

中文摘要 中央與地方政府近年來努力推動多種空污防制策略,我國空氣品質亦逐年改善,惟仍有部分地區仍有季節性空品不良狀況。為因應氣象變異或其他因素造成之短期空品不良,環保署與地方政府皆會依據空氣品質預報,提前採取各種應變措施,如上風處縣市工廠減少排放,協調燃煤火力發電廠減排降載等。然而當一系列應變措施實施後,所造成的空氣品質改善成效如何?是否可由減量即有改善的定性描述進階到量化評估空污應變措施的成效,特別是分布在全台各地的火力電廠一直是重要污染源,如何依照不同氣象條件,規劃不同組合的電廠減排降載以達成空氣品質最佳改善一直是環保署欲瞭解的重要課題。 為了釐清氣象條件對於台灣空氣品質之影響,本團隊將綜整歷年高污染事件日的天氣型態,探討對於臺灣不同地區的污染濃度影響,同時運用網格模式模擬進行高污染事件日評估,完成多種天氣型態歷史空品事件日之多種污染減量情境,提供環保署多項科學證據,協助環保署制訂空品緊急應變措施。並透過空品模式模擬分析不同版本排放量清冊之差異,研析出可精進管制作為之特定污染源別,整合上述天氣型態、歷史空品事件日與特定污染源別之模擬成果,建立結合空品預報與不同污染源貢獻程度解析之流程,以應用於中央與地方空品緊急應變之執行,透過科學性模式模擬資料之解析,即時提供不同污染源貢獻程度供決策參考,並滾動式回饋應變管制策略制定,以提升空氣品質惡化防制應變之成效。
中文關鍵字 空品不良應變方案、電廠降載、歷史案例日減量效益、空品惡化應變成效推估工具


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 4950 千元
專案開始日期 2021/09/07 專案結束日期 2022/06/06 專案主持人 賴信志
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 邱慶睿 執行單位 長榮大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 空氣品質惡化防制應變成效提升計畫成果報告_長榮大學修正稿.pdf 25MB

Enhancing Air Quality Improvement of Air Quality Deterioration Emergency Response

英文摘要 In recent years, Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the local Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) have implemented multiple emission control strategies. Althoμgh national air quality has been improved year by year, seasonal air quality deterioration still occasionally occurs in specific air quality zones. To deal with air quality deterioration caused by local meteorology and other factors, Taiwan EPA and local EPB would adopt emission control strategies such as controlling industrial emissions from upwind areas and local coal-fired power plants based on air quality deterioration event forecasting. However, the derived air quality improvement after a series of responses still remained unclear and needs further quantification. Considering local coal-fired power plants as important emission sources, the understanding of their emission control benefits should be advanced from qualitative description to quantitative assessment. Developing different combination of emission control strategies based on different meteorological conditions to maximize air quality improvement is also a crucial issue for Taiwan EPA. In order to assess the impact of regional and local meteorology on air quality in Taiwan, this project collected historical meteorological conditions during air quality events and investigated their impacts on the air quality zones. For these historical events, the project conducted air quality modeling based on several emission control scenarios that can provide scientific support for Taiwan EPA to prevent potentially significant air quality degradation in the future. Second, this project conducted air quality modeling based on different versions of the Taiwan Emission Data System (TEDS) and identify the potential abatement plans for the specific emission sources. Third, combining the above-mentioned results, the project developed a framework that can forecast air quality and quantify source-specific contributions. Throμgh air quality modeling and post-analysis, the framework can provide scientific support for Taiwan EPA and local EPB to plan and timely update their emission control strategies, and thus maximize the air quality benefit of emergency response to air quality deterioration.
英文關鍵字 air quality deterioration emergency response, power plant emission abatement, air quality deterioration emergency response assessment tool