

中文摘要 本計畫執行「深耕環境教育」為目標,在現有環境教育網絡基礎上,藉由多元環境教育學習管道,連結政府、學校、民間團體、社區、環保小學堂、環境教育設施場所、環境教育機構等群體之環境教育資源與成果,將環境議題普及與生活化,使環境教育從小扎根、永續發展,達到「永續世代」之目標,計畫執行達成之目標如下: (一) 推動環境教育相關活動,啟發市民瞭解在地環境生態,增進環境教育之知識、技能、態度及價值觀。 以具有環境保護代表意義性質的全球性運動-「世界地球日」為主軸設計具在地特色活動:嘉有諸羅記活動三部曲,運用在地台灣特有種類-諸羅樹蛙,辦理青蛙聲音猜謎臉書抽獎、北香湖公園夜間深度導覽、北香湖環保志工健走等活動,由此大型活動為今年度環境教育開場,因系列活動行銷成效極佳,今年度環境教育繪本徵選及推廣中,投稿參賽作品三分之一,主角皆為諸羅樹蛙,其中運用今年度得獎環境教育繪本-《緣來蛙抵嘉》為發想,製作設計供志工使用之互動式教學教具;今年雖因疫情影響,許多活動面臨停辦或延後辦理,但針對本市知識競賽初賽,報名參賽人數高達301人,為全國之冠,由此可見轄內學子對於環境教育參與有著高度的積極性。 為鼓勵長期從事推動環境教育工作者的肯定,藉由辦理國家環境教育獎活動,讓更多人能看見環境守護者的熱誠與付出,進而成為學習對象,共同投入環境教育,本年度已辦理嘉義市初審啟動說明會,邀請歷屆國家環境教育獎得獎單位,分享得獎經驗及專家學者解說參選資料與評分項目,經評審委員審查參選名單及實地訪查評分後,評選出各組優勝單位,本屆共計4個單位獲獎,分別為社區組特優「嘉義市東區東川社區發展協會」致力於營造社區,扎根落實環境教育之工作,不只凝聚社區向心力,更讓環保意識深植居民的心;機關(構)組特優「行政院農業委員會林務局阿里山林業鐵路及文化資產管理處」嘉義製材所,以歷史產業融入環境教育,利用科技方式喚起民眾對於自然保育、生態維護之意識,尋回人與自然的鏈結關係;學校組特優「嘉義市志航國民小學」利用校園環境及科技化教學,讓課程面向多元豐富,並融入生活教學;學校組優等「嘉義市民族國民小學」以「空氣品質」為核心,結合藝術、科學等科目,融入課程應用,各單位不遺餘力推廣環境教育,讓環保的概念遍布於整個轄區內,並內化於民眾心中,落實於生活。藉此樹立典範攜手投入環境教育,共創嘉義永續發展的未來。 原定辦理暑期營隊活動,然而因受新冠肺炎影響,各級學校已停止到校上課,考量至6月底前仍無法解除第3級警戒,因此本工項已辦理契約變更:刪除此工作項目,另規劃改以製作環境教育短片,透過短片方式呈現環境共害議題,激發觀影者關心環境與愛惜生態之素養,更藉由短片創意呈現及網路平台分享,將欲傳達之議題拋出傳遞讓更多人知曉,並進而影響觀影者自身行為,促進民眾提升環境概念知識、價值觀與態度等,能於日常生活當中實踐,以達到共同維護環境永續之目的。 今年度共辦理16場次環境教育活動,合計556人次參與,藉由廠區參訪,瞭解焚化廠的功能及垃圾的處理過程,強調資源回收再利用與垃圾減量的重要性,亦結合綠色生活教室環保寶來屋與綠屋頂示範平台,將「資源回收」、「底渣再利用」、「環境綠美化」等概念,除展示節能措施,亦有環保精油防蚊液、綜合種子鑰匙圈等各項DIY課程及盆栽栽培管理與實務操作。 (二) 提升環保志工專業能力,使其面對民眾進行環境教育能力更加專業。 辦理兩階段教育訓練,提昇志願服務工作品質,保障受服務者之權益,透過結合理論及實務以及循序漸進的課程,強化志工環境教育專業知識及技能,於課程中以今年度主要推動之環保政策為主軸,透過引導式教學,讓志工瞭解當前的環境現況與施政方針,並運用其所學的知能,協助轄內環境教育之推動,推廣正確的環境教育觀念予民眾。 其中特殊訓練為避免人與人接觸機會,規劃由原實體訓練課程改為線上學習課程,並同時教導志工網路平台上課使用方式及參與110年全國環保志(義)工群英會網路活動,開拓網際網路之視野接軌新世代。 (三) 落實環境教育法,進而維護生態平衡,達到尊重生命,促進社會正義。 辦理環境教育法規說明會及申報查核,課程講授環境教育法的內涵及規範,並安排作業系統操作課程,以範例實際模擬提報作業,使本市各單位更瞭解環境教育法規相關規範,並熟習系統操作、資料維護及提報作業流程,以落實遵循環境教育法第19條之規範。申報查核部分,針對人員資料正確性及環境教育辦理內容與進行比對,並檢視其法規符合度,進行實地輔導,以提升本市轄內各單位環境教育計畫提報效率及執行成果之完整性。 109年環境講習清理率僅有38.37%,爰此今年度環境講習增加至8場次,辦理時數共計22小時,規劃6日,環境講習完成率於110年8月3日(含)前,累計約達90%以上(自102年1月1日起計算),環境教育講習課程執行完成率為96.8%。 蒐集本市府各單位環境教育行動方案執行成果,彙整本市環境教育行動方案執行成果報告及彙整,執行檢討修正作業,協助環境教育基金會之前置作業,包括議程規劃、委員聯繫、行政事項協助及簡報製作。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、永續發展


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 4600 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/11/30 專案主持人 陳韋志
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 鄭積文 執行單位 志欣環保工程有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年嘉義市環境教育宣導整合計畫.pdf 23MB

2021 Chiayi City Environmental Education Promotion and Integration Project

英文摘要 The goal of the project is to implement “dedicating to environmental education”. Based on the existing environmental education networks, we link the environmental education resources and performance in different groups, including governments, schools, non-governmental organizations, communities, eco-schools, facilities of environmental education, and institutions of environmental education, together through multiple environmental education learning channels. We want to make the issues related to environment popularized among people and close to our life in order to establish the foundation for environmental education from a young age, develop it sustainably, and achieve the goal of “generation to generation”. The goals of the project are as below: (一) Promoting activities related to environmental education, inspiring residents of the city to understand local ecological environment, and enhancing knowledge, skills, attitude, and value of environmental education Centered on “World Earth Day” which is a global movement with the meaning of environmental protection to design activities with local features. For example, trilogy of Jurassic world in Chiayi. It focuses on the local endemic species in Taiwan- Farmland Green Treefrog to hold activities of guessing frog voice FB lucky draw, in-depth guided tour in the evening at Beixianghu Park, and environmental volunteer fitness walking at Beixianghu. The large-scale event delivered the opening of the environmental education this year. Because of the excellent marketing effectiveness of the series of