

中文摘要 成果摘要完成日期:中華民國110年11月12日 一、中文計畫名稱:110年花蓮縣低碳永續家園建構推動計畫 二、計畫契約書編號:EPB-110-02-08 三、執行單位:亞太環境科技股份有限公司 執行單位住址:高雄市三民區灣興街39巷8號 執行單位電話:02-22189099 四、計畫主持人(包含共同主持人):鍾昭儀 五、契約簽約日期:中華民國109年12月30日 六、執行結束時間:中華民國110年11月30日 七、中文摘要關鍵詞:低碳永續家園、節能減碳、溫室氣體、氣候變遷 八、中文成果摘要: 為呼應國際社會朝向低碳永續家園邁進的趨勢,跟進全球資源永續利用與邁向節能減碳具體成效建立之行動,同時配合行政院環境保護署推動政策,針對進行溫室氣體及低碳永續議題之相關規劃、宣導與推動,同時進行溫室氣體盤查等相關作業,以逐步邁向永續城市之都。 主要工作項目包含推動本縣低碳永續家園認證評等推廣、氣候變遷調適活動、低碳生活推廣、低碳店家認證推廣、推廣民眾參與節能減碳等工作,針對環保署各項績效評比及交辦事項,如期如實完成。 以下針對今年度各項工作項目成果進行摘要說明。 (一) 辦理溫室氣體管制執行方案跨局處協調整合推動會議 依各局處業務權責分工,於9月27日辦理「溫室氣體管制執行方案」局處協調整合推動會議,請各局處協助進行所屬機關溫室氣體盤查作業以利後續規劃本縣溫室氣體減量策略。 (二) 辦理「技術諮詢與評等審查小組」會議 10月18日邀請技術諮詢委員針對本縣預計提報年度引領創新及減碳成果資料檢視,經討論後提供專業意見,以利本縣年度成果提送。 另邀請專家學者進行低碳村里行動項目現勘,強化村里行動項目認證,做為日後輔導與協助社區推動行動項目,維持低碳永續家園推動量能、強化因應氣候變遷調適、地方因地制宜,規劃設計更健全完整,也期望續建置完能發揮示範效益,帶動鄰近村里學習發展。 (三) 執行低碳永續家園建構推動 透過彙整花蓮縣參與評等認證現況,今年度輔導吉安鄉通過鄉鎮市層級銅及認證;村里認證方面輔導涵蓋上年度無銅級村里認證之鄉鎮,包含新城鄉、光復鄉、富里鄉、卓溪鄉及玉里鎮等,今年度共19處村里通過銅級認證,達成全縣13鄉鎮至少各1處銅級認證以上村里之目標。 (四)進行銅級評等之鄉鎮市區與村里成果現地查核 10月1日及10月3日進行本年度銅級以上評等之村里成果現地查核,查核花蓮市民生里(銀)、花蓮市主農里(銅)、壽豐鄉池南村(銅)、壽豐鄉樹湖村(銅)、鳳林鎮鳳信里(銅)及豐濱鄉港口村(銅)等6處村里行動項目查核,各村里皆持續維護與運作各項行動項目。 (五)輔導村里進行低碳改造 輔導5處核心村里、7處示範村里、2處培力課程輔導村里及5處建築節能改善村里共計18處村里,輔導進行低碳措施改造,包括設置太陽能照明、設置綠屋頂、更換使用節能燈具及雨水回收系統等節能措施,推廣村里社區及民眾使用再生能源、節省能源消耗及減緩溫室氣體排放等概念。 (六)109年度輔導補助村里行動項目追蹤 針對109年度補助13處村里進行低碳行動項目維護追蹤,於7月完成協助維護狀況較差之國福里、南華村、豐山村、北林里、瑞美村及富興村等6處村里進行改善。 (七)推動溫室氣體盤查登錄查核作業 縣內列管五大廠皆於9月完成溫室氣體盤查線上登錄作業。本計畫於11月完成縣內5家列管及5家非列管溫室氣體盤查及清查作業。 (八)氣候變遷調適培力課程 3月29日邀集北區(秀林鄉、新城鄉、花蓮市、吉安鄉、壽豐鄉及鳳林鎮)各村里長及社區發展協會代表共計53人,假壽豐鄉豐山村辦理第一場次氣候變遷調適培力課程。 8月27日邀集南區(萬榮鄉、光復鄉、瑞穗鄉、豐濱鄉、玉里鎮、卓溪鄉及富里鄉) 各村里長及社區發展協會代表共計52人,假玉里鎮玉溪地區農會辦理第二場次氣候變遷調適培力課程。 希望加強宣導村里、社區適度進行氣候變遷生活調適,讓村里長或社區發展協會幹部,推動村里、社區能源教育,將節省能源觀念融入日常生活,進而提升民眾對能源應用之重視,並增加再生能源相關知識,形塑全民對開源節流之共識。 (九)認證評等績優村里宣導 9月13日邀集北區(秀林鄉、新城鄉、花蓮市、吉安鄉及壽豐鄉) 各村里長、社區發展協會及社區民眾共計50人,假壽豐鄉豐山村辦理第一場次認證評等績優村里宣導。 9月14日邀集南區(鳳林鎮、光復鄉、萬榮鄉、豐濱鄉、瑞穗鄉、玉里鎮、卓溪鄉及富里鄉) 各村里長、社區發展協會及社區民眾,假玉里鎮玉溪地區農會辦理第二場次認證評等績優村里宣導。 宣導內容包括低碳永續家園認證,村里低碳永續家園認證須請村里長協助推廣與彙整行動項目,透過綜合討論分享推動方式,提升村里推廣與執行成效。 (十)再生能源及建築節能改造說明會 11月3日於光豐地區農會、11月8日於新城鄉新城村、11月9日於玉里鎮春日里,北中南區各辦理一場次再生能源及建築節能改造說明會,為民眾解說再生能源及建築物節能,教導民眾在日常生活中如何落實節能行為並提升再生能源之概念提升日常節能成效。 (十一)氣候變遷及溫室氣體減量宣導 分別於10月2日及10月30日配合縣府大型宣導活動辦理氣候變遷及溫室氣體減量宣導,搭配宣導小遊戲吸引民眾參加,與民眾趣味互動藉由宣導推廣,提升民眾氣候變遷調適素養及知識,對環境污染議題產生重視與熱誠,珍惜環境愛護資源,凝聚永續發展意識。 (十二)社群網站節能推廣 設立「美好家園在花蓮低碳城市一起go」臉書粉絲團,每月持續刊登5篇以上低碳節能相關文章,全年度刊登55篇以上供民眾觀看。 (十三)低碳人員培力課程 9月26日邀請民眾體驗搭乘電動巴士了解推廣本縣低碳、慢活、空氣清新的特色,在一日體驗活動中,透過考古博物館解說與原住民野菜學校教導低碳飲食概念享受花蓮的低碳優質旅遊環境。 (十四)輔導低碳店家精進改造 辦理「低碳商業環境形意象精進改造」評比,邀請專家學者前往報名店家進行評比作業,評選特優1名(櫻田野餐廳),優等2名(海傳民宿、雲上太陽民宿)由本計畫進行經費補助。 (十五)低碳商店訪查 1.為延續花蓮縣過去推動低碳商店的成效,追蹤歷年低碳商(旅)店,預期以帶動綠色商機的群聚效益與成功推動模式,做為其他低碳商店業者彼此串連的參考,本年度已針對100年起認證之低碳店家202處低碳商(旅)店,分別以低碳商店與低碳旅店相關輔導項目進行訪談追蹤減碳情形。 2.本計畫於3月及10月分別進行低碳店家(旅宿)訪查,上半年低碳商店202家次訪查,其中47家次因故無法配合訪查共訪查155家。 上半年度訪查低碳旅店營業場所80家次,業者皆落實資源回收及設置遮陽板或綠屋頂,使用省電燈泡(具)及冷氣控溫26度以上各達79家佔98.8%;未實施不主動提供一次性盥洗用具最高共19家次比例達23.8%,未落實淋浴替代浴缸共12家次佔15%。 訪查營業場所75家次,落實資源回收、不主動提供一次性餐具及使用省電燈具75家比例達100%、其次選用當地當季食材、不主動提供塑膠袋、冷氣溫度(設定於26~28度)各73家次各佔97.3%;未實施重複菜單(點單)共4家次5.3%為最高。 下半年度低碳商店202家次訪查,其中25家次因故無法配合訪查,共訪查177家。 下半年度訪查低碳旅店營業場所102家次,業者皆落實資源回收、使用省電燈泡(具)及冷氣控溫 26 度以上,其次共有97家次設置遮陽板或綠屋頂約達 95.1%;未實施不主動提供一次性盥洗用具最高共 12 家次比例達 11.76%,未落實使用熱泵加熱(或電)熱水系統共 10 家次佔 9.8%次之。 訪查營業場所75家次,落實資源回收及使用省電燈具比例達 100%,其次不主動提供塑膠袋共 72 家次佔 96%;未落實重複菜單(點單)共 22 家次約29.3%為最高。 (十六)低碳商業環境形象商改造 本計畫於9月6日及9月11日與低碳生活及產業生產建置計畫共同邀請大漢技術學院許文昌教授、花蓮縣環保局饒瑞玲前副局長及花蓮縣記者公會梁國榮理事長3位縣內專家學者單位委員,前往15處申請參加「110年花蓮縣低碳商業環境形象改造」評比競賽店家現場,針對預計業者所提改善節能方案及執行方式進行評比,評比特優1名-櫻田野餐廳,優等2名-海傳民宿及雲上太陽民宿等進行低碳改造由本計畫輔導改造。 (十七)青少年潔淨能源科學營隊 10月23日及24日邀請國小3-6年級學童,辦理2場次青少年潔淨能源科學營隊活動,共同搭乘大眾運輸工具前往課程場地,安排再生能源(風力)教育課程、DIY體驗、參觀沼氣發電廠等方式,讓青少年了解能源教育相關概念外,也可以讓學童了解當地環境特色,完成既有教育意義、又能帶給大家愉快體驗活動。 (十八)計畫人員教育訓練 依據合約規範進行「職前教育訓練計畫」;機關核備本計畫受僱勞工名冊後,針對新進人員應辦理職前教育訓練,計畫間若有執行人員異動亦須於報到日前完成業務交接並於機關核備後完成職前教育訓練;於110年1月26日、2月5日、8月3日及11月12日共辦理4場次職前教育訓練。 九、計畫本期完成比率:97%,進度管控率:97%
