

中文摘要 為維護本縣農地使用安全,針對預防源頭污染進入灌排水體,後續引灌導致農地遭受污染之問題,除延續以往對水污染源稽查管制工作外,亦將依照各農地污染集中區域進行設置水質自動連續監測站來擴大水體管制區域及檢討本縣於105年劃設之重金屬總量管制區之執行成效,並針對近年來污染來源因劃設管制區後,污染點源遷移之議題,進行總量管制區範圍評估修正或擴大劃設之整體性規劃。自95年度起增設水質自動連續監測站,並於102年強化水污染源稽查,運用科學查核方法,佐以科學儀器,並藉由環、檢、警、調聯合查緝機制,強化執法力道,並於105年公告劃設重金屬總量管制區至今已有效遏止事業廢(污)水不法排放行為,為持續改善北彰化水體及農地重金屬污染,針對北彰化區域水體之有效管理對於本縣列管農地永續使用的保障及整體環境品質的維護顯得格外重要。希望藉由本計畫之執行,查緝本縣轄境內水污染源來源,降低及預防監測水體再遭受污染,並確保本縣轄內環境品質及灌溉水體水質。 本計畫執行期程自決標次日(110年09月24日)起至112年03月23日止。本計畫執行至112年03月23日止,各項工作皆依招標規範及本計畫之契約進度完成,執行率達100%,茲就本計畫現階段成果摘要如下: 一、總量管制區流量調查與承受水體重金屬變化分析 為瞭解本縣公告東西二、三圳及八堡一圳總量管制區之執行成效,本計畫將以承受水體重金屬污染負荷削減量及重金屬灌溉用水水質標準達成率等面向,分析探討總量管制公告後執行成效,評估污染削減成效,以利彙整分析執行成效評估報告提報環保局,並於配合環保署總量管制考核機制檢討總量管制區執行成效,於計畫結束前提交成效評估報告。統計至111年03月17日止,已完成15處總量管制區範圍承受水體流水斷面流量調查,並已提送兩次總量管制區公告前後承受水體重金屬水質變化、灌溉用水標準符合度及分析水體重金屬總量變化分析報告。 統計至112年3月為止,111年東西二、三圳及洋仔厝溪共36處測站,合計32處測站符合重金屬灌溉用水標準,僅番雅溝排水、牛稠子排水、洋仔厝橋、嘉犁重劃29輪區未達100%,其餘測站各項重金屬灌溉用水標準達成率均達100%;而保護人體健康相關環境基準達成情形,合計29處測站達成率達100%,僅番雅溝排水、牛稠子排水、洋仔厝橋、大汴支線取水口、嘉犁重劃29輪區、三家春排水、線東路六段無名橋未達保護人體健康相關環境基準;重金屬污染物濃度、達成率於100年至112多數測站有逐年改善之情形,故承受水體中重金屬總量也逐年降低,進而提高各測站之重金屬污染物削減量,可減少重金屬污染物進入承受水體,並成功減少重金屬污染物排入排渠,並經由農民引灌而使得農田遭受重金屬污染,以期降低重金屬污染物對生物之危害性,未來針對少數未能持續維持達成率之測站,將持續針對測站上游事業加強查核,並持續推動各項水質改善措施,以期持續達成水質改善目標。 根據環保署「111年度水污染防治評核計畫」之總量管制評核要點及評分標準說明,統計各項考核要點取得點數共計25點,依考核計畫計分方式,總點數達20點以上,本項可為本縣水污染防治評核計畫爭取獲得1.5分。 二、北彰化重金屬污染潛勢區及擴大總量管制區評估 為評估北彰化重金屬污染潛勢區及擴大總量管制區,針對已公告總量管制區鄰近高污染潛勢事業重金屬污染排放調查,51家調查對象中,現場營運情形為49家營運中,另2家現場製程產生廢水製程正辦理變更,現場已無產生重金屬廢水。49家製程營運中對象中,原廢水檢測出特定重金屬濃度達放流水標準90%者合計24家(10家金屬表面處理業、14家電鍍業),此49家調查結果列為擴大總量管制區評估之參考依據。此外,而計畫依據蒐集彙整之資料及107年樹脂縮時膠囊(以下簡稱樹脂包)調查結果,於番雅溝排水及洋仔厝溪鄰近區域選擇適宜地點布設123組樹脂包,結果顯示重金屬含量較高之地點多位於鹿港工作站之小新圳、新圳、新埤舊圳、溝廖圳等水利小組,其主要分布於番雅溝排水以南、頭崙埔排水及洋仔厝溪鄰近之區域。此外,鑒於近年已公告總量管制區內灌溉渠道水質均已符合灌溉水質基準值,且重金屬事業家數及污染排放量亦有呈現下降趨勢,本計畫依據環境背景資料及樹脂包分析結果,提出修正總量管制方式:針對新設及既設事業修正第一級總量管制區上游事業管制方式,維持第二級總量管制區管制方式,而針對總量管制區外之區域,因污染農地仍占全縣一定比例,且多集中於鹿港工作站,同時灌溉水源仍有超標疑慮,為延續相關管制成效,提出評估擴大總量管制,針對擴大總量管制範圍之新設及既設事業增設第一級總量管制方式,以有效控制農地污染情形。另滾動調整渠道重金屬污染潛勢等級,據此選定優先設置水質自動連續監測站之地點,最後擇定3處分別為溝廖圳、樹子腳排水及埤頭大排,並已邀請相關土地所有權人辦理現勘研商會議,已於111年03月21日完成3處水質自動連續監測站設置作業。本計畫於111年04月19日完成3處新增水質自動連續監測站初勘作業後,統計至112年3月份,針對3處監測站執行144站次維護保養及36站次校正作業,且於維運期間累計提送12次監測數據(pH、EC、T)及異常時段綜合分析報告至環保局,以維持測站數據準確性並穩定持續上傳至即時監控平台,供環保局及時掌握高污染潛勢渠道水質變化情形。 三、針對未列管事業進行重金屬污染排放調查 針對未列管事業進行重金屬污染排放調查作業執行目的,為確認工廠與水污染防治法事業分類及定義範圍相符度,若經清查確認屬水污法事業定義,現場協助證據保全,並通知環保局人員至現場查處,同時現場如有污染鄰近或下游農地之疑慮對象,將彙整名單及相關查核成果提交土壤整治相關單位進行後續處置作業。本計畫目標執行50家次,目前已完成50家次,截至112年03月17日止已完成50家次查核(達成率100%),查核結果符合水污法事業定義共10家,10家均由環保局開立查處,其中8家已完成裁處且勒令停工,2家處分開立中,處分金額共計666,000元。10家中經目的事業主管機關核准設立之2家事業,1家座落於第一級總量管制區內,已經環保局勒令停工,另1家未座落於總量管制區內,後續環保局追蹤複查時現場已將製程改為乾式作業無產生廢水,上述2家事業將由環保局不定時至現場追蹤是否已依規定停止產生廢水作業。另8家未經目的事業主管機關核准設立事業,4家座落於第一級總量管制區內,其中3家已勒令停工、1家處分開立中;另4家未座落於總量管制區內,其中3家已勒令停工,另1家目前已申請辦理相關證明文件中。 四、重金屬高污染潛勢區列管事業執行分級稽查作業 (一)查核對象分級 為促使本縣列管事業提升各項污染排放之處理效率與操作品質,針對坐落於重金屬高污染潛勢區內之72家列管事業進行不同強度的查核等級,分為:第一級目標污染源12家專案性查核及第二級潛勢污染源60家缺失輔導查核,藉由不同力度之查核等級,有效管理並改善縣內水體污染情形。 (二)第一級(目標污染源)專案性查核 12家目標污染源專案性查核現場作業中,現場查獲9家違反水污染防治法相關規定,9家均已完成完成處分開立,裁處金額合計達3,755,800元。現場查核之行政疏失最多為「水錶紀錄缺失」,共計6家(缺失率50%),其原因有業者未確實按日記錄、未確實將記錄留存於現場及水量換算記錄錯誤致申報數值與現場留存紀錄不一致或更換水錶(未進行記錄),致申報資料填寫錯誤;法令缺失種類以「量測操作參數」與許可比對不符缺失家數最多,共8家(缺失率66.7%);12家對象原廢水污染物濃度超過許可登載最大值有10家(缺失率83.3%)、11家廢水處理設施操作均有缺失(缺失率91.6%)、放流水(池)水質不符合放流水標準計6家(缺失率50%)。各家缺失均現場輔導業者改善方式,並限期業者提送改善計畫書,目前12家改善計畫書均已完成審查,統計改善方式,現場改善共11家、許可提出變更6家、工程改善5家、停工停業1家,合計投入改善經費共960,130元。本計畫人員針對缺失改善內容進行現場改善追蹤12家,其中1家金屬表面處理業已自報停工辦理停工解列中,其餘11家經改善追蹤後,尚有3家未完成改善,未完成改善之項目包含法令符合度1家、廢水處理設施操作3家,而其餘8家於各項缺失均已完成改善。建議針對未完成改善之3家可列為未來重金屬高風險對象查核之參考依據。 (三)第二級潛勢污染源缺失輔導查核 60家(93家次)潛勢污染源現場查核作業中,現場查獲6家違反水污染防治法相關規定,5家均已完成完成處分開立,裁處金額合計達681,000元。現場檢視紀錄表缺失以污泥產生/清運/暫存紀錄「紀錄不完整」家數8家最多(缺失率13.3%);非屬實質污染之查核缺失以「槽體及管線標示」最多,共計25家(缺失率41.6%);廢水處理設施操作檢核則以前處理單元之「量測操作參數」與許可比對不符缺失家數最多,共10家(缺失率21.3%);最多;放流水(池)水質不符合放流水標準計21家(缺失率40.3%),不合格項目以共通項目(pH、懸浮固體、化學需氧量)家數達19家最多。