

中文摘要 依據合約規範工作項目及內容,配合貴局之要求,於110年度內完成規定之工作項目並提出工作成果報告,每月初提送上月執行成果報表,而各項作業至110年12月31日止,營建工地完成簽立工地自主管理同意書共計54處(年度新增38處),在道路認養方面,目前累計54處(年度新增38處)洗掃長度達53,383公里,營建工程稽巡查共完成4,700處次,空污費徵收及稽催(徵收/稽催件數)共徵收2,444處次,稽催件數達88處次,其餘各項工作1至12月執行成果依序說明如下: (一)巡查管制作業 110年工地污染管制巡查共完成4,476處次,其中0缺失共計4,281處次佔約96%,10點以下缺失共計179次佔約4%,10點以上嚴重缺失16次佔不足1%,其中以物料堆置未完整覆蓋防塵網扣4點缺失最多佔14%,其次為結構體防塵網未完整覆蓋扣4點缺失佔12%及工區內車行路徑鋪面不足扣4點缺失佔12%,目前違規告發共有7件罰款總金額為30萬元,已全部完成改善。各月份巡查處次與本計畫執行初期所定之巡查目標相較,累計達成率已達100%。其中各鄉鎮市巡查件數以污染負荷最大地區花蓮市1,125件及吉安鄉1,028件最多,其次依序為壽豐鄉473件及新城鄉427件。以工程類別來看,則以其他工程2,496件與建築(RC)工程983件,為主要巡查重點。 就稽查件數統計,目前共稽查224件,以其他類工程82件最多,其次為建築類(RC)工程63件。就各鄉鎮之稽查件數統計,以花蓮市64件及吉安鄉38件為主要稽查重點區。 為執行營建工地噪音管制,目前本計畫人員110年度共計執行建築工程進行109次營建工地噪音主動稽查量測,依據現場主要施工機具進行噪音量測,分別有怪手、吊車、破碎機、預拌車等易發生噪音源之機具,依據法規量測Leq與Lmax,執行迄今共查獲19處工地於施工期間曾有音量超標情形,其噪音來源為佈樁作業及結構體灌漿時所產生,後續經與業者溝通改善並於改善期限內再次複查,已無超標情形。統計該64處營建工地噪音量測結果,Leq量測範圍在52.5~81.2dB(A)之間,Lmax量測範圍在57.6~98.1dB(A)之間。Lmax值較高之工程大多集中在開挖及佈樁作業。 110年營建工地共計列管3,969處,在3,969處列管第一至三級營建工程中屬於一級工程有988處,佔總數之25%;二級工程有1,865處佔總數47%;三級工程1,116處佔總數之28%,而至110年12月31日止,針對工程巡查狀況共計巡查處次,其中第一級工程共現勘巡查728處,第二級工程巡查1,279處。 而在法規符合度上,一級法規符合度由110年1月88%提升至12月98%共提升10%,二級法規符合度由110年1月90%提升至12月98%,共提升8%,後續仍將持續加強管制相關工作。 (二)營建工程空氣污染防制費徵收業務 統計110年營建工程空氣污染防制費徵收情形,共徵收6,186萬2,121元,其中以「疏濬工程」徵收2,917萬3,855元最多,佔總徵收金額47%,其次為其它類工程徵收1,508萬2,979元,佔總金額24%。而109年營建工程空氣污染防制費共徵收6,620萬3,697元,110年徵收金額較去年同期減少434萬1,576元。 110年1月至12月期間,縣境內因合約經費減少異動申請退費的件數最多,合計共有327件,共退費116萬1,997元;其次為因工期縮短申請退費有145件,共退費83萬5,421元。因合約經費減少異動申請退費案件仍屬多數,以工程種類異動等若干因素致營建空污費退費之件數,顯示逐年下降。 (三)營建工程空污費稽催作業 統計110年在受理營建工程空污費申報作業時,為避免民眾對法令的不瞭解導致延誤繳費,或因部分業者相關單位之預算編列運用無法如期完成繳費,經計畫人員主動電話提醒催繳共88件,到繳金額為447萬8,774元,催繳率達成100%。 (四)機動車輛噪音管制暨非游離輻射源調查 計畫期間已執行45場次之機動車輛攔檢、巡(查)作業,由警方依據車輛噪音感受程度予以攔查檢測,共計攔檢、巡(查)418輛次,檢測作業相關紀錄皆彙整後提送至環保局執行後續程序,統一將不合格車輛列為通知到檢對象。 除依工作項目執行攔檢(查)作業外,並定期依據噪音車檢舉網站及警方寧靜專案資料進行彙整,篩選經陳情之可疑噪音車,協助辦理通知到檢之行政程序及現場檢測作業,計畫期間已執行通知到檢作業共計93輛汽機車,其中72輛為路邊攔查檢及專案稽巡查部分,噪音車陳情網站部分為15輛,警察移入為3輛,外縣市移入則有3輛。 本年度(110年)應執行本縣非游離輻射量測作業達40點次以上,計畫期間已完成40點次。 (五)AI聲音照相科技執法 運用陣列式車牌辨識系統查緝行駛噪音機動車輛,相關法令於109年12月完成修正公告,並於110年1月啟用,完善機動車輛行駛噪音管制法源依據;本計畫依據大署「機動車輛行駛噪音量測方法-影像輔助法」、「機動車輛噪音管制標準」及「使用中機動車輛噪音管制辦法」等三項規定要求,將109年購置聲音照相等設備,於3月25日取得相關認證,並進行驗收工作,以符合大署訂定認證、驗證及查驗三程序,本年度已執行34場次,共辨識12,792輛次,查獲超過噪音管制標之車輛2輛次,通知到檢50輛次,己依行政程序通知違規行為人提出陳述意見後,俟屆期期滿後,辦理後續裁處事宜。 (六)創新作法-營建工程施工機具污染削減與納管工作 環保署於109年12月訂定各縣市110年考評工作項目,針對有使用施工機具之營建工程進行調查彙整,並針對重點工程施工機具現場作業排煙狀況進行檢視紀錄。 施工機具使用柴油引擎,會排放粒狀污染物,而國內施工機具大部分是從日本進口中古機具,各類型式確實不少,其操作行為不像一般大型車輛整天運行,施工機具則要看工程狀況運作,因此透過巡查方式進行納管,以掌握本縣施工機具現況,執行內容如下: 1.營建工程施工機具污染掌握率 環保署於110年2月底,通知各縣針對施工機具管制訂定管制目標數量,花蓮縣目標為33輛次,並針對施工機具之營建工程進行調查彙整,掌握資料包含機具所有人、機具廠牌、機具種類、機具年份、機具型式、機具引擎編號等,以機具引擎編號作為唯一值,無法得知引擎編號者,得以自編編號為主。 2.營建工程施工機具污染管制率 依據環保署考核項目要求(施工機具核發標章數×2+施工機具黑煙檢測數×1.5+施工機具目視無污染之虞×1+施工機具抽油數×0.5)÷施工機具污染掌握數),機具污染管制數取引擎編號唯一,包含施工機具核發標章數、施工機具黑煙檢測數、施工機具目視無污染之虞數、施工機具抽油數。因此依據前項一訂定目標數做為管制率目標分母18處,並以權重高分數項目核發標章至少18台為主要年度目標,以符合考評要求。 3.現階段成果 計畫於110年3月3日同意核備通過創新做法後,施工機具污染掌握名單計33輛,已完成調查施工機具共33輛,油品抽測10輛次,目測判煙18輛次,檢測結果皆符合法規值,完成核發標章共18輛次,各項成果彙整已於110年11月1日依環保署110年考評要求,完成上傳相關施工機具調查資料彙整。
中文關鍵字 營建工程、空氣污染、污染防制、噪音管制、非游離輻射


專案計畫編號 EPB-110-2-5 經費年度 110 計畫經費 16265 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 趙嘉雍
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 曾文婷 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年營建期末定稿(完整檔).pdf 93MB 110年營建期末定稿

110 Hualien County Construction Projects and Noise Inspection and Control Plan