activities, one third of the submission of the competition entries and promotion for the annual environmental education picture books were related to the Farmland Green Treefrog. What’s special is that we used the awarded picture book for the environmental education this year, “Well, I am original from here” for the concept development of the interactive teaching aids used by the volunteers. Due to the impact of epidemic this year, many events are forced to be suspended or postponed. However, we still received 301 participants registered the preliminary contest of the knowledge competition held by our city. The number was the top in the country. It shows the students in our city are highly motivated for the participation in environmental education. To encourage and recognize those who work for and promote environmental education for a long time, we want to show people the passion and devotion of these caretakers for the environment through the award of National Environmental education Award so that people can learn from them and make efforts to the environmental education together. We have already held Chiayi City Preliminary Kick-Off Presentation this year, invited the awarded units of National Environmental education Award in the past years to share their experience, and invited experts and scholars to explain the competition information and assessment focus. After reviewing and implementing on-site assessment by the evaluation committee, the winning unit in each group has been determined. There were four units receiving the award this year, including High Distinction Award for Community Group, “Chiayi City East District Dongchuan Community Development Association”, which devotes to the community construction and establishing and implementing environmental education; they not only gather the cohesion of the community together but also root the environmental awareness to the heart of residents. The High Distinction Award for Agency Groups, “Alishan Forest Railway and Cultural Heritage Office, Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan”, integrates historical industry into environmental education in their Chiayi Timber Factory by awakening the awareness towards natural conservation and ecological maintenance among people through technology to retrieve the linkage between people and the nature. The High Distinction Award for Elementary School Group, “Chiayi Municipal Jhih Hang Elementary School”, makes good use of campus environment and technological teaching to enrich the dimensions of the courses and blend it into life teaching. The Excellence Award for Elementary School Group, “Chiayi Municipal Minzu Elementary School”, focuses on “air quality” and combines it with the subjects of arts and science for curriculum application integration. Each unit is trying the best to promote environmental education so that the concept of environmental protection is spread at every corner of the administrative region as well as deeply rooted in the heart of people and implemented in the daily life. We hope to establish a model for environmental education through above and a future of sustainable development in Chiayi. Originally, we planned to hold the activity of summer camp. Under the impact of COVID-19, schools had been suspended. Considering the level 3 alert is not able to be relieved by the end of June, we handled the change of the contract for the event. It has been deleted and replaced with a short video of environmental education. Through the video, we present the issues of environmental hazards to stimulate the literacy of caring environment and cherish ecology among those who watch the video. Moreover, we want to deliver the message of the issues to more people through the creativity of the short video and the sharing on the network platforms and further affect the self-behavior of the people who watch the video. The purpose is to urge people enhancing their concepts and knowledge of environment as well as the value and the attitude towards it so that they can achieve maintaining environmental