針對現場查核缺失均現場輔導業者改善方式,並請業者限期提送改善計畫書,需提送改善計畫書事業共計50家,各家改善計畫書均由本計畫人員完成審查,業者承諾改善方式為現場改善家數計48家,將提出許可變更計11家。針對60家潛勢污染源依本計畫人員至現場視廢水處理設施狀況(目視缺失、操作參數)及放流水(或最後一單元水質)水質結果,配合現場法令符合度缺失情形進行分析,分作四級後續追蹤級別。統計至112年03月17日止,潛勢污染源因首次查核有缺失而輔導業者提出改善計畫書計50家,僅須由改善計畫書確認改善情形共15家,此15家經本計畫同仁審查後,均已確認完成改善(改善率100%),其餘35家均須至現場進行追蹤複查,現場追蹤後尚有1家金屬表面處理業放流水未完成改善(超過放流水標準)。 五、執行北彰化水質監測網水質異常應變機制工作 為保護轄內灌溉水體水質,避免農地受重金屬污染,環保局於北彰重金屬污染潛勢區建置十六座水質自動連續監測站,以此方法透過24小時即時監控作業與低功耗資料記錄主機,針對高污染風險渠道進行水質監控,並進行大數據(Big Data)分析,更有效鎖定造成污染來源時段與水質特性,能有效遏止事業非法排放造成水體污染之行為,降低及預防監測水體再遭受污染,並確保本縣轄內環境品質及灌溉水體水質。 本計畫執行北彰化監測網現場水質異常應變工作前,先進行測站及污染源分級,再以分級結果採以不同應變查核方式執行現場應變工作,且針對每月監測數值滾動式修正分級結果。依分級結果,採以「污染源專案性查核」方式計9家、以「污染源廢水處理設施操作查核」計7家、「污染源一般查核」方式計13家。截至112年03月17日,本計畫已針對十六座水質自動連續監測站進行80次巡查,累積巡查365家次,包含於111年03月31日針對3座監測站執行夜間專案查核,共查獲12家事業有實質污染而遭環保局裁處,裁處罰鍰合計3,514,336元;另亦輔導23家次事業現場缺失改善。 統計稽查裁處及輔導後各項成果,放流水污染削減量以COD每年削減71,378.2公斤削減量最高,而重金屬項目則以重金屬銅(741.8公斤/年)最高;而放流水水污費挹注金額估算可挹注2,149,910元/年。本計畫統計110年及111年既有13座水質連續監測站pH異常筆數降幅(3座新設置水質監測站暫不列入統計)可知,新庄子排水測站維持0筆異常筆數,8座水質監測站(牛稠子排水、水流公制水門、莿桐腳排水、下部排水、番雅溝排水、安東二排、頭崙埔排水及新東山排水)pH異常筆數降幅介於46%~100%,但尚有4座水質監測站pH異常筆數無明顯下降趨勢,建議可將此4座水質監測站(舊三家村排水、嘉犁重劃29輪區、彰員路二段及和美排水)作為未來滾動式修正測站及污染源分級參考依據,以利後續持續管制16座水質監測站上游污染源。 複雜的灌溉與排水系統,易造成潛在污染物質存在灌溉系統並進一步對農地土壤造成危害,重金屬即為造成糧食供應及陸域生態等環境問題的重要污染物質。在北彰化地區,即因複雜的灌排系統,導致該系統性的問題,為預防重金屬污染源透過灌溉渠道傳輸影響農地土壤,本計畫從流域及底泥管理角度切入,評估農地引灌之水質的污染預警可行性、解析渠道底泥對灌溉水質的影響與農田土壤重金屬累積。最後根據數據解析與試驗結果提供管理建議。 為評估農地引灌之水質,本計畫進行監控農作物灌溉水源之水質,完成109 ~ 111年北彰區域13座水質自動監測數據彙整評析,並建立時間強度圖以視覺化數據快速找出應關注的異常時段,搭配敘述性統計篩出水質變動的異常時間歸納五種異常情形,完成50組水質驗證,以各站驗證結果之重金屬超標情形與潛在影響程度等風險評估角度,從風險高至低提出監測管理策略I~V。 為解析渠道底泥對灌溉水質的影響,應用農地引灌水量遠端監測搭配現地採樣,以探討不同時期底泥與灌溉水之關係。本計畫針對試驗渠道完成建置5處水位流量監測站及率定曲線,於111年連續12個月監測有效掌握期間通水量(422,000 ~ 635,000 m3)。 為評估引灌行為對農地土壤品質的影響程度,於目標渠道上選定實驗組與對照組農田,兩處試驗農田土壤重金屬累積情形,顯示鉻在實驗組與對照組試驗農田皆有增加的情形,因此,鉻可能為本計畫示範區域需要關注的重金屬之一。 綜上,本計畫從保護農田土壤思維提出管理建議,包含從源頭引灌水源水質提出建議系統性建置工廠原廢水特性、盤查介入點並建置空間管理地圖、針對受污染渠道底泥的處置或風險管理,則建議應確認懸浮固體的重金屬來源、從引水門降低灌溉水中懸浮固體等行為,並進一步以現地試驗結果與理論計算農田土壤重金屬增量情形,以作為農地管理與應變決策之參考,並針對現況分別提出流域與底泥的建議,以期達到預防農地污染再發生的效益。
中文關鍵字 總量管制區、重金屬污染潛勢區、北彰化水質監測網、農田土壤、重金屬、污染特徵


專案計畫編號 1100047974、1100047948 經費年度 110 計畫經費 22044 千元
專案開始日期 2021/09/24 專案結束日期 2023/03/23 專案主持人 林佩君、林淳純
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 林孟篁 執行單位 美商傑明工程顧問股份有限公司台灣分公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 彰化縣農地污染源預防管理計畫-成果報告_壓縮.pdf 70MB 成果報告

Preventive Management Plan of Pollution Source in Farmlands across Changhua

英文摘要 In view of maintaining the safety of farmland use in the County by preventing the source pollution from entering the irrigation waters and subsequently tackling the problem of using such water to irrigate farmland and causing pollution thereto, the existing audit and control work on water polluting sources will continue in addition to the setup of water automatic continuous monitoring stations in the concentrated areas of farmland pollution to expand the waters control areas, and the review of the executive results in the heavy metal total amount control areas set in 2016 by the County. An assessment was also made in amending the scope of total amount control areas or expanding the overall planning on the definition to address the issue of relocation of polluting sources in recent years after the control areas were defined. Since 2006 additionalwater automatic continuous monitoring stations were set up, and in 2013 audit on the water polluting sources was reinforced, employing scientific checking methods complemented by scientific instruments as well as a joint investigative mechanism formed by the environmental, prosecutor, police and investigative departments, to strengthen law