

中文摘要 本計畫自110年5月計畫執行日起至112年2月28日止,已依計畫要求完成各工作項目,包括:依各年度核定之追蹤查核規劃書及增購乾粉滅火器工項完成共計649件環境保護產品抽樣檢驗,共計13家16件產品因抽檢不符合規格標準要求或因產品品質控管不佳且與原申請資料不同判定不符合,經環保署依相關規範廢止並註銷廠商之標章使用權。另完成至販售場所(含賣場、銷售點及發貨倉庫)及依要求辦理窯燒類資源化建材-陶瓷面磚產品執行產品標示查核共計1,437件,未發現環保標章產品錯誤使用環保標章之情事。 相關管理作業部分,已辦理8案7家廠商產品之違規案查核作業,確認有4家5件產品有錯誤使用環保標章之情況,查核確認廠商皆已於改善期限內完成改善,並持續試用追蹤查核系統,即時向系統設計公司反應系統缺失,以協助完善系統功能,且配合會同環保署至9家廠商進行生物可分解塑膠產品之採樣作業,俾利廠商日後提出環保標章之申請。
中文關鍵字 環保標章、追蹤查核、抽樣檢驗


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 8970.666 千元
專案開始日期 2021/05/01 專案結束日期 2023/02/28 專案主持人 林建宏
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 盧曉宜 執行單位 財團法人環境與發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-110-Follow-up Surveillance of Green Mark Products-公開版本文.pdf 5MB 公開版不含附錄

Project of Follow-up and Surveillance on the Environmental Protection Products (2-year project)

英文摘要 During the project implementation period of May, 2021 to Feb 28, 2023, this project has completed all required tasks. The completed tasks included: (1) In accordance with the approved annual plan for follow-up and surveillance activities, and the requirements of additional work item on the inspection of dry powder fire extinguishers, a total of 649 green products have been sampled and tested. Among them, 16 products from 13 manufacturers/agents were found to be non-complying with their specific product criteria, or found to contain IARC Group I carcinogens after random sampling and testing of the dry powder in sampled fire extinguishers. The non-compliances found in these products indicated that they have poor quality control and that they are different from the products described in the Green Mark application documents. Therefore, all the non-conforming products have had their Green Mark usage certificates revoked by the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (“TEPA”); and (2) This project conducted the inspection of Green Mark labeling of green products at their retail venues (including stores, sales points and delivery warehouses, and e-commerce platforms), as well as the Green Mark labeling of kiln-fired resource-based building materials of the ceramic tile product category. A total of 1,437 products were subjected to such inspections and no incidents were found of any misuse of the Green Mark eco-label. Regarding the routine operations part of this project, the verification of 8 products non-compliances from 7 companies had been completed. It was confirmed that 5 products from 4 companies had indeed incorrectly used the Green Mark ecolabel, and that they had taken the corrective actions within the specified time period. In addition, the Green Mark implementation organization is continuing to trial use the surveillance and follow-up system, and reported to the system developing company the deficiencies of the system, in order to help with the software system refinement efforts. Moreover, the implementation organization had conducted joint product sampling activities for biodegradable plastic products on 9 companies with the TEPA, and facilitated many potential applicants in applying for the use of Green Mark ecolabel.
英文關鍵字 Green Mark, Follow-up/surveillance and verification, sampling and testing