

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間自民國110年2月20日起至110年 12月31日止,計畫執行期間約11個月,本計畫以資料分析、績效考核、善用補助等3項執行架構,串聯計畫各工作項目,主要目的係協助環保署推動資源回收政策,檢討合宜績效考核指標,協助地方執行機關提升資源回收工作執行品質與成果、暢通資源回收管道,進而提升全國資源回收成效。110年1-10月執行機關資源回收率為60.04%,相較於109年同期提升2.71%,全國22縣市有19縣市資源回收率正成長,而資源回收量總計為487萬5,807公噸,較同期增加30萬0,968公噸。計畫推動工作成果包括:(一)執行資源回收數據正確性稽查作業,查核月份為110年6月,依據縣市提報的資料進行審核,清潔隊自行清運系統申報數據(公斤)以及變賣數量之誤差值皆低於0.04%以下。(二)縣市輔導成果依據資料顯示分析,全國垃圾破袋稽查作業,疫情影響垃圾清運量有增加的趨勢,疫情較為趨緩後,加強輔導地方機關執行破袋稽查作業,垃圾清運量因而有相對減少之趨勢。(三)檢討修正110年執行機關資源回收績效考核量化指標合理性,擬定111年源頭減量及資源回收績效考核計畫。(四)評析107~109年全國執行機關資源物排出組成與環保署垃圾組成分析結果,三年資源物平均佔垃圾(濕基)比例為12.78%,各縣市標準差介於0.49%至6.15,差異顯著。(五)以線上線下之模式完成辦理109年度全國執行機關推動資源回收工作績效考核作業之複核會議。(六)撰寫109年補助經費執行率達97.76%,全國資源回收率達56.4%,資源回收量522萬2,608公噸,相較108年度回收率提升1.80%,回收量增加5.15%。(七)110年資源回收車補助汰換車輛數共計108輛,研擬111年度預計補助車輛數共計約70-75輛。(八)完成審查及撥付縣市申請之補助車輛及經費,持續追蹤地方政府完成採購、驗收,以達汰舊換新資收車整體補助經費執行成效。(九)研擬訂定「111-112年度柴油及油電混合動力資源回收車共同供應契約」規範應符合第六期排放標準,並完成資收車廠商意見審查及修正契約相關內容,刻正函復臺灣銀行採購部辦理公告事宜。另研擬111年補助汰換老舊資源回收車計畫,修正補助計畫內容,以「六期排放標準之資源回收車為補助原則」。
中文關鍵字 資源回收、績效考核、補助計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 7438.257 千元
專案開始日期 2021/02/20 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 林百文
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 鄭筱南 執行單位 信安工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 03-中英成果摘要(詳細版).pdf 0MB

2021 Annual Project for Exhibition of Resource Recycling Achievements and Promotion of Executive Agencies' Resource Recycling

英文摘要 The execution period of this project lasts for about 11 months, from February 20th, 2021 to December 31th, 2021. This project is made up of three main parts consisting of data analysis, performance evaluation and financial subsidy effectiveness, connecting the various work elements of this project. The main purpose of this plan is to assist the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in promoting the resource recycling policies, enhancing the resource recycling effect of the executive agency and assisting the local executive agency to improve their recycling performance and quality, making clear and open recycling communication, hoping to improve nationwide recycling effectiveness. The resource recycling rate of January to October, 2021 is 60.04%, a 2.71% increase compared to the same period last year. Out of 22 counties/cities in Taiwan, 19 counties/cities show a growing resource recycling rate. 2021 reached 4,875,807 tons, a 300,968 tons increase compared to the same period last year. Main achievements include: (1) Implementing resource recycling data accuracy audit, auditing the data from June, 2021, submitted by the local government. The error of cleaning team declaration data (kg) and sell-off quantity are all less than 0.04%. (2) Local coaching result can be shown from data analysis. Nationwide garbage bag audit was deferred by the pandemic, while showing an increasing trend in the amount of municipal waste. With the pandemic slowing down and by reinforcing local executive agencies’ garbage bag audit, there was a decreasing trend. (3) Reviewing and revising the reasonableness of the quantitative indicators proposed in the 2021 performance assessment and formulating the “2022 Waste Reduction and Resource Recycling Performance Assessment Project”. (4) The project also helped evaluate the municipal solid waste physical composition in Taiwan (2018-2020), a three year average of resource recycling account for 12.78% in the garbage waste (wet basis), counties/cities showed a significant difference with their standard deviation between 0.49% to 6.15%. (5) Holding the annual review meeting of 2020 resource recycling performance both online and offline. (6) Reaching a 97.76% budget subsidy achieving rate in 2020, a 56.4% nationwide resource recycling rate (an increase of 1.8% compared to 2019). The volume of municipal waste recycled in 2020 reached 5,222,608 tons, a 5.15% increase compared to 2019. (7) The subsidy of replacement of 108 recycling vehicles, 2022 is expected to fund approximately 70 to 75 vehicles. (8) Completed review and appropriation of 7 counties’ and cities’ applications and continuing to track local governments purchasing and acceptance progress, to achieve productive results. (9) Revision of the 2022-2023 hybrid electric recycling vehicles contract specification and procurement specification, specification should meet emission standards. Completed reviewing of recycling vehicle companies’ suggestions and modifying relevant contracts; revision of the 2022 subsidy project to replace recycling vehicles, modifying project contents to meet emission standard.
英文關鍵字 Recycling, Performance Assessment, Funding Project