enforcement. Also, since the announcement of defined heavy metal total amount control areas in 2016, till date effectiveness has been seen in deterring illegal discharge of business wastewater (and polluting water). in order to continue the improvement on the waters and farmland heavy metal pollution in Northern Changhua, the effective management of the waters in this regions became very important to the sustainable use of the controlled farmland and the maintenance of the whole environment quality in the County. The execution of this project is hoped to serve to crack down the water polluting sources, reduce and prevent the monitored waters from being further polluted, and ensure the environmental quality and water in the irrigating waters within the County’s jurisdiction. The executive period of this project was from the day (Sept. 24, 2021) following the government bid awarding date to Mar. 23, 2023. As of Mar. 23, 2023, the tasks under this project were all completed according to the tender specifications and the contractual schedule of this project, a 100% execution rate. Current achievements of this project are summarized as follows: 1.Flow survey in total amount control areas and analysis of heavy metal changes contained in receiving waters To have an understanding of the executive results in the Dongxi 2nd and 3rd Ditches and Babao 1st Ditch total amount control areas published by the County, this project will analyze the executive results after that announcement and assess the outcomes of pollution reduction in respect of the reduction of heavy metal polluting load in receiving waters and the rate of meeting water quality standard for heavy metals in irrigation water, to facilitate the submission of the assessment report of executive outcomes to EPB. In addition, in line with the review of executive outcomes in total amount control areas by EPA’s toal amount control evaluation mechanism, an outcomes assessment report will be submitted before the project ends. As of Mar. 17, 2022, the survey on cross-sectional flow in receiving waters in 15 total amount control areas was completed, and two reports on heavy metal water changes in receiving wtaers, irrigation water standard compliance, and total amount changes in waters before and after the announcement of total amount control areas were submitted. As of Mar. 2023, the statistics showed that in 2022, of all 36 monitoring stations in Dongxi 2nd and 3rd Ditches and Yangzicuo River, a total of 32 stations met the irrigation water standard for heavy metals, all reaching a 100% achieving rate, with only Fanya Ditch Drain, Niuchouzi Drain, Yangzicuo Bridge and Jiali Replanned 29th Area failing to reach 100%. In terms of achieving the environmental standards for human health protection, a total of 29 stations reached 100%, with only Fanya Ditch Drain, Niuchouzi Drain, Yangzicuo Bridge, the intake in Dabian Branch, Jiali Replanned 29th Area, Sanjiachun Drain and the unnamed bridge on Sec.6 of Xiandong Rd. failing to meet the standards. The achievement rate in terms of concentration of heavy metal pollutant conce was improving at most stations during 2011 to 2023, meaning total heavy metal amount in receiving waters were decreasing each year, which in turn increased the reduction of heavy metal pollutants at the stations, making it possible to reduce heavy metal pollutants entering receiving waters and successfully decrease their discharge into drains and ditches. Otherwise, when the water was used by farmers for irrigation, the farmland would have been polluted by heavy metals; thus, the decrease in hazards of heavy metals to biology was expected. in the