

中文摘要 本計畫協助環保署督察總隊督(稽)查人員取得民用航空法規定之無人機操作證及符合遙控無人機專章之各項規定,提升督察人員應用遙測工具進行環境調查及監測之能力。並透過研究探討應用衛星遙測科技於列管廢棄物非法棄置場址監測之可行性,以及應用遙控無人機觀測科技於空氣污染觀測及採樣之可行性。 1.協助環保署督察人員取得遙控無人機操作證,符合無人機註冊規定。 (1)本計畫團隊協助環保署進行遙控無人機註冊,統計至110年10月,今年共完成5架無人機線上註冊。 (2)完成辦理共6日之「遙控無人機(UAV)教育訓練」,學科教育訓練共25人參加;術科教育訓練共28人參加。共計20位環保署督察總隊督(稽)查人員通過學科測驗取得普通證,通過率為80 %。 2.提升環保署督察人員應用遙測科技工具進行環境監測及調查之能力,並辦理一場次研習會。 (1)完成辦理「應用遙測科技工具進行環境監測及調查研習會」,參加人數共計62人,使環保署督察人員能更認識遙測技術,達到提升其應用遙測技術於污染事件調查專業能力的目的。 3.應用衛星遙測科技於列管廢棄物非法棄置場址之監測可行性研究。 (1)購置測試場域「高雄市路竹區順荏土石方資源堆置場」之Pléiades衛星影像立體對資料,產出解析度0.5公尺的數值地表模型(DSM),並完成測試場域之土方量體分析。 (2)執行1場次應用遙控無人機監測測試場域,並進行該場域之土方量體分析。 (3)探討以衛星立體像對觀測技術作為量體變化之可行性評估,過程中透過UAV作為複測與驗證資料。 4.應用遙控無人機觀測科技於空氣污染觀測及採樣之可行性研究 (1)進行常用多旋翼無人機規格參數及性能資料收集以及部分無人機實際測試評估。 (2)完成測試場域「苗栗縣垃圾焚化廠」之任務評估以及兩批次煙流監測任務。 (3)完成兩批次垃圾焚化廠空中煙流及背景採樣,及分析煙流中之特徵組成。
中文關鍵字 遙測科技、環境執法、空氣污染監測


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 1979.233 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/29 專案結束日期 2021/12/30 專案主持人 陳繼藩
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 陳于庭 執行單位 國立中央大學 (太空及遙測研究中心)


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期末報告 110A108_上傳.pdf 99MB

The project on application of remote sensing technologies to improve capability of environmental enforcement, and monitoring of illegal waste disposal sites. (2021)

英文摘要 The project assisted the inspectors of Bureau of Environmental Inspection to obtain the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) operation certificate, according to the Civil Aviation Act, and meet the regulations for the UAVs. The project also aims at capability enhancement of the inspectors of Bureau of Environmental Inspection to use remote sensing technology on environmental investigation and monitoring. Meanwhile, we investigate the feasibility of applying satellite telemetry technology to the monitoring of illegal waste disposal sites, and the feasibility of applying UAV technologies to air pollution observation and sampling. 1. The project assisted the inspectors of Bureau of Environmental Inspection to obtain UAV operation certificate, and to comply with the UAV registration regulations (1) Our team assisted the Bureau of Environmental Inspection in the registration of UAV. A total of 5 drones have been registered online this year. (2) We held a 6-day activity of " Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Training". 25 people participated in the subject training; 28 people participated in the technical training. A total of 20 inspectors of Bureau of Environmental Inspection had passed the subject test and obtained the general certificate, and the pass rate was 80%. 2. Organize a seminar to improve capability of the inspectors of Bureau of Environmental Inspection to use remote sensing technology on environmental investigation and monitoring (1) We conducted the "Application of Remote Sensing Technology to Environmental Investigation and Monitoring Seminar", with a total of 62 participants. Base on this, the inspectors of Bureau of Environmental Inspection can better understand remote sensing technology and further improve their work on pollution incident investigation. 3. The feasibility study of application of satellite telemetry technology to the monitoring of illegal waste disposal sites (1) We purchased the three-dimensional paired data of Pléiades satellite of the “Shun-ren Earth-Rock Resources Dumping Ground” in Luzhu District, Kaohsiung City. And produced digital surface models (DSM) with a resolution of 0.5 m, and did the earthwork volume analysis of the test field. (2) Our team performed an UAV monitoring mission on the test field, and made earthwork volume analysis of the field. (3) Explore the feasibility of applying satellite telemetry technology using the satellite stereo pair images for the measurement of earthwork volume change, and use UAV data for the re-measurement and verification process. 4. The feasibility study of applying UAV technology to air pollution observation and sampling (1) Collect the specifications and performance data of commonly used multi-rotor UAVs, as well as conduct actual tests for evaluation of some UAVs. (2) Complete the task assessment, and two missions of smoke plume monitoring at the test site,“Miaoli Refuse Incineration Plant”. (3)Conduct two missions of smoke plume sampling from incineration plant, also the background air sampling, and analyze the characteristic components of the samples from the test site.
英文關鍵字 Remote Sensing Technologies, Environmental Enforcement, Air Pollution Monitoring