英文摘要 According to the contract to standardize the work items and content, and in line with the requirements of your bureau, complete the prescribed work items within 2011 and submit a report on the results of the work, and submit the report on the execution results of the previous month at the beginning of each month. Up to now, a total of 54 construction sites have completed the signing of consent for site self-management (38 new sites in the year). In terms of road adoption, there are currently 54 sites (38 new sites in the year) with a cleaning length of 53,383 kilometers. Construction project inspection and inspection A total of 4,700 cases have been completed, and 2,444 cases of air pollution fee collection and reminders (collection / reminders) have been collected, and the number of reminders has reached 88. The rest of the implementation results from January to December are as follows. : (1) Inspection and control operations In 2011, a total of 4,476 construction site pollution control inspections were completed, of which 4,281 were missing 0, accounting for about 96%, 179 were missing below 10, accounting for about 4%, and 16 were severely missing above 10, accounting for less than 1%. The most of 14% are the lack of 4 points of the dust-proof net buckle when the material is stacked and the dust net is not completely covered, followed by 12% of the lack of 4 points of the dust-proof net of the structure and 12% of the lack of 4 points of the road pavement in the construction area. At present, there are 7 cases of violations reported with a total amount of fines of 300,000 yuan, all of which have been improved. Compared with the inspection targets set at the beginning of the implementation of this plan, the cumulative achievement rate of inspections in each month has reached 100%. Among them, the number of inspections in each township and city is the largest in Hualien City with 1,125 and Ji'an Township with 1,028, followed by Shoufeng Township with 473 and Xincheng Township with 427. In terms of project categories, 2,496 other projects and 983 construction (RC) projects were the main inspection points.According to the statistics of the number of inspections, there are currently 224 inspections, with 82 other types of projects being the most, followed by 63 construction (RC) projects. According to the statistics on the number of inspection cases in each township, Hualien City with 64 cases and Ji'an Township with 38 cases are the main inspection focus areas. In order to implement noise control on construction sites, the project personnel have carried out a total of 109 active inspections and measurements of construction site noise in 110 years. The noise measurement is carried out according to the main construction machinery on site, including strange hands, cranes, crushers, and forecasters. Machines and tools that are prone to noise sources, such as mixer trucks, measure Leq and Lmax according to regulations. So far, a total of 19 construction sites have been found to have excessive sound levels during construction. After communicating with the industry to improve and re-examined within the improvement period, there are no cases of exceeding the standard. Statistics of the noise measurement results of the 64 construction sites show that the measurement range of Leq is between 52.5 and 81.2dB(A), and the measurement range of Lmax is between 57.6 and 98.1dB(A). Projects with higher Lmax values are mostly concentrated in excavation and pile arrangement. (2) Collection of air pollution control fees for construction projects Statistics on the collection of air pollution prevention and control fees for construction projects in 110 years, a total of 61,862,121 yuan was collected, of which "dredging projects" collected the most at 29,173,855 yuan, accounting for 47% of the total collection amount, followed by other types of projects. The collection of 1,5082,979 yuan, accounting for the total amount twenty four%. In 2010, the air pollution prevention and control fees for construction projects totaled 66,203,697 yuan, and the amount collected in 2011 was 4,341,576 yuan less than the same period last year. From January to December 2011, the county has the largest number of applications for refunds due to changes in contract funds, with a total of 327 cases, with a total refund of 1,161,997 yuan; followed by 145 applications for refunds due to shortened construction periods, with a total of 145 refunds. 