

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作,為對「110至113年環境水質(北、中、南區)監測計畫」之執行過程、結果、品質系統等影響監測數據品質的要素進行評核及查核。依據年度目標,本計畫已完成每月環境水質監測數據之評核,並已於各月提交評核報告及品保評核摘錄。在管理評析環境水質監測作業部分,係完成訂定「110至113年環境水質(北、中、南區)監測計畫」數據品質目標、完成計畫品保規劃書及標準作業程序之審核、出席計畫工作會議、110年度已執行106/105站次之採樣現場及38/36人次之檢驗室查核工作、辦理1次標準品測試,其中標準品測試已執行6家次;111年度已執行432/420站次之採樣現場及148/144人次之檢驗室查核工作、辦理4次標準品測試,其中標準品測試已執行25家次;112年度已執行436/420站次之採樣現場及152/144人次之檢驗室查核工作、辦理4次標準品測試,其中標準品測試已執行25家次;113年度已執行142/140站次之採樣現場及50/48人次之檢驗室查核工作、辦理1次標準品測試,其中標準品測試已執行7家次、評鑑採樣人員技術及建立合格人員清單、建立採樣現場測定儀器合格清單,並配合進行測站現場勘查,提出相關建議以供參考。在編製環境水質年報及更新查核手冊,本計畫已完成提交111及112年度環境水質年報及彙整更新查核手冊。於本計畫執行過程,若發現有可能影響監測數據品質之缺失時,即要求相關承商改善並進行必要處置。此外,針對監測作業提升數據有效率,亦辦理1場次監測作業一致性研習訓練,及1場次現場查核及數據品質研討會。檢討各區檢驗室水質監測現場採樣及檢驗作業間存在之問題與差異,溝通執行水質監測一致性作法,提升計畫品質內容。
中文關鍵字 環境水質監測數據、水質監測現場採樣、水質檢驗作業


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 19420 千元
專案開始日期 2021/10/01 專案結束日期 2024/04/30 專案主持人 許逸群
主辦單位 環境部監測資訊司 承辦人 林佳慧 執行單位 崑山科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110至113年度環境水質監測作業管理評析暨品質保證計畫計畫總結報告.pdf 7MB 110至113年度環境水質監測作業管理評析暨品質保證計畫計畫總結報告

Management and Auditing of Environmental Water Quality Monitoring Program(2021.10~2024.04)

英文摘要 The major goal of this project was to check the whole processes that influenced the monitoring data quality obtained from the “The Environment Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Northern, Middle, and Southern Area of Taiwan” program. This year, the monitoring data quality had already been reviewed and the related reports were submitted to Ministry of Environment(MOENV) each month. The implementations of management, evaluating and analysis of data quality of environmental water were also finished, including stipulating the quality goals of monitoring data, reviewing and audition of the Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) and Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) for the proposal “The Environment Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Northern, Middle, and Southern Area of Taiwan”. Also attending the working conferences of the plan, execution of monitoring on site sample collection works 106 times / 105 stations of monitoring on site sample collection works, 38 times / 36 personal-count in 2021, 432 times / 420 stations of monitoring on site sample collection works, 148 times / 144 personal-count in 2022, and 436 times / 420 stations of monitoring on site sample collection works, 152 times / 144 personal-count in 2023, and 36 times / 140 stations of monitoring on site sample collection works, 16 times / 48 personal-count in 2024, of verifying laboratory works so far this year (2023). In addition, standard sample test were excuted 6 sessions items in 2021, 25 sessions items in 2022 , 25 sessions items in 2023 , and 1 sessions items in 2024 , as well as assessed the expertise of sample collection staffs and set up the list of qualified personnel, setting up the tabular forms for qualified measuring instruments used in sampling field. For the establishment of environmental water quality monitoring annual report and information-services with updates of the check list operating manual. During the executive process of this plan, it was requirement that the improvement and the necessarily processing program should be implemented by the contractors while a fault that might influence the quality of monitoring data was made from them. Moreover, from the executive result of this work, it revealed that the quality of data could be held effectively while personnel's technology and instrumental quality had been required rationally in advance. Generally speaking, besides of cooperating with this plan, if the contractors could strengthen self-checking even more, the promotion of the quality of monitoring data would be more efficient.
英文關鍵字 Environmental water quality monitoring data, water quality monitoring on-site sampling, water quality inspection operations