

中文摘要 環保署於民國99~106年針對全國重金屬高污染潛勢農地推動土壤污染調查,其後於107年起推動農地土壤污染預防工作。經查近年農地污染型態除透過灌溉圳路之低濃度長期累積,尚發現工農混雜區事業,排放高濃度廢水經道路側溝或不明渠道,介入農業灌排系統污染農地土壤;且於非農田水利灌區亦有因抽用地下水或工廠逸散污染物或廢棄物棄置造成農地土壤污染。爰此,環保署委辦「農地土壤污染源管理計畫(第2期)」,期建立長期且有效之農地污染預警及預防程序,工作內容包含完成4處污染增量區篩選及環境介質調查,且依工業聚落勘查結果辦理兩階段縮時膠囊調查,鎖定14處工業聚落之148處疑似污染源並建立關切事業清冊,並針對抽用地下水、空氣傳輸、廢棄物棄置等污染類型,完成辦理10處勘查區域篩選,並針對其中6處辦理環境介質調查,依污染特性研提3項因應方式。本計畫亦彙整既有農地污染熱區管理現況及完成8條污染圳路環境介質調查,且研提灌溉水質監測補強及農地污染潛勢分區預警修訂建議,並依農地定期監測執行成果,研提農地定期監測作業修訂建議。於計畫執行期間,亦定期維護「全國農地土壤管理系統」正常運作,協助農地管理應用需求及資料整合介接,並擴充及優化系統功能。
中文關鍵字 農地污染、污染源管理、污染源追查


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 18822.65 千元
專案開始日期 2021/03/05 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 高國源
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 謝菊蕙 執行單位 瑞昶科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110A089(公開版).pdf 44MB

Management Project for Pollution Source in Farmland Soils (II)

英文摘要 The Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) conducted investigations of farmlands with high heavy metal contamination potential from 2010 to 2017. Additionally, a policy of farmland pollution prevention and management was also implemented by EPA in 2018. According to a survey on farmland pollution, farmlands were contaminated with low-concentration heavy metal through irrigation water over long periods. Moreover, factories in industrial and agricultural mixed areas illegally discharge large amounts of wastewater with heavy metal concentrations exceeding the irrigation water quality standard into unknown ditches and road gutters at last contaminating the irrigation water and farmlands. Besides the irrigation water, groundwater overexploitation, industrial air pollution, and waste disposal cause soil heavy metal pollution in farmland. To establish long-term effective precaution and prevention procedures to avoid soil heavy metal pollution in farmlands, the “Management Project for Pollution Source in Farmland Soils (II)” is progressing. Firstly, this project focuses on selecting four demonstration zones with high pollution potential for the environmental site assessments and soil screening survey to ensure the soil pollution increment model is precise enough. Secondly, 750 samples of time-lapse capsules for heavy metal monitoring were placed in the ditch around the industrial zone to trace the pollution source according to 14 site assessment results, and 148 factories were included in the pollution source inspection list with high priority. Thirdly, 10 site assessment zones for pollution transport pathway patterns of groundwater, air, and waste disposal were selected, and three response measures were also proposed by 6 zone investigation results. Because releasing irrigation water with high-concentration heavy metal into the ditch would cause farmland soil pollution, monitoring of irrigation water quality and soil screening investigations at regular times were also necessary. According to the management status of the soil pollution hot spot zone, 8 ditch watersheds with pollution potential were selected for site investigation and soil screening survey. As farmland soil, systematic pollution was not found in the 8 ditch watershed, and the principle of regular screening of farmland soil was unideal for the environmental protection bureau to implement, depending on the reflection from local, irrigation water monitor measure improvement suggestion and farmland pollution potential zoning and precautionary measure amendment were also proposed. During the execution of this project, the team also regularly upgraded the “National Farmland Soil Management System” and assisted the EPA in farmland pollution sites and integrating data.
英文關鍵字 Farmland Pollution, Pollution Source Management, Pollution Source Tracing