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、節能減碳、溫室氣體、氣候變遷


專案計畫編號 EPB-110-02-08 經費年度 110 計畫經費 6430 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/11/30 專案主持人 鍾昭儀
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 黎虹宛 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 合併檔.pdf 22MB 110年花蓮縣低碳永續家園推廣設置計畫期末報告

110-year low-carbon sustainable home construction promotion plan in Hualien County

英文摘要 Summary of Achievements Completion Date: November 12, 110, ROC 1. Project name in Chinese: 110-year low-carbon sustainable home construction promotion plan in Hualien County 2. Project contract number: EPB-110-02-08 3. Executing unit: Asia Pacific Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. Address of the executive unit: No. 8, Lane 39, Wanxing Street, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City Executive Tel: 02-22189099 4. Project host (including co-hosts): Zhong Zhaoyi 5. Contract signing date: December 30, 2019 in the Republic of China 6. End date of implementation: November 30, 110, the Republic of China 7. Chinese Abstract Keywords: low-carbon sustainable home, energy saving and carbon reduction, greenhouse gas, climate change 8. Summary of achievements in Chinese: In response to the trend of the international community moving towards a low-carbon sustainable homeland, it follows up on the sustainable utilization of global resources and the establishment of concrete effects towards energy conservation and carbon reduction. Related planning, publicity and promotion of sustainable issues, as well as related operations such as greenhouse gas inventory, in order to gradually move towards a sustainable city. The main work items include the promotion of the county's low-carbon sustainable home certification rating, climate change adaptation activities, low-carbon life promotion, low-carbon store certification promotion, and promotion of public participation in energy conservation and carbon reduction. The tasks assigned are completed on time. The following is a summary of the achievements of this year's work projects. (1) Handling the coordination and integration promotion meeting of the GHG control implementation plan across bureaus and divisions According to the division of power and responsibilities of each bureau, the “Greenhouse Gas Control Implementation Plan” bureau coordination and integration promotion meeting will be held on September 27, and each bureau will be asked to assist in the greenhouse gas inventory operation of its subordinate agencies to facilitate the subsequent planning of the county’s greenhouse gas reduction strategy. (2) Holding the meeting of the "Technical Advisory and Rating Review Group" On October 18th, the technical advisory committee was invited to review the data on the annual leading innovation and carbon reduction results expected to be submitted by