future strengthened audit will continue on the businesses upstream of a small number of stations that failed to continually make the achievement rate; water improving measures will also be driven in view of continually achieving the goal of water quality improvement. According to Guidelines for total amount control evaluation and explanations on criteria for evaluation under EPA’s “2022 program of evaluation of water pollution control”, the points earned in the key items of evaluation added to 25, which resulted in 20 points by the scoring method of the evaluation program, which entitled the County to 1.5 points for water pollution control evaluation program. 2. Assessment of potentially heavy metal polluted areas and expanded total amount control areas in Northern Changhua To assess potential heavy metal pollution areas and expanded total amount control areas in Northern Changhua, surveys were conducted on the heavy metal s discharge by the highly potential polluting businesses in the vicinity of the published total amount control areas. there were 51 businesses under survey, of which 49 were in operation in respect to on-site operation, and another 2 were applying for change in wastewater producing processes in on-site process and no heavy metal wastewater was produced. of the 49 with process operation, 24 (10 metal surface treatment operators and 14 electroplators) were found with the concentration of specific heavy metals tested in original wastewater reached 90% of the effluent standard; the survey result on these 49 businesses was taken as reference basis for assessment of explanded total amount control areas. in addition, under this project, based on the synthesized data and the 2018 survey results with time-lapse resin capsules (hereinafter called the Capsule), 123 sets of Capsule were deployed at appropriate locations selected in the areas near Fanya Ditch Drain and Yangzicuo River; the results indicated that the locations with higher content of heavy metals were mostly the water resources taskforces of Lugang work station in Xiaoxin Ditch, Xin Ditch, Xinpi Old Ditch and Gouliao Ditch, which were scattered mainly in the areas south of Fanya Ditch Drain and near Toulun Drain and Yangzicuo River. furthermore, given that the water in irrigation channels within the published total amount control all met the standard for irrigation water in recent years and that there was a tendency of decrease in both the number of businesses with heavy metals and the amount of pollution discharge, this project proposed to modify the ways of total amount control based on environmental background data and Capsule analysis results: to modify the way of control of businesses upstream of Grade-1 total amount control areas for those new and existed businesses and to maintain the way of control of Grade-2 total amount control areas. as to the areas outside otal amount control areas, because the polluted farmland still accounts for a certain proportion of the entire County while concentrating in Lugang work station, as well as there is still concern about exceeding standards by the irrigating sources, in order to let the control effectiveness sustain, this project proposed to assess the expanded total amount control; that is to bring on new ways of Grade-1 total amount control for new and existed businesses in the expanded total amount control areas, to effectively control the farmland pollution. in addition to that, to adjust, in a rolling manner, the grades of potential of canal heavy metal pollution, whereby to decide the locations for prioritized water automatic continuous monitoring stations; and finally, three