835,421 yuan. There are still many cases of application for refunds due to changes in contract funds. The number of refunds for construction air pollution fees due to certain factors such as changes in project types shows a decrease year by year. (3) Audit and reminder operation of air pollution fees for construction projects Statistics 110 When accepting the declaration of air pollution fees for construction projects, in order to avoid delays in payment due to public lack of understanding of laws and regulations, or failure to complete payment as scheduled due to the budget preparation and application of relevant units of the industry, the planners took the initiative to call to remind them to pay. A total of 88 cases, the payment amount is 4,478,774 yuan, and the reminder rate has reached 100%. (4) Noise control of motor vehicles and investigation of non-ionizing radiation sources During the plan period, 45 times of motor vehicle inspection and inspection (inspection) operations have been carried out. The police will inspect and inspect the vehicle according to the noise level of the vehicle. A total of 418 vehicles have been inspected and inspected. The relevant records of inspection operations are compiled. Submit it to the Environmental Protection Bureau for follow-up procedures, and uniformly list unqualified vehicles as the objects to be notified for inspection. In addition to carrying out inspection (inspection) operations according to work items, it also regularly compiles data from the Noisy Vehicle Reporting Website and the Police Tranquillity Project to screen suspicious noise vehicles that have been reported, assist in the administrative procedures for notification of arrival for inspection and on-site inspection operations. During the painting period, a total of 93 automobiles and locomotives have been notified and inspected, of which 72 are roadside inspections and special inspections, 15 are noisy vehicles, 3 are moved in by the police, and 3 are moved in from other counties and cities. vehicle. In this year (110 years), more than 40 non-ionizing radiation measurement operations should be carried out in this county, and 40 times have been completed during the planning period. . (5) AI sound camera technology for law enforcement Use the array type license plate recognition system to detect and detect motor vehicles with noise in driving. The relevant laws and regulations were revised in December 2019 and put into use in January 2011. The legal basis for noise control of motor vehicles is improved. This project is based on the "Motor Vehicles Driving Noise Measurement Method - Image Aided Law, "Motor Vehicle Noise Control Standards" and "Measures for Noise Control of Motor Vehicles in Use" require that the acquisition of sound camera and other equipment in 109 years will be obtained on March 25. Certification and acceptance work are carried out to comply with the three procedures of certification, verification and inspection stipulated by the DSD. This year, 34 sessions have been carried out, a total of 12,792 vehicles have been identified, 2 vehicles exceeding the noise control standard