

中文摘要 本計畫透過車牌辨識系統收集特定區域車輛資訊,除作為高污染車輛主動到檢通知外,也利用車輛調查評估空氣品質維護區推動管制之衝擊影響。依據車輛調查結果草擬管制對象與管制措施,邀請規劃劃設地點之管理單位,辦理管制措施可行性、衝擊影響評估之協商會及意願調查,並針對受衝擊之利害關係人召開空品維護區管制研商會議,藉由充分溝通與意見收集降低管制衝擊,以順利推動空品維護區移動污染源管制。本計畫延續109年藉由車辨調查結果評估衝擊影響後,已於110年8月4日完成奇美博物館及臺南都會公園公告草案,並於8月5日召開受衝擊影響之利害關係人研商會,共同研討劃設區域與推動管制措施。環保署業已於110年12月24日核定臺南市政府環保局空氣品質維護區劃設公告,後續已於111年1月3日正式公告,並於111年1月6日刊登市政公報。 利用車牌辨識系統的架設與建立後端資訊收集,針對未納管柴油車寄發通知到檢,並藉由車牌辨識系統搭配噪音計做為車輛噪音稽查管制上的結合運用。透過車辨資料的彙整與車籍比對分析,可以提供各區域行駛車輛資訊與高污染地圖,做為未來移動污染源管制策略、空品維護區劃設管制措施擬定之參考。 一、計畫執行期程 本計畫執行期程由110年3月18日至110年12月31日止,各項工作皆已如期達成契約目標量,各項主要執行成果分列如下。 二、主要執行成果 (一) 110年車牌辨識數總計1,350,081輛(柴車320,803輛,機車1,018,665輛),剔除無效車牌並篩選比對車號唯一數後,總計柴油車55,470輛次、機車367,764輛次(汽車不計在內)。柴油車車種辨識樣本中,小貨車佔48.3%、大貨車佔45.3%,大客車及小客車的比率低於5.0%。車輛期別以五期車39.2%比率最高,其次為三期車17.8%,以及六期車14.3%,一期車的比率低於4.8%。 (二) 110年將車牌辨識結果,針對1-3期車輛數較多、未取得標章數較多之區域路段,繪製中、高污染車輛潛勢路段,藉此鎖定高污染車輛加強稽查。篩選1-3期柴油車輛數較多之高污染潛勢路段,以永康區高污染路段為正北五路、大灣交流道、玉行東路、永康焚化廠、和平東路、興工路、永康交流道、中正北路、王田大道、中正南路佔比最高,其次為新市區及安南區。篩選1-3期柴油車輛數較多之高污染潛勢路段,以永康區高污染路段為正北五路、大灣交流道、玉行東路、永康焚化廠、和平東路、興工路、永康交流道、中正北路、王田大道、中正南路佔比最高,其次為新市區及安南區。 (三) 篩選柴油車計畫針對中、高污染潛勢地圖,執行路邊攔檢及目視判煙稽查成果統計分析,總計執行路邊攔檢17次,目視判煙稽查16次,其中路攔稽查成效以新市區檢測不合格率33.3%較高;目視判煙則是以永康區有污染之虞車輛100%稽查成效最高,其次為仁德區的7.6%。未來會持續鎖定中、高污染潛勢區域架設車牌辨識系統,以做為後續未納管車輛寄發到檢通知,以及提供柴油車計畫稽查管制行程規劃,藉此提升標章取得率、加速高污染車輛汰換。 (四) 篩選未納管柴油車到檢通知平信寄發,以及逾期未定檢機車裁處、逾期未定檢二次通知之雙掛號通知寄發,總計已完成到檢通知寄發柴油車9,000件、機車41,933件。110年藉由車輛到檢通知寄發,柴油車到檢率19.4%,機車到檢率66.2%,並已促使柴油車報廢81輛、機車報廢1,886輛,減量成效推估約可削減PM10 4.2公噸、PM2.5 3.8公噸、NOX 68.0公噸、CO 46.0公噸、NMHC 13.9公噸。 (五) 110年車辨結果統計一~三期柴油車數量皆有較109年明顯降低,而六期車數量則大幅增加,顯示108-110年老舊車輛汰舊換新成效顯著。 (六) 108-110年柴油車自主管理標章取得數量,有逐年提升之趨勢,110年達到9,614輛,為歷年新高。顯示藉由車辨篩選未納管車輛寄發到檢通知,確實能有效提升納管率。 (七) 110年機車車牌辨識區域分別為安平區、中西區、仁德區、安南區、永康區、東區、南區、新化區、新市區、歸仁區。車辨各行政區未定檢比率,以安南區85.7%最高,其他行政區平均都在15%-25%。針對車辨樣本資料未定檢及二行程機車交叉分析,車辨樣本數未定檢、二行程機車比率,皆是以東區、南區較高;二行程機車未定檢率(車辨數量10輛以上)則是以東區、南區、歸仁區、永康區最高。各期別未定檢比率,則是以東區3-5期1年未定檢佔比較高,其次為南區、永康區4-5期1年未定檢佔比較高。 (八) 110年針對空品維護區(奇美博物館及臺南都會公園)車辨結果顯示,車齡10年內機車約佔76.7%,而20年以上機車僅佔2.8%;應定檢機車約佔52.2%,電動機車約佔3.5%。車辨樣本資料未定檢率及行程別交叉分析,車辨樣本數二行程機車逾期未定檢率為65.4%,四行程機車逾期未定檢率則為31.2%。 (九) 110年篩選車辨1-4期老舊機車數較高行政區,繪製機車高污染潛勢路段,其中以南區及永康區佔比最高,其次為歸仁區。南區以健康路二段、金華路、大同路二段、中華南路及大成路段佔比較高,永康區以大橋火車站、南台科大、崑大路、中華路、中山路、中正路、民族路、中山七街佔比最高,歸仁區以中山路三段及民權北路。 (十) 已完成營建工程施工機具基本資料調查總計202輛,其中本計畫執行黑煙檢測164輛(檢測結果不符合優級標準共55輛,不合格率33.5%),營建計畫協助抽油38輛(送驗結果皆合格)。 (十一) 柴油車汰換及污染改善共計完成1,354件(932件報廢數含過戶換新、418件調修、4件加裝濾煙器)。 三、建議 (一) 空品不良期間精進作為 每年空品不良期間(10月至隔年3月),建議針對空品測站(臺南、安南、新營、麻豆)周遭上風處路段,依據車辨結果劃出污染潛勢路段,提供柴油車、機車計畫每月執行路邊攔檢、空品不良期間緊急應變精進作為,以及高污染車輛稽查管制措施擬定之參考。 (二) 擴大車輛調查精進作為 建議針對轄區內各交流道下(仁德、永康、安定、麻豆、新市、新營及八六、六一快速道路)之車辨結果,與各工業區比對交流道及快速道路下來之柴油車,是否有進入轄區內工業區,以調查主要出入車輛族群及行業別,後續將持續篩選未納管、高污染柴油車寄發到檢通知,並提供柴油車計畫場站檢測行程規劃之參考。 (三) 空品維護區車輛調查與管制規劃 因應明年環保署考評針對港區劃設空維區管制船舶及車輛,並將學校及醫院敏感族群活動頻繁區域列入優先劃設,建議111年1-2月先針對規劃劃設區域架設車辨系統,調查進入規劃管制區域內之柴油大客(貨)、小貨車,以及出廠滿5年以上燃油機車之比例與柴油車行業別、車種及車籍別佔比,以評估推動管制之衝擊影響及劃設優先順序參考,並做為後續召開受衝擊影響之利害關係人研商會邀請對象,藉由研商討論完善管制措施,將推動管制之衝擊影響降到最低。
中文關鍵字 車牌辨識系統、空氣品質維護區、奇美博物館及臺南都會公園、施工機具


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-110-AN30122 經費年度 110 計畫經費 12967 千元
專案開始日期 2021/03/18 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 葉家豪
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蘇兆⺠ 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年南市車辨計畫期末報告定稿-彙整-1110301.pdf 22MB

2021 Annual Tainan City Air Quality Maintenance Area Control and Mobile Pollution Source Inspection of Vehicle Identification System Plan

英文摘要 Through license plate recognition (LPR) system, this program collected vehicle information in specific districts, not only helping to notify owners that their high-polluting vehicles require vehicle inspection, but also making use of the vehicle survey to assess impacts and effects of exhaust control promoted in the air quality maintenance zones. Based on the vehicle survey results, this program drafted targets subject to regulation and control measures, and then invited the management department that planned zoning of locations to hold consultation meetings on feasibility of the control measures as well as assessment of their impacts and effects, and also conduct a survey on willingness. Focusing on the impacted interested parties, deliberation meetings were held to discuss the control of air quality maintenance zones. Through