

中文摘要 本年度針對非農地環境雜草管理宣導,主要經由9場次宣導活動及1件次宣導廣告,推廣民眾對非農地雜草的管理方式及除草劑對人體及環境的危害的瞭解,並讓與會人員瞭解更多種類且友善環境的除草的方式,以避免使用除草劑。 宣導活動因受疫情影響,多數社區、學校、自然村落無意願參與宣導活動辦理,綜合考量合法取得農藥者為農民居多,爰此,本年度宣導對象主要以農業鎮有意願配合宣導之農村為主,並配合農村作息時間,宣導活動大致於晚間時段進行,經統計參與宣導人數男生約124人、女生約161人,計約285人次參與。宣導活動主題重點包含非農地環境雜草妥適管理方式、除草劑對人體所產生之危害、雜草的可再利用、機械及人力除草取代除草劑等相關議題。宣導中搭配有獎問答,藉由互動讓民眾深刻了解宣導內容,更可即時反饋意見供本局參考。民眾經參與宣導活動後能夠更加了解當地常見的雜草種類,以及除草時應注意事項,友善環境又安全的除草方法,降低除草劑使用,可達到逐步有效控管多數貼近民眾生活的雜草。 1件次宣導廣告則是於金門日報刊登,廣告宣導主題為非農地環境雜草管理方法(機械除草、人工除草、動物除草),宣導範圍涵蓋金門地區民間家戶、社區、老人活動中心、國軍、台灣地區、大陸、國外金門會館等,以有效提升民眾對非農地環境雜草管理的相關知識。
中文關鍵字 非農地環境雜草管理宣導、宣導廣告


專案計畫編號 20210116 經費年度 110 計畫經費 450 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/18 專案結束日期 2021/01/31 專案主持人 陳威憲
主辦單位 金門縣環境保護局 承辦人 楊素禎 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年非農地成果報告(含附件).pdf 11MB

Kinmen County Government 110th Annual Non-Agricultural Environmental Weed Management Promotion Program

英文摘要 This year's campaign on weed management on non-agricultural land was carried out through 9 promotional activities and 1 promotional advertisement to promote public understanding of weed management on non-agricultural land and the harmful effects of herbicides on human beings and the environment, as well as to inform the participants of the various environmentally friendly weed control methods to avoid the use of herbicides. Due to the impact of the epidemic, most communities, schools and natural villages were not willing to participate in the campaign. The total number of participants was about 285. The main themes of the campaign included the proper management of weeds in non-agricultural environments, the harmful effects of herbicides on human health, the reusability of weeds, and the replacement of herbicides by mechanical and manual weeding. The presentation was complemented by a question-and-answer session, which allowed the public to gain a deeper understanding of the content of the presentation and to provide immediate feedback to the Council. After participating in the campaign, the public will have a better understanding of the common types of weeds in their local area and the important points to note when weeding, as well as the environmentally friendly and safe weeding methods to reduce the use of herbicides. One advertisement was placed in the Kinmen Daily News, with the theme of weed management on non-agricultural land (mechanical weeding, manual weeding and animal weeding), covering households, communities, elderly activity centres, the national army, Taiwan, mainland China and foreign Kinmen hotels in the Kinmen region, in order to effectively raise public knowledge of weed management on non-agricultural land.
英文關鍵字 Non-agricultural Environmental Weed Management Advocacy, Promotional advertising