have been seized, and 50 vehicles have been notified for inspection. , after the violator has been notified in accordance with administrative procedures to make a statement, and after the expiration of the period, the follow-up sanction will be handled. (6) Innovative approach-construction engineering construction equipment pollution reduction and management work In December 2019, the Environmental Protection Agency formulated a 110-year evaluation work item for each county and city, conducted investigations and compilations on construction projects using construction equipment, and reviewed and recorded the smoke exhaust conditions of key construction equipment on-site operations. Construction equipment uses diesel engines, which will emit granular pollutants. Most of the domestic construction equipment is imported from Japan. There are many types of old equipment. There are many types of construction equipment, and their operating behavior is not like ordinary large vehicles that run all day long. Construction equipment depends on The project is in operation, so it is managed through inspection to grasp the current status of construction equipment in the county. The implementation content is as follows: 1. Contamination control rate of construction equipment in construction projects At the end of February 2011, the Environmental Protection Agency notified the counties to set the number of control targets for the management of construction equipment. Hualien County has a target of 33 vehicles. It has also conducted investigations and compilations on the construction projects of construction equipment. , Machine type, machine year, machine type, machine engine number, etc. The machine engine number is used as the unique value. If the engine number cannot be known, the self-made number can be used. 2. Pollution control rate of construction equipment in construction projects According to the requirements of the assessment project of the Environmental Protection Agency (the number of labels issued by the construction equipment × 2 + the number of black smoke detection of the construction equipment × 1.5 + the visual pollution of the construction machinery and equipment × 1 + the number of oil pumping by the construction equipment × 0.5) ÷ the number of pollution mastery of the construction equipment) , The number of pollution control of machinery and equipment is unique to the engine number, including the number of construction machinery and equipment issued and issued, the number of construction machinery and equipment black smoke detection, the number of construction machinery and equipment that are visually free of pollution, and the number of construction machinery and equipment pumping oil. Therefore, the number of targets set in the preceding paragraph is used as the denominator of the control rate target 18, and the main annual target is to issue at least 18 badges for items with high weights to meet the evaluation requirements. 3. Achievements at this stage After the plan was approved on March 3, 2011 to approve and pass the innovative approach, there are 33 construction equipment pollution control lists, 33 construction equipment have been investigated, 10 oil sampling tests, 18 visual inspections for smoke, and 18 inspections. The results are all in line with the legal value, and a total of 18 vehicles have been issued and issued. The compilation of various results has been completed on November 1, 2010 in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency's 110-year evaluation.
英文關鍵字 construction project, pollution control, air pollution, noise control, non-ionizing radiation