

中文摘要 臺灣經濟規模快速發展,工業化與城市化對環境帶來重大壓力,臺灣都市面積小,工業區造成的水污染很快就外溢到臨近住宅區。目前常用之水質感測器體積大、安裝及維護費用高,難廣為布建,對水質數據掌握仍存在極大缺口。本計畫開發並整合體積小、耐用佳、操作簡單、設置費用低廉且具無線數據傳輸與物聯網功能新一代水質感測物聯網設備。 本計畫達成成果如下: 1.完成1臺可攜式濁度分析儀、3臺餘氯感測原型機設計及組裝與2個月測試、完成2臺COD+SS感測模組,改良固定式電源供應模組,延長電力壽命至30天以上,精進移動式水質感測器原型機20臺製作;2.執行3次固定式水質感測器移機,重新優化30點選點;3.提出多樣化水質感測器執行效益評估及產業化應用分析報告;4.完成固定式21件、移動式18件水質異常事件篩選;5.完成高階動力式水質感測器場域完成2處場域應用;6.完成1個月以上ORP移動式水質感測器產業應用含遊憩泳池、養殖漁業;7.完成15個新版移動式水質感測器布點,布建在5種應用型態及5種裝設點位情境;8.推動110年合辦計畫新申請縣市為基隆市與花蓮縣,移交地方政府應用147臺移動式及300臺手持式水質感測器。地方政府藉由水質感測器異常趨勢成功稽查14案,累計裁罰金額1,055.22萬元;9.完成產業媒合會議、合辦計畫業務檢討會議與成果發表記者會各1場次;10.完成4篇論文、2案專利申請、1案技轉授權。
中文關鍵字 水質感測、物聯網水質感測器、實場布建、環境水質、污染感測、鑑識調查、物聯網、感測器連接網


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 22095 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 陳范倫
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 張志偉 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度高效化智慧水聯網應用設置計畫_定稿 _110.12.27.pdf 22MB

Project for High-Efficiency Smart WIoT Networking Application

英文摘要 In the wake of Taiwan's rapid economic development, industrialization and urbanization has exerted significant pressure on the island's environment, especially in view of its limited land space, as a result of which polluted water in an industrial area often flows to a residential area. As part of the effort to cope with the problem, large numbers of water-quality sensors have been deployed but the scale is still grossly insufficient, due to large size and high installation and maintenance cost of existing models. The project aims to develop new-generation water-quality IoT sensing device, featuring compact size, durability, simple operation, low installation cost, wireless data transmission, and IoT connection. The project has attained the following achievements: 1. Fabrication of one portable turbid meter, three residual chlorine sensor prototypes, two COD+SS sensing modules, and fixed power-supply module, which can extend power-supply duration to over 30 days, and quality sensors to 30 better sites; 3. Efficacy evaluation for various water-quality sensors and report on industrial applications; 4. Screening of abnormal water-quality cases, 21 from fixed devices and 18 from mobile devices; 5. Completion of high-tier dynamic water-quality sensing field; 6. Completion of industrial application of ORP water-quality sensors mobile devices for over one month, at sites such as recreational swimming pools and fishing ponds; 7. Deployment of 15 new-version mobile water-quality sensors at sites in five applications types and five scenarios; 8. Transfer to EPB 147 mobile and 33 handheld water-quality sensors in 2021, which have been used in discovering 14 water-pollution cases, with accumulated fines reaching NT$10,552,200. Keelung City and Hualien County governments are new participants; 9. Holding of one industrial matching meeting, one review meeting for collaborative projects, and one press conference; 10. Completion of four papers, two patent applications, and one technology transfer.
英文關鍵字 Water quality sensing, IoT technology on water quality sensing, Field demonstration, Environmental water quality, Pollution monitoring, Environmental forensic investigation, IoT, Sensor network