

中文摘要 本計畫利用物聯網技術結合感測器微型化達到廣布智慧監控感測器,再藉由傳感設備將現場資訊傳至雲端系統,整合水質監測大數據進行分析並透過資訊系統即時進行污染預警工作,以減輕外來之水污染物對於河川水體環境的危害,整體降低影響層面,並以創新思維打造「數位智慧河川」,爰此特擬定「110年度雲林縣水質感測器合辦應用計畫」進行推動及辦理。 本計畫完成10台感測器安裝連線,應用於環境稽查、水質敏感區及污染排放熱點鑑定,並依狀況需求進行選址異動;本年度至少每二周進行一次巡檢維運工作,偏移分析結果讀值幾乎都在誤差範圍內,相關係數(R2)顯示清洗及校正都能提升準確度,二周一次校正頻率應可滿足感測需求;數據加值分析部分,整體數據接收率達95%,數據完整率達95%,10月因為平台更換數據介接方式且測試中,數據接收較不完整,後續已回補。 計畫執行期間發生40起異常事件,包括:溫度異常、EC異常、電壓異常、數值異常(出現0或不動)、太陽能板無法充電、設備斷訊、設備翻覆、設備進水…等;另外,感測器異常無法排除送回原廠維修,合計送修9台14次,送修原因包含探棒異常、設備當機或無法開啟、無法連線校正軟體…等。水質感測器(編號TW010100EW100126)架設於石榴班溪-竹圍三號橋,8月25日因突降短暫大雨,現場溪水暴漲變成滾滾泥流,設備被泥流沖走,隨即通報並報警備案;後續並添購水質感測器(編號TW010100EW100423)作為替代。 感測期間完成1件次水污染稽查告發案例,8月17日檢視平台發現牛埔仔溪出現pH 9.5異常,立即至現場檢視,確認為水質異常,往上游查察發現為斗六工業區雨水下水道有廢(污)水異常排放之情形,其pH>12且現場天氣晴朗並未下雨,最終查獲為○○食品股份有限公司雨水放流口流出。另外,感測期間完成2件次環境應用實例,包括惠來厝排水EC異常及水林鄉陳情案件水質異常;惠來厝排水11月23日出現導電度異常至現場確認為XX公司廢水所致,11月25日發現異常立即出動稽查,現場EC濃度已降低,與業者至廢水處理設施巡查無發現違規情事,已告知業者須遵守水污法。水林鄉陳情案件11月8日出現水質異常,尚未發現其特定污染時段。 計畫工作項目已達100%,符合契約相關規定要求。
中文關鍵字 水質感測器、物聯網、環境監測


專案計畫編號 YLEPB-110-061 經費年度 110 計畫經費 1245 千元
專案開始日期 2021/07/27 專案結束日期 2022/01/26 專案主持人 陳勝恭
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 陳品婕 執行單位 能碩工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 YLEPB-110-061.pdf 53MB 110年度雲林縣水質感測器合辦應用計畫期末報告(定稿本)

110 Yunlin County Water Quality Sensor Joint Application Project

英文摘要 This project uses the Internet of Things (IoT) technology combined with the miniaturization of sensors to achieve a wide range of intelligent monitoring sensors, and then transmits on-site information to the cloud system through sensing equipment, integrates water quality monitoring big data for analysis, and conducts real-time data through the information system. Achieve real-time pollution warning work to reduce the harm of external water pollutants to the river water environment, reduce the overall impact level, and create an "intelligent river" with innovative thinking. The "110 Yunlin County Water Quality Sensor Joint Test Application Project" is specially formulated to promote and implement related work. This project completes the installation and connection of 10 monitoring sensors, which are used in environmental audits, water quality sensitive areas and pollution discharge hot spot identification, and site selection changes are carried out according to the needs of the situation. During the execution of the plan, patrol inspection and maintenance work is carried out at least once every two weeks. The results of the offset analysis are almost all within the error range. The correlation coefficient (R2) shows that cleaning and calibration can improve the accuracy. It shows that the frequency of calibration once every two weeks can meet the sensing requirements. In the data value-added analysis part, the overall data reception rate reached 95%, and the data integrity rate reached 95%. In October, the data connection method was changed due to the platform change and the data reception was relatively incomplete during testing. The final report has supplemented relevant information. 40 abnormal events occurred during the implementation period, including: temperature abnormality, EC abnormality, voltage abnormality, value abnormality (0 or no movement), failure of solar panels to charge, equipment interruption, equipment overturning, equipment flooding... etc.. In addition, the sensor abnormality cannot be ruled out and sent back to the original manufacturer for repair. A total of 9 units were sent for repair 14 times. Reasons for repairing include probe abnormality, equipment crash or failure to turn on, failure to connect to calibration software... etc. Due to the sudden heavy rain on August 25, the stream surged. One of the equipment (NO. TW010100EW100126) was washed away by the flood, and the device was immediately notified and reported to the police. Later, another water quality monitoring sensor (NO. TW010100EW100423) was purchased as a replacement. During the implementation period, one water pollution audit report case was completed. On August 17, the inspection platform found an abnormal pH 9.5 in the Niupuzai Creek, and immediately went to the site for inspection and confirmed that the water quality was abnormal. The upstream inspection revealed that there was abnormal discharge of wastewater from the rainwater channel in the Douliu Industrial Park, the pH of which was above 12, and the weather on the site was clear and not raining. Eventually, the source of the wastewater was found to be outflow from the rainwater outlet of ○○ Food Co., Ltd. In addition, 2 environmental application cases were completed during the project period, including abnormal water conductivity in Huilaicuo drainage and abnormal water quality in Shuilin Township petition case. Huilaicuo Drainage had abnormal conductivity on November 23, and it was confirmed at the scene that it was caused by the discharge of wastewater by XX Company. On November 25th, when an abnormality was found, an inspection was immediately dispatched. The concentration of EC on the site has been reduced. No violations were found in the inspection of the wastewater treatment facility with the operators, and the operators were informed that they must abide by the Water Pollution Control Act. In the case of Shuilin Township, the water quality was abnormal on November 8, and the period of its specific pollution has not yet been found. The work progress of the project has reached 100%, which meets the requirements of the contract.
英文關鍵字 Water quality sensor, Internet of Things (IoT), Environmental monitoring