thorough communication and listening to different opinions, the impacts of control could be reduced so as to smoothly promote the control of mobile pollution sources in the air quality maintenance zones. After extending the assessment of impacts and effects based on the LPR survey results in 2020, this program completed the draft of announcement for Chimei Museum and Tainan Metropolitan Park on August 4, 2021, and subsequently on August 5, 2021 held a deliberation meeting with affected interested parties, discussing the zoning of areas and control measures to be promoted. On December 24, 2021, the Environmental Protection Administration approved the Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government to announce the designated air quality maintenance zones. Later on, the Bureau officially announced the zoning on January 3, 2022, and published that in the Municipal Gazette on January 6, 2022. Through the installed LPR system as well as the established back-end information collection, notifications were sent to owners of unregulated diesel vehicles to receive vehicle inspection. The LPR system in combination with noise meter could inspect and regulate vehicle noise. Through compilation of LPR data as well as comparison and analysis of vehicle registration data, information of vehicles running in different districts and high air pollution maps can be provided to serve as a reference for future formulation of mobile pollution source control strategies and control measures for designation of air quality maintenance zones. 1. Program implementation schedule This program was implemented from March 18, 2021 to December 31, 2021. As scheduled, all the tasks have achieved the target volume set out in the contract, and the main implementation results of different items are shown below. 2. Major implementation results (1) In 2021 the total number of LPR-recognized vehicles were 1,350,081 (320,803 diesel vehicles, 1,018,665 motorcycles). After excluding those with invalid license plates and also screening out and comparing those with unique-number license plates, the total number of diesel vehicles was 55,470 and that of motorcycles was 367,764 (excluding the number of cars). Amongst the LPR-recognized samples of diesel vehicles in terms of vehicle type, light trucks account for 48.3%, big trucks account for 45.3%, and the percent of coaches and sedan cars was below 5.0%. With regard to phases of vehicles, phase-5 vehicles had the highest percent of 39.2%, followed by phase-3 vehicles at 17.8% and phase-6 vehicles at 14.3%. The percent of phase-1 vehicles was the lowest at 4.8%. (2) Based on the LPR results in 2021, focusing on the areas and road sections having more phase-1 to phase-3 vehicles and having more vehicles without autonomous-management badges, potential road sections with medium- and high-polluting vehicles were mapped in order to strengthen inspection of the targeted high-polluting vehicles. After selecting from the potential road sections with more high-polluting phase-1 to phase-3 diesel vehicles, the high-polluting road sections in Yongkang District were Zhengbeiwu Road, Dawan Interchange, Yuxing East Road, Yongkang Incineration Plant, Heping East Road, Xinggong Road, Yongkang Interchange, Zhongzheng North Road, Wangtian Boulevard and Zhongzheng South Road, followed by Xinshi District and Annan District. (3) In the diesel vehicle screening program using the map of potential medium- and high-polluting road sections, data analysis was made for the results of roadside spot checks on vehicles as well as visual judgment of smoke. Roadside spot checks on vehicles were performed for 17 times in total, whereas visual judgment of smoke were performed for 16 times. Among them, the effectiveness of roadside spot checks on vehicles was highest in Xinshi District, with rate of failing to pass inspection reaching 33.3%. As to visual judgment of smoke, the highest inspection effectiveness was in Yongkang District, with 100% of the inspected vehicles suspected of being the polluting ones; and it was followed 7.6% at Rende District. In the future LPR system shall continue to be installed in the potential