

中文摘要 本計畫目的是開發空氣與管道中丙烯酸(Acrylic acid, AA)、乙酸乙酯(Ethyl acetate, EA)、丙烯酸甲酯(Methyl acrylate, MA)及排放管道中甲酸(Formic acid, HCOOH)、乙酸(Acetic acid, AcOH)等污染物之調查技術。 經實驗室方法開發、測試及實廠驗證後,丙烯酸、甲酸及乙酸建議採用衝擊瓶吸收法,以去離子水(DIW)為吸收液,並以KOH為流洗液之離子層析儀(IC)進行分析,周界空氣中丙烯酸之方法偵測極限(MDL)為2.3 ppbv,排放管道中之MDL分別為甲酸(0.016 ppmv)、乙酸(0.011 ppmv)、丙烯酸(0.009 ppmv)。 關於周界空氣中乙酸乙酯及丙烯酸甲酯建議採用不銹鋼筒法,捕集後以GC/MS進行分析。乙酸乙酯及丙烯酸甲酯之MDL分別為0.074及0.11 ppbv。至於排放管道中乙酸乙酯及丙烯酸甲酯建議採用採樣袋法,捕集後以GC/FID進行分析,MDL分別為0.11及0.12 ppmv。 本計畫利用上述建立之調查技術分別採集樹脂業、化工業、印染業、石化業、焚化爐等廠家/製程之排放管道及附近之周界空氣,完成六場次的實廠調查。周界空氣中之丙烯酸濃度N.D. (< 2.3 ppbv)、添加回收率為100.4至106.9%、穿透率0~8.2%。乙酸乙酯之濃度N.D. (< 0.074 ppbv) 至1.41 ppbv,添加回收率94.3至96.7%。丙烯酸甲酯之濃度N.D. (< 0.11 ppbv),添加回收率96.4至101.9%。 排放管道中甲酸濃度N.D. (<0.016 ppmv)~0.084 ppmv,添加回收率92.9~99.0%、穿透率0~1.2%,乙酸濃度N.D. (<0.011 ppmv),添加回收率90.3~101.4%、穿透率0~1.5%。丙烯酸濃度N.D. (<0.009 ppmv),添加回收率90.4%、穿透率0~1.6%。排放管道中乙酸乙酯濃度N.D. (< 0.11 ppmv),丙烯酸甲酯濃度N.D. (< 0.12 ppmv)至136.8 ppmv。 由以上資料顯示本計畫開發之調查技術經實廠驗證是可行的。衝擊瓶吸收法採集後之吸收液樣品冷藏於4℃能保存14天,不銹鋼筒於常溫保存建議於14天內完成分析,至於採樣袋中的樣品建議於收集後24小時內完成分析,含高濕度之採樣袋樣品建議於分析前先置於烘箱中於60℃加熱5至10分鐘後再上機分析。此外,本計畫於110年9月及10月分別完成兩場次之調查技術擴散課程,並撰寫完成4篇空氣及排放管道中丙烯酸等氣體調查技術草案,提供給環保署環檢所作為日後檢測技術援引參考。
中文關鍵字 周界空氣、排放管道、採樣、衝擊瓶、不鏽鋼筒、採樣袋


專案計畫編號 EPA-154110001 經費年度 110 計畫經費 3100 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/21 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 王厚傳
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 蘇育德 執行單位 工業技術研究院綠能與環境研究所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 排放管道及周界空氣中丙烯酸等污染物調查技術開發.pdf 8MB 期末報告

Development of Sampling and Analytical Methods for Acrylic Acid, Methyl Acrylate, Ethyl Acetate in Stacks and Ambient Air and Formic Acid and Acetic Acid in Stacks

英文摘要 The major objective of this project is to develop sampling and analysis methods of acrylic acid (AA), ethyl acetate (EA), and methyl acrylate (MA) in ambient air and stack and formic acid (HCOOH) and acetic acid (AcOH) in stack. We have developed a sampling method for the determination of AA in air and AA, HCOOH, and AcOH in stack by serially connecting impinger and sampling pump. Ion chromatography using KOH as eluent solution was employed for the analysis of acrylate, formate and acetate ion absorbed in the deionized water (DIW). The method detection limit (MDL) of AA was 2.3 ppbv in air and 0.009 ppmv in stack, respectively. The MDL of HCOOH and AcOH were 0.016 and 0.011 ppmv in stack, respectively. Besides, EA and MA in air samples were taken in canisters and analyzed by GC/MS. The MDL were 0.074 ppbv for EA and 0.11 ppbv for MA, respectively. EA and MA in stack samples were collected in sampling bags and analyzed by GC/FID. The MDL were 0.11 ppmv for EA and 0.12 ppmv for MA, respectively. This project is also to measure the concentrations of these compounds in ambient air and stack at the plastics industry, petrochemical industry, waste incinerator, and dyeing and finishing plant by using the above sampling and analytical methods developed. We have carried out 6 sessions of field tests for these compounds sampling. AA in ambient air and AA, HCOOH and AcOH in stack were measured by the impinger method. The concentration of AA in ambient air was N.D. (<2.3 ppbv) and the recovery was 100.4 to 106.9%. The concentrations of HCOOH, AcOH and AA in stack were N.D. (< 0.016) to 0.084 ppmv, N.D. (<0.011 ppmv), N.D. (<0.009 ppmv), respectively. The recovery were 92.9 to 99.0%, 90.3 to 101.4%, and 90.4%, respectively. The concentration of EA in air was N.D. (<0.074 ppbv) to 1.41 ppbv and the recovery were 94.3-96.7%. The concentration of MA in air were all N.D. (<0.11 ppbv) and the recovery was 96.4-101.9%. The concentration of EA in stack was N.D. (<0.11 ppmv) and that of MA in stack was N.D. (<0.12 ppmv) to 136.8 ppmv. These results indicates that measurement methods of these compounds in ambient air and stack developed in this study were feasible. The samples absorbed in water were refrigerated at 4℃ at the lab and need to be analyzed within 14 days of receipt. The samples collected in canisters were stored at ambient conditions and also need to be analyzed within 14 days of receipt. However, the samples collected in bags were stored at ambient conditions and need to be analyzed within 24 h of receipt. We have written the 4 drafts of the measurement of these compounds in ambient air and stack to the reference for EPA. In addition, two sessions of technology demonstration workshop were held in September and October, 2021.
英文關鍵字 ambient air, stack, sampling, impinger, canister, sampling bag