locations were selected: Gouliao Ditch, Shuzijiao Drain and Pitou Drain, with invitation given to the land owners to join the site survy meeting. The operation of setting up 3 water automatic continuous monitoring stations was completed on Mar. 21, 2022. After an initial survey, under this project, on the 3 new monitoring stations on Apr. 19, 2022, as of Mar. 2023, 144 instances of maintenance & service and 36 calibrations were performed at these 3 stations, in addition to the submission of monitored data (pH, EC and T) from a total of 12 instances and a comprehensive analytic report on abnormal times throughout the period of operation maintenance to EPB to maintain the accuracy of station data and continue upload to the real-time monitoring platform steadily for EPB to keep updated on the changes in the water in highly polluting potential canals. 3. Survey on heavy metal discharge of the unlisted businesses The purpose of the survey on heavy metal discharge by unlisted businesses was to ensure of the consistence with the classification and scope of definition for factories and business under water pollution control act. in case any one that was confirmed by checking within the definition of business under water pollution control act, we assisted in preserving the evidence on site and notified EPB personnel to deal with on site, where any one suspected to pollute nearby or downstream farmland was put in a list for submission, along with the checking results, to the agencies governing soil remediation for further disposal. The execution of this project covered 50 instances; as of Mar. 17, 2023, these were all completed (a 100% achievement rate). The checking results showed 10 businesses met the definition of business under water pollution control act, which were all diposed by EPB, and of which 8 were fully disposed as stopping operation, and 2 being disposed; the total amount of disposal was NT$666,000. Of the 10 businesses, 2 were established with approval by the competent authority of business, of which 1 situated in Grade A total amount control area has been ordered to stop operation by EPB, and the other 1 outside total amount control area had changed its process to dry operation without wastewater produced when EPB made a follow-up check on site. The EPB will make follow-up check on these 2 businesses from time to time to see if they really stopped wastewater-producing operations as stipulated. Of the 8 businesses not approved by the competent authority of business, 4 were situated within Grade A total amount control area, of which 3 have been ordered to stop operation and 1 being disposed; of the remaining 4 businesses outside total amount control area, 3 were ordered to stop operation, and 1 has currently applid for the issuance of relevant evidencing documents. 4. multiple Graded audits on controlled businesses in potentially highly heavy metal polluted areas (1) Grading of the subjects of checking In order to cause the controlled businesses in the County to increase the efficiency in the handling of pollution discharge and the operation quality, checks of different intensities were conducted on 72 controlled businesses situated in highly heavy metal pollution potential areas: case-specific check on 12 businesses of grade-1 targeted polluting sources and check with flaw counseling on 60 businesses of grade-2 potential polluting sources, where the checks of different strengths served to effectively manage and improve the pollution to waters in the County. (2) Case-specific checks on grade-1 (targeted polluting sources) In case-specific on-site check on the 12 businesses of targeted polluting