existing MOU until the end of 2022, and have notified the Ministry of Foreign Affairs respectively and completed the exchanging procedures for the extension of the MOU. The 11th steering committee meeting, which was supposed to be hosted by the Korean side, was postponed to August 2022. The joint research project is set as "Development of Joint Research Project Working Roadmap for 2023 to 2026". Both parties have planned the draft cooperation roadmap and agreed to provide the details of working scope on the steering committee meeting in August 2022. 4.As the Industry-Academia Tech Exchange Forum on ‘Taiwan-Vietnam Soil and Groundwater Protection Technology Cooperation Agreement’ was affected by COVID-19 epidemic, after the change of contract, it was held on Nov. 2nd, 2021 through the form of video conference. A total of 18 participants from the industry field, the government and the academia took part in the event. The team has conducted and finished collecting, summarizing and analyzing data. Suggestions were proposed based on the results. 5.The 4th Steering Committee Meeting of Agreement between Taiwan EPA and Vietnam MONRE was held by Vietnam this year. Due to the impact of COVID-19 epidemic, after the change of contract, the event was held on Dec. 1st, 2021 through the form of video conference. The results are as follow: (1)Both sides understand and agree the research cooperation plan will continue to 2025 and the topic of cooperation includes ‘investigation and evaluation of the heavy metal contamination in soil and groundwater in craft villages in Mẫn Xá,’ ‘investigation and evaluation of agricultural soil contamination,’ ‘environmental technology verification (ETV)’ and ‘environmental insurance’. Cooperation plan is expected to be drafted and proposed to VECO and TECO in advance. (2)Both sides agree the 5th steering committee meeting will be held by the Taiwanese side on September of 2022, and both sides will assign 6 steering committee members (including government, academia and industry representatives) respectively. 6. ‘2021 Taiwan-Thailand Soila and Groundwater Protection Technology Cooperation’ Forum was held on Dec. 24th, 2021 through the form of video conference. A total of 24 participants from the industry, the government and the academia on the Taiwanese side took part in the event. The both sides have reached the consensus that annual meeting can be held in the name of ReSAG by Taiwan side or Thailand side, taking turns holding the forum. The participants will include government, academia and industry representatives.
英文關鍵字 Working Group on Remediation for Soil and Groundwater Pollution of Asian and Pacific Region, Agreement on Technical and Scientific Cooperation in Soil and Groundwater Protection between Taiwan and Vietnam, Memorandum of Understanding on Technical Cooperation in Soil and Groundwater Protection between Taiwan and Korea