

中文摘要 臺中市工商業發展迅速,人口急速增加,餐飲油煙、民俗活動及農業廢棄物露天燃燒等所造成之空氣污染物,以及室內空氣品質,成為市民關注的議題。 本計畫包括餐飲油煙管制、推動紙錢集中燒燃燒及源頭減量、露天燃燒管制及室內空氣品質管制等4項作業。 在「餐飲業油煙管制」方面,本計畫加強餐飲業或屢遭陳情業者之防制設備查核及輔導,推動業者及攤商設置或改善防制設備,對於具一定規模餐飲業,以儀器現場量測,提出改善建議作為業者落實改善之依循,藉以提升餐飲業人員污染防制觀念,有效改善餐飲油煙污染問題。 在「推動紙錢集中燒及源頭減量」方面。本計畫於中元辦理紙錢集中燃燒淨爐儀式,以消彌市民對於紙錢送至焚化爐有所不敬之想法,同時推動三大超商以功代金,另針對寺廟彙整調查民生議題管制資料,以及架設空氣品質微型感測器。 在「露天燃燒管制」方面,於一、二期稻作收割期間,推動農廢替代措施向農民宣導不燃燒稻草,並出動空拍機進行空拍,輔導及遏止農民勿露天燃燒,有效減少稻草所帶來的空污問題,同時以智慧監控網路攝影設備定期監測好發地區。 在「室內空氣品質監測」方面,擇臺中市室內空氣品質列管場所進行室內空氣品質查核及管制,查核維護管理計畫書落實度,並推動室內空品自主管理標章。
中文關鍵字 餐飲業,紙錢減量集中燒,露天燃燒,室內空氣品質


專案計畫編號 P1100319018 經費年度 110 計畫經費 9700 千元
專案開始日期 2021/05/05 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 許甫豪
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃淑娟 執行單位 東禾工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年臺中市逸散源及室內空品管制計畫期末報告上傳版(小).pdf 33MB

The 2021 Taichung City Fugitive Emissions and Indoor air quality Control Project

英文摘要 With increase in population and enormous development of industry and commerce in Taichung City, air pollution caused by catering, religious activities, agricultural waste burning , and how to improve indoor air quality ( IAQ) have become a major public concern. This project includes inspections of catering industry cooking emission control, promoting concentrated burning and source reduction of joss paper, inspections of open field burning of agricultural residues and inspections of IAQ control. In the aspect of “ catering industry cooking emission control” , this project enhanced the inspections of air pollution control equipment in catering industries which ha d most complaint rates, conducted joint investigations with relevant government departments, successfully impelled vendors to install or to improve air pollution control equipment. For large -scale catering industries, this project conducted on-site measurements and provided suggestions to raise vendors’ awareness of air pollution control and to improve oil fume emission problems effectively. In the aspect of “ promoting concentrated burning and source reduction of joss paper” , this project held incinerator cleaning ceremonies during the Chinese New Year, Tomb-Sweeping Festival and Ghost Festival to eliminate the concept of being disrespect ful for sending joss paper into incinerator. Meanwhile, this project collaborated with 4 major convenience store brands in Taiwan in building “ merit substitutes for joss paper” service and extended this service to public nationwide by holding an inter -County/City promoting conference. This project conducted surveys of temples in Taichung City to understand the environmental strategies of these temples and also visited local apartment communities to publicize the concept of concentrated burning and source reduction of joss paper and maintain the air quality of places of worship and residential complexes. In the aspect of “ open field burning of agricultural residues control” , this project created an online hotspot map of open field burning by collecting annual hotspots data as a reference for relevant government departments. During the harvest seasons of first and second cultivations, this project dissuaded farmers from burning agricultural waste through publicit y and notified them of measures and regulations of reuse of agricultural residues which were enacted by relevant agriculture departments. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were set out to patrol agricultural area in Taichung City as a mean to reduce air pollution problems caused by burning straws. With the innovation of combining webcams and air quality sensors, deeper monitoring of open field burning of agricultural residues and air quality changes can be achieved. In the aspect of “ IAQ (indoor air quality) control” , this project conducted inspections of IAQ management of major public places in Taichung City. For public places that had assigned exclusive personnel and had established IAQ maintenance systems, this project inspected the implementation their plan of IAQ management and built a database for organizing and analyzing. For public places that needed IAQ counseling, experts in IAQ management were invited to conduct on-site inspections and offer advice.
英文關鍵字 Catering smoke pollution control,Centralized joss paper incineration ,Open burning,Indoor air quality