

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)為因應全球減碳的趨勢,經長期研擬與規劃,於99年開始推動碳足跡標籤相關作業,鼓勵企業於量化產品生命週期中之原料取得、製造、配送銷售、使用及廢棄處理各階段,瞭解所產生之碳排放及減量熱點,進而尋找降低碳排放的機會,繼而我國成為全球第11個推動碳足跡標籤的國家。爾後,環保署為鼓勵廠商除揭露自身產品的碳排放資訊外,亦能進一步藉由產品本身、製程及供應鏈中找出溫室氣體排放減少之機會,甚至檢討產品的綠色設計,進而降低消費者在使用及廢棄處理階段的溫室氣體排放量,達到實質減量成效。因此,我國於103年起開始推動碳足跡減量標籤,又稱碳足跡減量標籤,成為全球第4個推動減(低)碳足跡標籤的國家。此外,為完整呈現與反映生命週期碳足跡計算之在地性,並滿足國內產業各界廣泛之碳足跡計算服務需求,以有效推動並協助業者進行產品碳資訊之揭露,行政院環保署係於101年開始進行產品碳足跡計算服務平臺(已於109年更名為產品碳足跡資訊網)各項功能模組與碳係數資料庫之開發與建置,並於109年度將臺灣產品碳足跡資訊網與產品碳足跡計算服務平臺完成系統整合,藉此協助產業各界建構碳足跡資訊揭露之基礎能力,更成為政府及產業界推動減碳目標、對外宣示其企業社會責任及產品綠色行銷之重要溝通工具。 本計畫係承接109年「產品碳足跡資訊揭露與發展雲端審查標示制度專案工作計畫」,除持續透過行政院環保署環境保護許可管理資訊系統(簡稱EMS系統)資料輔以廠家配合盤查、政府機關公開資訊,以及引入國內外公民營機構碳足跡或生命週期資料之等方式,進行碳足跡係數資料庫內容建置與更新外,亦持續維運並推廣產品碳足跡資訊網,使碳足跡計算所涉及之碳足跡排放係數查詢與引用、碳足跡計算與熱點分析、數據品質檢核、碳足跡標籤查詢與申請以及關鍵性審查機制等功能能隨時保持可用狀態。110年主要工作重點,可歸納以下五點:(1)輔導具推廣效益業者計算產品碳足跡及申請碳足跡標籤,(2)追蹤與監督查核碳足跡標籤產品,並評估與研(修)訂產品碳足跡標示制度,(3)持續建置本土碳足跡排放係數並維護管理及加強推廣產品碳足跡資訊網,(4)推廣碳足跡標籤並辦理企業觀摩活動分享計算過程及效益,以及(5)參加並辦理2021年亞洲碳足跡網絡國際會議。
中文關鍵字 產品碳足跡資訊網、碳足跡排放係數資料庫、碳足跡標籤


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 6635.569 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/07 專案主持人 盧怡靜
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 陳明源 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 FY110 成果報告_本文+附件.pdf 15MB 成果報告

The service of developing carbon information disclosure and carbon label application cloud system

英文摘要 Under the global trend of carbon reduction, The Environmental Protection Administration of the Republic of China on Taiwan (EPA, ROC(Taiwan)) has operated product carbon label scheme from 2010, and at the same time Taiwan is 11th country to promote carbon label scheme. With calculating the product carbon footprint, EPA, ROC(Taiwan) hopes the companies can increase their ability to calculate and disclose carbon footprint and to find the opportunity of carbon reduction and eco-design. Therefore, EPA, ROC(Taiwan) has promoted product carbon-reduction label from 2014, and at the same time Taiwan is 4th country to promote carbon-reduction label. Along with the development of carbon label scheme, EPA, ROC(Taiwan) has constructed product carbon footprint calculation platform in 2012 and integrated the platform with Taiwanese product of carbon footprint platform in 2020. Afterward, this system is renamed Product Carbon Footprint Information Platform to correspond to the industry’s need. We hope the platform can be the important communication tools for government and industry to achieve carbon reduction targets, to declare its corporate social responsibility and to market green product to the public. This year, we develop the new task based on the basis of “The service of developing carbon information disclosure and carbon label application cloud system(2020)”, the aim of this project is to keep constructing and updating local raw material and energy’s carbon emission factor with Taiwanese companies, to manage and promote the function of Product Carbon Footprint information Platform(including the function of calculation, database, data quality assessment, critical review ,carbon label application and so on).To achieve the aim, there are five points as follows: (1) Counsel the company about calculating and verifying product carbon footprint with using product carbon footprint calculation platform and obtaining carbon label.(2)Follow-up and monitor carbon label product and evaluate whether to modify the carbon label scheme.(3) Construct local raw material and energy’s carbon emission factor and keep managing and promoting product carbon footprint information platform.(4)Hold the campaign to promote carbon label scheme.(5) Hold and attend the 2021 Asia Carbon Footprint Network (ACFN) conference in order to let our carbon label scheme in line with other country and to obtain the latest information from other country.
英文關鍵字 carbon footprint calculation service platform, carbon footprint database, carbon footprint label