medium- and high-polluting districts, so as to help notify the owners that their unregulated vehicles require inspection, and provide an inspection control route plan of diesel vehicles. These actions are hoped to enhance the acquisition rate of badges and accelerate the replacement of high-polluting vehicles. (4) After screening, notifications were sent by surface mail to notify owners that their regulated vehicles require inspection; and notifications of penalties were sent by registered mail with advice of receipt to the owners who hadn’t had their motorcycles inspected regularly before due date as well as those hadn’t had their vehicles inspected even after receipt of the first notification. For the notifications sent for vehicle inspection, there were 9,000 diesel vehicle cases and 41,933 motorcycle cases in total. As to the vehicles receiving inspection after receipt of notifications in 2021, the inspection rate of diesel vehicles was 19.4% and the inspection rate of motorcycles was 66.2%. Besides, there were 81 diesel vehicles and 1,886 motorcycles urged for scrapping, achieving estimated emissions reduction effects of different pollutants, including 4.2 metric tons of PM10, 3.8 metric tons of PM2.5, 68.0 metric tons of NOX, 46.0 metric tons of CO, and 13.9 metric tons of NMHC. (5) The data of the LPR results in 2021 show that the number of phase-1 to phase-3 diesel vehicles was apparently lower than those of 2020, and the number of phase-6 vehicles was tremendously increased, revealing that the rate of replacing old vehicles in 2019-2021 increased significantly. (6) In 2019-2021 the number of diesel vehicles having acquired autonomous-management badges had increased yearly; and the unprecedented highest record was made in 2021, having 9,614 diesel vehicles acquired the badges. Apparently, sending notifications to the owners of the LPR-recognized and unregulated vehicles screened to have their vehicles inspected can enhance the management rate effectively. (7) In 2021 the districts installed with motorcycle LPR system were Anping District, Zhongxi District, Rende District, Annan District, Yongkang District, East District, South District, Xinhua District, Xinshi District and Guiren District. The administrative districts having the highest number of LPR-recognized motorcycles not being inspected regularly was Annan District at a rate of 85.7%; and an average of 15%-25% was in other administrative districts. Focusing on the data of LPR-recognized samples, cross analysis was made for the motorcycles not being inspected regularly and the two-stroke motorcycles. As to the rate of LPR-recognized motorcycle samples not being inspected regularly and the rate of two-stroke motorcycles, the highest rates of them were both in East District and South District. As to two-stroke motorcycles not being inspected regularly(over 10 LPR-recognized motorcycles), the highest rate of them was in East District, South District, Guiren District and Yongkang District. Regarding the rate of motorcycles of different phases not being inspected regularly, the highest rate was the phase-3 to phase-5 motorcycles in East District not being inspected regularly within one year, and the second highest rate was the phase-4 to phase-5 motorcycles in South District and Yongkang District not being inspected regularly within one year. (8) As shown from the LPR results in the air quality maintenance zones (Chimei Museum and Tainan Metropolitan Park) in 2021, the motorcycles aged below 10 years account for around 76.7%; the motorcycles aged above 20 years account for 2.8% only; the motorcycles not being inspected regularly account for around 52.2%; and the electric scooters account for around 3.5%. After cross analysis of the rate of LPR-recognized samples not being inspected regularly and those of different strokes, the rate of the LPR-recognized two-stroke motorcycle samples not being inspected regularly before due date was 65.4%, and the rate of four-stroke motorcycles not being inspected regularly before due date was 31.2%. (9) Focusing on administrative districts screened for a larger number of LPR-recognized phase-1 to phase-4 