the county, and provide professional opinions after discussion, so as to facilitate the submission of the county's annual results. In addition, experts and scholars are invited to conduct an on-site survey of low-carbon village action projects, strengthen the certification of village action projects, and serve as future guidance and assistance for the community to promote action projects, maintain low-carbon sustainable homes, promote energy, strengthen adaptation to climate change, and plan according to local conditions. The design is more complete and complete, and it is also expected that the continued construction will bring out the demonstration benefits and promote the learning and development of the neighboring villages. (3) Implement the promotion of low-carbon sustainable home construction By compiling the current status of Hualien County’s participation in rating certification, this year, Ji’an Township has been coached to pass the township and city-level bronze certification; the village certification guidance covers towns and towns that were certified without bronze level in the previous year, including Xincheng Township, Guangfu Township, Fuli Township, and Zhuoxi Township Township and Yuli Town, etc., a total of 19 villages have passed Bronze certification this year, reaching the goal of at least one Bronze-certified village in each of the 13 townships in the county. (4) On-site inspection of achievements in towns, urban areas and villages with bronze rating On October 1st and October 3rd, on-site inspections of village achievements rated at or above the bronze level will be carried out this year. Action items in 6 villages including Shuhu Village (Bronze) in Fengxiang Township, Fengxinli Village in Fenglin Town (Bronze Village) and Ganggang Village in Fengbin Township (Bronze) were checked, and each village continued to maintain and operate various action items. (5) Guiding villages to carry out low-carbon transformation Tutored 5 core villages, 7 demonstration villages, 2 training villages, and 5 building energy-saving improvement villages, a total of 18 villages, and guided the transformation of low-carbon measures, including the installation of solar lighting, green roofs, and replacement of energy-saving lamps and rainwater recycling system and other energy-saving measures to promote the concept of using renewable energy, saving energy consumption and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the village community and the public. (6) Tracking of the 109 annual counseling subsidy village action project The maintenance and tracking of low-carbon action projects was carried out in 13 villages subsidized in 2019. In July, 6 villages including Guofuli, Nanhua Village, Fengshan Village, Beilinli, Ruimei Village and Fuxing Village with poor maintenance status were assisted to improve. (7) Promoting greenhouse gas inventory, registration and verification operations All five factories listed in the county completed the online registration of greenhouse gas inventory in September. The plan is to complete the inventory and inspection of 5 listed and 5 non-listed greenhouse gases in the county in November. (8) Climate change adaptation training course On March 29th, a total of 53 village chiefs and representatives of community