英文摘要 |
“2021 Tainan City Promote Low-carbon Sustainable Homeland and Climate Change Adaption Plan” had six main work projects which included “promoting sustainable development”, “promoting greenhouse gases reduction”, “greenhouse gases exposure”, “low-carbon sustainable home maintenance”, “community-based adaptability to climate change” and “comprehensive advertising”.
Regarding the “promoting of sustainable development”, the "Main Points for the Establishment of the Sustainability Promotion Group" was submitted in March, and the "Main Points for the Establishment of the Low-Carbon Adaptation and Sustainable Development Committee" in Tainan City were announced on September 28, 2021. This plan assisted in the compilation of "Tainan City’s Sustainable Development Promotion Plan", submitted the first draft on August 30, 2021, and submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency on November 20. "Tainan City Sustainable Development Goals Voluntary Local Review" had been submitted to Environmental Protection Department before the 31st of the month. 6 sustainable meeting had been convened in total.
For “promoting greenhouse gases reduction”, the project assisted in supervising GHG control implementation plans, and collected first phase data (2018-2020), and compiled the first phase review report of the GHG control implementation plans. Second phase GHG control implementation plans draft had also been drafted. Convened two inter-departmental meetings and two “Low-carbon adaptation and sustainable committee” which reviewed actions performance and GHG control targets.
About “greenhouse gases exposure”, there were 34 designated emission sources designated emission sources shall conduct GHG accounting and registration this year. 34 emission soruces had finished accounting and registration. And after registration, 34 sources had been investigated online and in the field. All of sources had passed investigation. After resource investigation, we had finished 2020 greenhouse gas inventory of Tainan City, the total emission of greenhouse was 22,488,937.5171 ton CO2e. According inventory, industrial sector (including energy of industry and industrial processes) contributed 60.39%, energy of household contributed 15.48%, energy of transportation contributed 15.26%. Additionally, there were 6 commodities had been tutored to apply “Carbon Footprint Label”.
Regarding “low-carbon sustainable home maintenance”, this project convened the 2 meeting which was Southern District Living Circle Conference .For low carbon and sustainable home certification, Tainan had added 10 villages to participate certification successfully, 4 villages to get cooper certification this year.. Up to now, Tainan City successfully coached 299 villages to participate certification successfully, 47 villages to get copper certification, 9 villages to get silver certification, 30 administrative districts to participate certification successfully , 6 administrative districts to obtain the silver certification and 1 administrative districts obtain the copper certification.
For constructing low carbon and sustainable homeland, there were two subsidy plans had been executed. First, the 2021-year Tainan City Low-Carbon Community Reconstruction assisted 9 low-carbon communities to improve and 11 low-carbon communities to maintain action projects. And 2021 Tainan City Low-Carbon Community Building Cooling Renovation Subsidy Project assisted in building cooling insulation projects for public buildings in 2 administrative.
For “community-based adaptability to climate change”, we collected 3 case about participatory budget, and tracked maintenance results of subsidized units. Finally, we executed 2 meeting for training climate change adaptation promotion lectures.
The last project, “comprehensive advertising”, maintained and updated the "Tainan City Low Carbon City Network", released the electronic quarterly magazine to introduce news and results about Tainan City’s low carbon operations. In conjunction with the EPA policy announcement, the total of 8 low-carbon related environmental protection press releases had been submitted.