old motorcycles, the potential road sections highly polluted by motorcycle exhaust were mapped. Among them, South District and Yongkang District were most highly polluted, followed by Guiren District. In South District, the highly polluted places were on Section 2 of Jiankang Road, Jinhua Road, Section 2 of Datong Road, Zhonghua South Road and Dacheng Road. In Yongkang District, the highly polluted places were Daqiao Railway Station, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Kunda Road, Zhonghua Road, Zhongshan Road, Zhongzheng Road, Minzu Road and Zhongshan 7th Street. In Guiren District, the highly polluted places were Section 3 of Zhongshan Road and Minquan North Road. (10) There were 202 vehicles and machines on construction sites having completed basic information survey. Of them, 164 vehicles and machines were detected with black smoke by this program (the detection results showed that 55 vehicles and machines did not meet the excellent-grade standard, and the non-conformance rate was 33.5%), and 38 vehicles and machines were assisted by construction project to pump out fuel (all of which passed inspection). (11) There were 1,354 pieces having completed replacement of diesel vehicles and pollution improvement (932 pieces being scrapped, including those with transfer of owner and replacement, 418 pieces being adjusted and repaired, and 4 pieces additionally installed with smoke filter). 3. Suggestions (1) Improvement actions during the period of poor air quality During the period of poor air quality (from October to March of the next year) it is suggested that according to the LPR results, potential polluting road sections can be zoned out on the upwind road sections around the various Air Quality Monitoring Stations (Tainan, Annan, Xinying, Madou) in order to provide a reference for conducting roadside spot checks on diesel vehicles and motorcycles every month, taking emergency response and improvement actions in the period of poor air quality, and drafting inspection and control measures for high-polluting vehicles. (2) Expanding vehicle survey It is suggested that the LPR results collected under the various Interchanges (Rende, Yongkang, Anding, Madou, Xinshi, Xinying as well as 86 and 61 Expressways) in the jurisdiction area can be compared with the data of different industrial districts so as to compare and check whether the diesel vehicles coming from the Interchanges and Expressways have entered the industrial districts in the jurisdiction area, and investigate the major groups and industry types of the vehicles mainly entering and leaving these districts. Subsequently, there should be unregulated diesel vehicles and high-polluting diesel vehicles being screened continuously for sending notifications to their owners to have their vehicles inspected, and provide a reference for the diesel vehicle planning stations to make inspection route plan. (3) Vehicle survey and control plan in air quality maintenance zones In response to the Environmental Protection Administration’s assessment on designating air quality maintenance zones in the harbor area for control of vessels and vehicles, as well as the school and hospital districts with frequent activities of sensitive group being prioritized as designated zones, it is suggested that focusing on the districts planned to be zoned and installed with LPR system, surveys can be made for the percentages of the diesel coaches (trucks), light trucks and fuel motorcycles of 5 years from the date of manufacture entering the planned control districts, as well as the percentages of industry type, vehicle type and vehicle registration of diesel vehicles in January and February 2022, in order to provide a reference for assessment of impacts after promotion of control as well as prioritizing districts for zoning. The details can help invite impacted interested parties to attend the subsequently held deliberation meetings. Through deliberation of improving control measures, the impacts caused by the control can be minimized.
英文關鍵字 air quality maintenance zones, license plate recognition system, Chimei Museum and Tainan Metropolitan Park, construction