development associations in North District (Xiulin Township, Xincheng Township, Hualien City, Ji'an Township, Shoufeng Township and Fenglin Town) were invited, and Fengshan Village, Shoufeng Township was the first Sessions of the Climate Change Adaptation Training Course. On August 27, a total of 52 village chiefs and representatives of community development associations were invited to gather in Nan District (Wanrong Township, Guangfu Township, Ruisui Township, Fengbin Township, Yuli Township, Zhuoxi Township and Fuli Township). The second climate change adaptation training course will be held. It is hoped to strengthen the propaganda of villages and communities to adjust their lives to climate change appropriately, and let the village chiefs or cadres of community development associations promote energy education in villages and communities, and integrate the concept of energy saving into daily life, so as to increase the public's attention to energy application, and increase renewable energy. Energy-related knowledge forms the consensus of the whole people on increasing income and reducing expenditure. (9) Propaganda in villages with outstanding performance in certification and rating On September 13th, a total of 50 village heads, community development associations and community residents from the North District (Xiulin Township, Xincheng Township, Hualien City, Ji'an Township and Shoufeng Township) were invited, and the first session was held in Fengshan Village, Shoufeng Township Accreditation and rating of high-performance village propaganda. On September 14, the village chiefs, community development associations and community residents from the southern districts (Fenglin Town, Guangfu Township, Wanrong Township, Fengbin Township, Ruisui Township, Yuli Township, Zhuoxi Township and Fuli Township) were invited to gather in the fake Yuli Township. The peasant association in Yuxi area conducted the second round of certification and evaluation of excellent village propaganda. The publicity content includes the certification of low-carbon sustainable homes. The village chief must assist in the promotion and consolidation of action projects for low-carbon sustainable home certification in the village. Through comprehensive discussion and sharing of promotion methods, the effectiveness of promotion and implementation in the village can be improved. (10) Briefing session on renewable energy and building energy-saving renovation On November 3rd in Guangfeng District Farmers' Association, on November 8th in Xincheng Village, Xincheng Township, and on November 9th in Yuli Town Spring Day, North, Central and South Districts each held a briefing session on renewable energy and building energy-saving renovations to explain to the public Renewable energy and building energy conservation, teach people how to implement energy-saving behaviors in their daily lives and enhance the concept of renewable energy to improve daily energy-saving results. (11) Publicity on Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction On October 2nd and October 30th, they cooperated with the county government's large-scale publicity activities to handle climate change and greenhouse gas reduction publicity, and cooperated with publicity mini-games to attract the