

中文摘要 目前雲林縣每日垃圾產生量約為320 公噸,考量縣內營運中掩埋場剩餘容量逐漸減少、外縣市焚化廠逐步啟動延役整改計畫及縣轄內緊急災害應變之廢棄物臨時暫存場所等因素,將妥善調度及處理縣內民生廢棄物,以提升雲林縣內廢棄物自主處理能力。爰此,將設置處理規模200 公噸/日以上之分選壓縮打包設備,利用機械分選設備,將生活垃圾經過開袋、分選(磁選、滾筒篩、風選或彈道篩)等 程序,去除不適燃物(篩下物、重質物及資收物),分選出輕質適燃性物質(篩上物),再將篩上物進行壓縮打包,載運至機關指定地點並完成堆置作業,以達到縣府能靈活調度垃圾空間及有效解決囤放堆置之問題。本計畫執行範圍選定雲林縣斗南鎮垃圾衛生掩埋場,於計畫期間內完成2萬公噸一般廢棄物處理量之分選打包,依契約規定打包物可燃物純度須90 %以上,並由機關不定期抽驗其單位體積重量需大於或等於700 kg/m3。本計畫自111年1月13日至112年9月12日止,共計已完成垃圾處理量14,407.52 公噸,其中打包物為6,187.71 公噸、SRF 散料為1,726.86 公噸、篩下物6,218.00 公噸、重質物273.46公噸、資收物1.49公噸,打包物平均單位體積重量約為904.14 kg/m3,純度介於92.22%~97.02%,後續已完成撤場、場地復原等工作。
中文關鍵字 機械分選、固體再生燃料、分選


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 90580 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/13 專案結束日期 2023/09/12 專案主持人 何哲嘉
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 陳韋汝 執行單位 廣懋資源科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 雲林縣掩埋場整理整頓暨垃圾打包計畫含代操作及設備保養案-期末報告內文及封面封底.pdf 19MB 期末報告本文

Landfill Reorganization and Municipal Solid Waste Pretreatment, Baling, Operation and Equipment Maintenance Project, Yunlin County

英文摘要 There are approximately 320 tons of daily garbage produced in Yunlin County (hereinafter referred to as Yunlin). To enhance the autonomous waste treatment capability in Yunlin, the method of proper scheduling and managing the domestic waste which has considered the decreasing capacity of landfills, the gradual implementation of deferred improvement plans for incinerators in other cities, and the emergency waste storage facilities for disaster response will be taken. As mentioned above, an equipment including screening, compressing, and packaging with the processing capacity of over 200 tons per day will be installed. It will be used to separate the household waste through the process from bag opening to screening (including magnetic selection, drum screening, wind selection, and bounce screening), then removing non-combustible materials (undersized materials, heavy materials, and recyclables) to screening out light combustible materials (oversized materials). After that, these oversized materials will be compressed, packaged, then transported to stack in the authority-designating location to achieve the flexibility of scheduling garbage space and effective solution of hoarding and storage. Dounan Township’s garbage sanitary landfill site, where a total of 20,000 tons of general waste will be processed and sorted within, will be chosen as the scope during this project. According to the contract, the purity above 90% of combustible materials and the bulk density higher or equal to 700 kg/m3 are essential in the packages under government random sampling. During January 13, 2022 to September 12, 2023, a total amount of 14,407.52 tons of garbage, including 6,187.71 tons of bales, 1,726.86 tons of flake material by fine shredder, 6,218.00 tons of undersized materials, 273.46 tons of heavy materials separated by pneumatic separator, and 1.49 tons of recyclables had been processed. The average bulk density of bales is approximately 904.14 kg/m3 and the purity of bales is around 92.22%~97.02%. And we had restored the original condition of the site.
英文關鍵字 Mechanical Treatment, solid recovered fuel, sorting