source, we found 9 in violation of the water pollution control act, which were all subjected to completed disposal, with fines totaling NT$3,755,800. A majority of the administrative faults found in on-site check was “fault of water meter records”, found in 6 businesses (a 50% fault rate); that was because some of them failed to keep daily records properly, or failed to save the records at the site, and made mistakes in conversion of the records of water flow which led to inconsistence between reported value and the records kept on site, or changed water meters (without making records) which led to incorrect input when reporting the data. In terms of legal fault, the most businesses, 8 of them, were found with the fault of failure of “measured operation parameters” to match the permitted value, (a 66.7% fault rate). Of the 12 targeted businesses, 10 were found with pollutant concentration in original wastewater exceeding the maximum permitted log (an 83.3% fault rate); 11 with faults in wastewater treatment facilities and operation (a 91.6% fault rate); and 6 with effluent (pond) water quality failing to meet effluent standard (a 50% fault rate). Counsel was given to them for improving the faults, with timelines given for submitting their improvement plans. Presently the improvement plans of 12 businesses have all been reviewed. Considering every method of improvement, 11 were to improve on site, 6 were allowed to propose changes, 5 were to improve the engineering, and 1 stopped operation; the fund committed to improvement totaled NT$960,130. The personnel of this project conducted on-site follow-up on the details of fault improvement on 12 businesses, of which 1 metal surface treatmer operator autonomously reported operation stoppage and was applying for control delisting. Of the remaining 11 undergone follow-up on improvement, 3 have not yet completed their improvement. The improvement yet to complete included legal compliance in 1 business, and wastewater treatment facility operation in 3; the remaining 8 businesses have completed their improment of the faults. it is recommended to take the 3 bussinesses failing to complete their improvement as subjects of future check on high heavy metal risk for reference basis. (3)Check on fault counsel on grade-2 potential polluting sources On-site checks on 60 businesses (93 instances) of potential polluting source found 6 in violation of the water pollution control act, of which 5 were completely disposed, with fines totaling NT$681,000. In term of fault of records inspected on site, sludge production/clearance/deposition records “imcomplete” in 8 businesses was the most (a 13.3% fault rate); in terms of fault of non-material pollution, “reservoir & pipeline marking” was the most, found in 25 businesses ( a 41.6% fault rate). In terms of wastewater treatment facility operation, the “measurement operation parameters” of pretreatment units and non-matching to permission was the most, in 10 businesses (a 21.3% fault rate); failure of effluent (pond) water to meet effluent standard in 21 businesses (a 40.3% fault rate); in terms of non-compliance, the largest number of businesses with the common items (pH, suspended solids, COD) was 19. Targeting the faults found on site, counsel was given on site to the businesses in improvement, with timelines given for submitting the improvement plans. A total of 50 bussinesses should submit improvement plans, which have all been reviewed the the project’s personnel. the number of businesses promising to improve on site was 48, and that to file permit changes was 11. The 60 potential polluting sources, which this