public to participate, interact with the public interestingly, and improve the public's climate through publicity and promotion. Change and adjust literacy and knowledge, attach importance and enthusiasm to the issue of environmental pollution, cherish the environment and protect resources, and condense the awareness of sustainable development. (12) Energy-saving promotion on social networking sites Set up a Facebook fan group of "Beautiful Home in Hualien Low-Carbon City Together", and continuously publish more than 5 low-carbon energy-saving related articles every month, and publish more than 55 articles throughout the year for the public to watch. (13) Low-carbon personnel training courses On September 26th, the public was invited to experience riding an electric bus to understand and promote the low-carbon, slow-moving, and fresh air characteristics of the county. During the one-day experience activity, through the explanation of the Archaeological Museum and the aboriginal wild vegetable school to teach the concept of low-carbon diet, enjoy the low-carbon diet in Hualien. Carbon quality tourism environment. (14) Guiding low-carbon stores to improve their transformation To handle the evaluation of "Renovation of Image and Image of Low-Carbon Business Environment", experts and scholars are invited to go to the registered stores to conduct evaluation work, and select 1 excellent (Sakura Tianye Restaurant) and 2 excellent (Hai Chuan B&B, Yunshang Sun B&B) by this project financial aid. (15) Low-carbon store visits 1. In order to continue the effect of promoting low-carbon stores in Hualien County in the past, track the low-carbon business (hotel) stores over the years, and expect to use the clustering benefits and successful promotion model of driving green business opportunities as a reference for other low-carbon store operators to connect with each other. , this year, for 202 low-carbon business (hotel) stores that have been certified low-carbon stores since 100 years, interviews were conducted to track the carbon reduction situation with the counseling projects related to low-carbon stores and low-carbon hotels. 2. The plan will conduct surveys on low-carbon stores (lodgings) in March and October respectively. In the first half of the year, 202 low-carbon stores were surveyed, of which 47 were unable to cooperate with the survey for some reason and a total of 155 were surveyed. In the first half of the year, 80 low-carbon hotel business places were visited, and all the operators implemented resource recycling, installed sun visors or green roofs, used energy-saving light bulbs (tools) and air-conditioning temperature control above 26 degrees, accounting for 79, accounting for 98.8%; not implemented The highest proportion of 19 times that did not take the initiative to provide disposable toiletry was 23.8%, and the total of 12 times that did not implement showers to replace bathtubs accounted for 15%. Visited 75 business premises, implemented resource recycling, did not proactively provide disposable tableware and used electricity-saving lamps and 75 with a ratio of 100%, followed by using local seasonal ingredients, not proactively providing plastic bags, and air-conditioning temperature (set at 26~ 28 degrees), 73 times each accounted for 