sustainability in the implementation of daily life. We held 16 sessions of activities related to environmental education this year and attracted 556 participants. Through factory visit, we help people understand the function of incineration plant and the reuse disposal process, highlight the importance of resource recycling and reutilization as well as waste reduction. We also work with Green Life Classroom Environmental-Protecting Treasure House and Green Roof Demonstration Platform to promote the concepts of “recycling”, “bottom ash reutilization”, and “environmental afforestation”. Other than displaying the measures of energy conservation, we also hold the DIY courses of eco-friendly essence oil mosquito spay and seeds key ring as well as potted plant growing management and hands-on practice. (二) Enhancing the professional ability among environmental volunteers so that they can show their professionalism when facing people for environmental education We held two-stage educational training to enhance the quality of services provided by volunteers and protect rights and interests of those who receive services. We strengthen the professional knowledge and skills towards environmental education among volunteers through the combination of theory and practice as well as the programmed course. The course is centered on the key promotion of environmental policies of this year to help volunteers understand the current situation of environment and the implementation of policy through guided teaching so that they can use what they learnt to assist the promotion of environmental education in the region and delivering the correct concept of environmental education to people. Among them, a special training was delivered. To avoid the contact among people, the original physical training courses scheduled were revised to the online learning courses. We taught volunteers how to use network platform to participate in the courses and join 2021 National Environmental Volunteer Elite Online Conference to open up the vision of internet and link with new generations. (三) Implementing the environmental education act, maintaining ecological balance, achieve the respect to life, and promote social justice We held environmental education regulations presentation and declaration audit. The courses explained the meaning and regulations of environmental education act and arranged the hands-on practice for operational system. We used the actual simulation on the declaration operation to help each relevant unit in the city to understand the regulations of environmental education act better as well as familiar with the system operation, data maintenance, and declaration process in order to fulfill the compliance of the provision of Article 19 of Environmental Education Act. In terms of declaration audit, we focused on the correctness of personnel data and the comparison between the regulations and implementation of environmental education as well as inspected the legal compliance and implemented on-site supervision to enhance the declaration efficiency of environmental education program at each unit in our city and the completeness of implementation results. The clearance rate of environmental seminars in 2020 was only 38.37%. Because of it, we increased the environmental seminars to eight sessions this year with the total hours of 22 in 6 days. By August 3rd, 2021 (included), the completion rate of environmental seminars was accumulated to above 90% (started from January 1st, 2013). The completion rate of environmental education courses was 96.8%. We collected the implementation results of action plans for environmental education done by each unit in our city, integrated the report and summary of the implementation of environmental action plans in our city, and executed reviewing and modification to assist the preparation of Environmental Education Foundation, including planning agenda, contacting members, assisting administrative matters, and preparing presentation.
英文關鍵字 Environmental education, Sustainable development