project’s personnel have inspected the wastewater treatment facilities (visual faults, operation parameters), and quality of effluent (or the last unit), together with an analysis of on-site fault of legal compliance, were divided in four grades for follow-up. As of Mar. 17, 2023, counsel was given to 50 businesses to present improvent plans on the faults found by the check on potential polluting sources, of which 15 should only be confirmed with their improvement plans. these 15 businesses have all been confirmed by our coworkers in this project to have completed the improvement (a 100% improvement rate), with the remaining 35 businesses that should be re-checked on site. follow-up check found 1 metal surface treatment operator still failing to complete the improvement on the effluent (exceeding effluent standard). 5. Execution of tasks on responding mechanism for water anomaly in northern Changhua water monitoring network To protect the water quality of the irrigating waters in the County and avoid the farmland from heavy metal pollution, the EPB set up 16 water automatic continuous monitoring stations in potential heavy metal polluting areas in northern Changhua. That works by monitoring water quality in canals of high polluting risks with 24-hour instant monitoring operation and low-power data recording units and Big Data analysis, more effectively zeroing in the time when polluting sources are caused and the characteristics of water quality. Thus, EPB can effectively deter illegal discharges by the businesses that result in pollution to waters, and decrease and prevent the monitored waters from being re-polluted, as well as ensure the environmental quality and the water quality in irrigiating waters in the County. Under this project, we had carried out the grading of monitoring stations and polluting sources before the response tasks to water anomalyes in northern Changua’s monitoring network; we then carried out the on-site response tasks in different ways of response and checking based on the grading results, and made rolling correction on that results with respect to monthly monitored data. By the grading results, “case-specific check on polluting sources” was performed on 9 businesses, “check on wastewater treatment facility operation at polluting sources” on 7 businesses, and “ordinary check on polluting sources” on 13 businesses. As of Mar. 17, 2923, under this project, 80 patrols were made on the 16 stations, totaling 365 instances, including the case-specific nocturne check on 3 stations on Mar. 31, 2022, which found 12 businesses with material pollution, which were disposed by EPB for fines totaling NT$3,514,336, in addition to the counsel given in 23 instances for improving on-site faults. The statistics on the results of audit, disposal and counsel showed that in terms of effluent pollution reduction, the greatest reduction was COD at 71,378.2 Kg per annum, and in the category of heavy metals, heavy metal copper (741.8 Kg/year) was the most; the amount of effluent pollution fee shifting was estimated ato NT$2,149,910/year. A statistics under this project on the decrease in abnormal pH records at the existed 13 stations in 2021 and 2022 (the 3 new stations not taken into statistics for now) revealed that Xinzhuangzi Drain monitoring station remained with 0 records, 8 stations (Niuchouzi Drain, Shuiliougong Watergate, Citongjiao Drain, Xiabu Drain, Fanyagou Drain, Andong 2nd Drain, Toulunpu Drain and Xindongshan Drain) had increased records of abnormal pH between 46% and 100%, with other 4 stations without apparent decrease in the records of abnormal pH. We recommend for taking these 4 