97.3%; a total of 4 times that did not implement repeated menus (ordering), 5.3% was the highest.In the second half of the year, 202 low-carbon stores were surveyed, of which 25 were unable to cooperate with the survey for some reason, and a total of 177 were surveyed. In the second half of the year, 102 low-carbon hotel business premises were surveyed, and all the operators implemented resource recycling, use of energy-saving light bulbs (tools) and air-conditioning temperature control above 26 degrees, followed by a total of 97 times with sun visors or green roofs, about 95.1%; The highest proportion of 12 households that did not implement non-active provision of disposable toiletry was 11.76%, and the 10 households that did not implement the use of heat pump heating (or electric) hot water systems accounted for 9.8%. 100% of the business sites have been inspected, and 100% of them have implemented resource recycling and use of energy-saving lamps, followed by 72 times of not providing plastic bags voluntarily, accounting for 96%; a total of 22 times of repeated menus (ordering) have not been implemented, about 29.3% to the highest. (16) Transformation of low-carbon business environment image quotient On September 6 and September 11, this project and the Low-Carbon Living and Industrial Production Construction Project jointly invited Professor Xu Wenchang of Dahan Institute of Technology, former Deputy Director of Hualien County Environmental Protection Bureau Rao Ruiling, and Chairman of Hualien County Press Association Liang Guorong3 A committee member of experts and scholars in the county went to 15 stores to apply to participate in the "110 Years of Hualien County's Low-Carbon Business Environment Image Transformation" competition competition, and evaluated the improvement plans and implementation methods proposed by the industry. Sakura Tianye Restaurant, top 2 winners - Hai Chuan B&B and Yunshang Sun B&B, etc. will undergo low-carbon renovation by this project. (17) Youth Clean Energy Science Camp On October 23rd and 24th, students in grades 3-6 of elementary schools will be invited to conduct 2 youth clean energy science camp activities, take public transportation to the course site, arrange renewable energy (wind) education courses, DIY experience, and visit biogas In addition to enabling young people to understand the concepts related to energy education, it also allows school children to understand the characteristics of the local environment, completing activities that are both educational and enjoyable for everyone. (18) Education and training of planners Carry out the "pre-employment education and training plan" according to the contract specifications; after the agency has verified and prepared the roster of employees employed in the plan, pre-employment education and training should be conducted for new recruits. Handover and completed pre-employment education and training after the approval of the authority; on January 26, February 5, August 3 and November 12, 110, a total of 4 pre-employment education and training sessions were held. 9. The completion rate of the current phase of the plan: 97%, the progress control rate: 97%
英文關鍵字 Low carbon sustainable home, Energy saving and carbon reduction, greenhouse gas, climate change