water monitoring stations (Jiousanjiacun Drain, Jiali Replanned 29th Area, Sec.2 of Changyuan Rd. and Hemei Drain) as reference basis for future rolling correction of grading of station and polluting source, to help in subsequent continuous control of the polluting sources upstream of the 16 water monitoring stations. The complex drainage system and irrigation system cause the presence of potentially toxic substances and their impacts on soil. Environmental concern of a group of materials is heavy metal accumulation in soil, threatening food security and terrestrial ecosystems. This issue is a systematic problem in Changhua County due to the intervention of drainage in irrigation canals. To prevent the impact of heavy metal pollution on paddy soil, this project assessed the feasibility of pollution early warning, resolved the effect of sediment on irrigation water, and measured the accumulation of heavy metals in paddy soil, from the perspectives of the drainage basin and sediment management. Eventually, the data extraction and field experiment results feedback to ameliorate management suggestions. Extracting information from continuous monitoring and sampling water for measuring heavy metal was performed to assess the pollution. The periods of irregular data were rapidly screened with the Intensity-Time Chart visualizing the data from 2020 to 2022 of 13 continuous water quality monitoring stations. Then, 50 water samples were collected and analyzed. By integrating the data of water samples and influential regions of the water canal, 13 stations were prioritized from strategy I, with the highest risk, to V, with the lowest risk. To resolve the effect of sediment on irrigation water, continuous monitoring of irrigation water amount and field sampling were applied. In 12 consecutive months, the water level was monitored, and the corresponding rating curves were developed in five stations in the testing canal, where the total water flow ranged from 422,000 to 635,000 m3. As irrigation water is the main candidate for contributing heavy metals to the paddy field, the relevant components, the inflows of suspended solid and the canal sediment, were collected and analyzed; meanwhile, the accumulation of heavy metals in paddy soil after two growing periods (February to November) also measured. Inflowed suspended solid that an interceptor, installed at the entrance of the irrigation water, collected contains high Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn. If irrigation applies continuously, the sediment-carried heavy metal may accumulate in paddy soil and result in heavy metal pollution. Besides, the soil heavy metal measurements show a clear increase in Cr concentration in two paddy fields along the selected canal; therefore, Cr might be one of the concerned but low-profile heavy metals in the experimental zone. Eventually, together with the initiative of protecting paddy soil, the result of this project evolved into a synthetic strategy. In the suggestion, systematically characterizing effluent from industries, inventorying the confluence of wastewater, manufacturing management map, managing or treating polluted canal sediments, apportioning source of heavy metals in suspended solids, and mitigating suspended solids by closing irrigation gate are documented. Further, paddy field management or adaptation can refer to the theoretical increments of heavy metal in paddy soil, supported by the field data and inflow estimation.
英文關鍵字 total amount control areas、potentially heavy metal polluted areas、northern Changhua water monitoring network, agricultural soil、heavy metals、pollution characteristics